Atheist vs. Theist

Alright, not sure if you've heard this one before.

Here's an argument for the existence of God that I've heard before.

Let me know what you guys think:

"If we all evolved from other the same point of chaos, why is it that man is distinctly different in one respect: morality. I do not speak of morality as in "the existence of non-universal, yet implied, code of conduct from which people choose to live by," but the word itself. It would seem that in all of existence things only do what they do. There exists not "should" and "should not". A rock never does what it "should not" do, even as an animal does what it "should not" do. Planets circle the stars, stars circle around galactic centers of gravities.. and so on. So how is it, that man, does what he "should not" do? It doesn't matter what the "should not" is defined as, merely that it is stated as an meaningful, applicable concept towards eachother."

Theists - do some good!

There's a lot of wrangling about what is and isn't in the US Constitution on this forum. One thing that definitely is in it is the 'right to bear arms'. One thing the theists and atheists on here generally agree about is 'Thou shalt not kill', whether that's a God-given commandment or an obvious, non-God-given moral. Whatever the context of that part of the constitution when it was written, it today means that countless citizens carry guns. As a result countless citizens are killed by them, who woudl be alive if that part of the constitution was changed.

Why don't the millions of theists argue for the elimination of this part of the constitution? Combined with any sort-of-believers and atheists who agree (even a small number must do) surely that would be easy to pass? God / Jesus did not command 'Thou shalt put Me in thy governments' constitutions', nor 'Thou shalt ban abortion and kill doctors that perform it' yet millions have interpreted God's teaching to argue in favour of just those things. If the God lovers on here wanted a change of law that really would save millions of lives, isn't the amendment about arms the first thing to consider? Why are they so silent on this?

weasel7711's picture

A Few Questions (originally meant to be sent to administrators as an e-mail)

I dont expect this to be taken seriously but here goes:
I am a Christian, I acknowledge the existence of the Holy Spirit and Christ, through whom I live and have existence. I am not here to tell you that you are going to hell, im sure the wolves in sheeps clothing that call themselves christians have attempted to oust you will damnation already. Im not here to insult you either, im sure you have recieved your share of insults. Im here to discuss. Feel free to respond, you will find im a fairly rational thinker.

I recently viewed some of your videos on the Blasphemy Challenge on youtube. I respect athiests in the manner that they are using their logical minds that have been given to them by God, and I agree with american atheists in that there are a lot of borderline-retarded Christians out there who use the bible as an excuse to be ignorant. However, logic and faith can be excercised without being irrational.

The beginning

Ok so to come up with weather or not one believes in God you have to start at a logical place. Let’s see why don’t we start at the beginning. Sound good to you??? I think so. Ok so I want to hear from both sides. Where did everything come from? (Please don’t give me the big bang bullshit) something most have existed for all time. Since this is so, what has existed for all time? (Everything come from something, however there must be at least one exception to this) (The most common ideas are a creating thing (most call this God) or the opposite of that, the universe has existed for all time) I side with the first for many reasons, for now we will go with this one; because even the most extreme scientist would not dare say the universe has existed for all time.

Brian37's picture

My apologies to Bod...

Sometimes in the heat of the debate people missfire and I am no different.

Just so we are clear. Bod....Are you a Christian or Muslim? 

The beginning

Ok so to come up with weather or not one believes in God you have to start at a logical place. Let’s see why don’t we start at the beginning. Sound good to you??? I think so. Ok so I want to hear from both sides. Where did everything come from? (Please don’t give me the big bang bullshit) something most have existed for all time. Since this is so, what has existed for all time? (Everything come from something, however there must be at least one exception to this) (The most common ideas are a creating thing (most call this God) or the opposite of that, the universe has existed for all time) I side with the first for many reasons, for now we will go with this one; because even the most extreme scientist would not dare say the universe has existed for all time.

Religion doesn't spark hatred?

After watching this, I'd beg to differ:

British film crew threatened by druken settler in Hebron

Tel Rumeida is a small Palestinian neighborhood deep in the West Bank city of Hebron. Palestinian families from whom these settlers occupied lands, live directly next to these settlers and are often virtual prisoners in their homes, subject to the settlers' violent attacks and destruction of property.

razorphreak's picture


[mod note]This may not exactly be ten threads combined, we'll keep combining them. Many of the posts appear out of order due to a merging glitch. It shouldn't matter much as it's basically the same objection over and over, none of which actually address the intent of the challenge.[/mod]

Something had been bothering me and I'm hoping that one of you guys might be able to explain this to me. The entire challenge is based off the passage from Mark 3:29:But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin....however the ENTIRE passage is truly the following:

What do you Believe to be an axiom for rationality?

"I think therefore I am"

Do think otherwise is inherently irrational.

laguna117's picture

the Harm of Religion: Inhibition of knowledge vs. generation of violence

Hi everyone,


I'm an atheist, i know most of the atheists arguments and literature and I am keen on science. The conversation about the rationality of theism often goes two way 1) is theism true ? (which i think is undefendable) 2) what harm does religion do?


On this second question, i disagree a lot with what i hear/read in recent atheists literature. Here is why.


1)Religion, without no doubt to me, creates one major harm: the inhibition of search for knowledge. It even does it explicitly: the tree of knowledge is man's curse, "blessed be the simple mind" (or someting like that) in the new testament... and so on. Religions encourages ignorance by saying (explicitly again) that some things cannot or should not be known, that knowledge can produce evil things etc. One could also make a case that more religious countries/period of time have on average a slower scientific progress (see middle east nowadays or the middle ages).

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