Atheist vs. Theist

22jesus22's picture

is atheism a religion?

 Hello there,



I was wondering what people thought about atheism being considered a religion. 


I would like to hear educated and thought out responses and not just simple brush offs. If you were posed with the question, is atheism a religion? How would you responded to it? What reasons would you give for or against it? 

Zeepheus's picture

Prove your god

I do not recall who proposed this question or the exact wording but it was always one of my favorite questions to watch theists attempt to answer. Honestly as far as I am concerned this is a very simple question to answer but I like to see how others answer. The gist of this questions is :

A being appears in front of you and says I am God. What do you require for proof?


What do you tell / ask this being?

Medievalguy's picture

How can there be love without god?

 My gf is refusing to speak with me. After an entire day of silence and crying she handed me this note...thoughts?

She wrote the following:

The whole store about the dragon in the garage could theoretically disprove anything that could not be proved, like human relationships. Whit if I were to say something like, "My parents love me?" You might ask for evidence: have they told me so? Have they taken care of me? Have they been to my sports games, plays, graduations? You then could present concepts like the biological impulse to breed, societal pressure to partner and breed, birth control failure, sense of duty and reciprocation - the idea that if they care for you now, build up a bond now, you will be in the physical and mental condition to care for them later.

New youtube guide out in 4-6 months

I am writing a youtube atheist guide to religion, faith, and belief. I have many known youtube atheists involved such as Dprjones, Proportionalresponse, Aronra, Edwardcurrent, Greatbigbore, Brettppalmer, 43alley and many many others. If you have any suggestions to make the book better please feel free to contact me.

Tom_the_Who's picture

Proof of God

(1) g = dftx. ~(∃y)(Gyx) (Df)

(2) (x)(y) ((Rx & Ry)=>Gxy) (p)

(3) (∃y)(Ry) (p)

(4) ~Rg (AP)

(5) (x)((Rx & ~Rg)=>(Gxg)) (2; UI)

(6) Ry (3; EI)

(7) Ry & ~Rg (4,6; Conj)

(8 ) Gy(tx. ~(∃y)(Gyx)) (5,7; UI, MP, ID)

(9) ( ∃y)Gy(tx. ~(∃y)(Gyx)) (8; EG)

(10) ~~( ∃y)Gy(tx. ~(∃y)(Gyx)) (9; B, T)

:. Rg (4-10; IP, DN)


Marty Hamrick's picture

Objectivity: Something Theists Hate

  Theists have a real problem with objectivity. So much so that they want to wish it into the realm of illusion, quoting Imanual Kant when it suits them.

  Some get really upset and passionate when you tell them that there's no objective evidence for their mythos, they'll go on and on about how all human experience is subjective and how nothing is really objective because it's all percieved by human beings with subjective points of view.

  Have these people never balenced a checkbook? Do they ever look at their speedometers to see how fast they're going, or is that just a subjective human experience? Is there really no way you can tell how fast your car is going because the speedometer is subjective because the person who built it was having a subjective human experience when he built it? What about your experience in reading the speedometer? That's subjective too and the cop's radar, I suppose that's subjective as well? I suppose the cop and the state have to rely on the subjective experience of jurors to get a conviction.


 It's easy to see what's really going on here. They can and will never get any credibility with their mystical experiences being anything other than dreams and hallucinations as long as objectivity exists, so they have to do their best to dismiss it.


religion such a waste

i read through christian sites and cant believe i fell for that shit what a fucking stupid thing


i did believe jesus and want live like christian girl but it too stupid they tell you not have sex but christian girls are biggest whores


i loved god so much i use to think i talk to him but i didnt i just fucking talk to myself and wonder why i was so stupid



believe in magic sky daddy what the fuck?





Marty Hamrick's picture

Former Atheists: You Do NOT Know Me

On several religious debate forums, I've had more than one former atheist say that they were "once like me", and thus my motivations are similar to what there's were. Furthermore many go on to insist that every person has some sort of, for lack of a better word, "faith seed" in them that accounts for all the anti religious attitudes in atheists. These folks say that because atheists fight what god put in them, that we're an angry lot with a chip on our shoulders looking to fight Christians.

While I can't speak for all atheists, I can say with assurance that none of this describes me. I don't believe that I ever had this "faith seed" in my system (I'm really curious to see what Dr. Persinger's God Helmet would do for me. Richard Dawkins tried it and got nada. I feel pretty sure my results would be similar). I never disbelieved out of rebellion, in fact, except for some brief teen episodes, I wasn't a rebellious kid, so the belief that people are atheists because they don't want rules is utterly ridiculous, at least in my case it is. I'm the type of person who will stand at a street corner at 3 AM and wait for the traffic light to change before I cross even when there's no traffic.

I am non-religious , and that's the reason

 Hello everybody,


I am an ex-muslim from morocco , and I am new to this website, 

First of all , I thank the administration for this freethinkers space and I hope it continues growing and developing.


I want to put here the reason : why am I atheist.. As you know , Islam is a religion that has common roots with christianity and judaism.. so what we say on the first , is also said on the last two religions ...and vice versa. though if we prove that judaism stories are myths , then we can say : goodbye islam.

Judaism is the most important religion when discussing the truth behind the 3 religions , cuz it's the source of all human sufferings , with the guidance of the aggressive God Yahve, we can say that the racism (race of one people : e.g : israel) is the birth of the 3 religions .(I hope my idea is clear).


Those are my question to theist people in this forum (I ask the same questions to muslims but the response was the HABITUAL AMAZING ABSENCE OF MIND which is familiar to me in those cases Smiling


1. Did adam and eve have the sexual organism in the Heavens (the paradise) ?? if so, why should God create them if they are living in Jannah, where there's no reproduction .... that means that God knows that adam and eve will commit sin , that they will go down to earth , that they will reproduce there, ISN'T THIS A BAD AND STUPID GOD WHO LOVES YOU (Sticking out tongue)??


How and when to talk to children about the god fantasy.




I have a five year old daughter that of course believes in santa, the easter bunny and the tooth fairy. I know that she will grow out of these in time, on her own, with no need for me to ruin her fantasy fun time. However many (most) adults in her life believe that this invisible magic space guy is real, and will gladly back these beliefs to children, which makes it more difficult for the child to see that this falls in the fantasy funtime catagory. I do not want my childs outlook on her life and future to be blurred  or henderd in anyway by this fantasy, so if necessary I will have to step in at some point. The saddest part of all this is that its even an  issue in the first place. That as a parent I must deal with.


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