Atheist vs. Theist

David Henson's picture

100 Proof (Repost For Jonathan)

I don't know if I'm doing this proper, but upon request this is a repost from the Kill them with kindness forum.


What is that expression that concludes that "proof" is for alcohol and . . . something else. To me, the interesting thing about "proving" the supernatural would be the effects of that perhaps being that it would no longer be supernatural. The implication, of course, being that if we can't understand it we must deny it. At one time whales and squid were thought of as "supernatural," not that that means much. 

From a strictly atheistic point of view I don't see how it could matter because most atheists  I have talked with believe in the possibility of there being other intelligent life forms in the universe. Angels? Oh, no! That isn't possible because the Bible says so. On the other hand at Galatians 5:20 Paul uses the Greek word pharmakia, from which comes our English word Pharmacy. It is most often translated as "spiritism" because drugs were, and still are in primitive societies, used as a means to access the spirit world. Of course - the sort of "proof" of which you speak is, under the influence, difficult to to document and confirm. Then again, can you "prove" that we evolved or can you assume that based upon our obviously poor observation that we did because other than the Bible there is no explanation? Can you prove the air you breathe is real or how much do we know about black holes? 


Paisley's picture

The Self-Contradictory Definition of Physicalism and the Indeterminate Nature of the Physical

(To a large extent, this thread will serve as a critique of "physicalism" as defined in Wikipedia.)

Wikipedia defines physicalism (a.k.a. materialism) as follows:


Physicalism is a philosophical position holding that everything which exists is no more extensive than its physical properties; that is, that there are no kinds of things other than physical things.

(source: Wikipedia: Physicalism)

Please note, according to this defintion, that physicalism holds that the only things that exist are PHYSICAL THINGS and that everything "is no more extensive than its PHYSICAL PROPERTIES (emphasis mine)".

Also, Wikipedia states the physicalism is whatever that which is defined by the science of physics:


The ontology of physicalism ultimately includes whatever is described by physicsnot just matter but energy, space, time, physical forces, structure, physical processes, information, state, etc.

(source: Wikipedia: Physicalism)

But "space" and "time" are clearly abstractions, not physical things at all. Also, what about information? Is information a physical thing?

Wikipedia gives the following rationale for why the term "physicalism" is preferred to the term "materialism:"


Pillowpants's picture

What would Jesus NOT do?

If you an atheist and you haven't seen this video I strongly suggest you watch it, you will be astounded

If you are a Christian I strongly suggest you watch this as you will have to jump through hoops to be a Christian after you watch this (It's not like you haven't) done it before...

One more atheist questionnaire add-on question...

Hello again, here is another add on question to the questionnaire (I swear this is the last one)...

What is your most convincing theory for the origin of life?

From what I've studied thus far the best answer I could give would be that it started either with a primodial soup in oceans or lakes, or that it came from somewhere else in space via a metor or asteroid, or that it started in volcanos. Let me know if you would like to elaborate on these or add something completely different. Thank you all for your time and responses.

Atheist questionnaire add-on question...

Hello everyone, thanks again to those who participated in my atheist questionnaire, if it's ok here is a additional question that I decided to add to the questionnaire....

What is your favorite and or most convincing arguments and evidences against substance dualism and or the existence of the human soul and or for mind/brain physicalism?

My answer: Based on what I have studied thus far the best argument or evidence is the lack of any detectable evidence for the human soul. If there is anything that you all know of as far as scientific experiments,studies, or anything from neuroscience that have been done to verify mind/brain physicalism please list them. Anyway that's the add-on question and as always, thank you for your time and for your responses. Take care.

Modal Ontological Argument

(1) If an eternal being exists, then there is no potential for this being to not exist.    

(1a) An eternal being is, by definition, without end. Any being which has the potential to stop existing is not eternal.

(2) If an eternal being does not exist, then there is no potential for this being to exist.

(2a) An eternal being is, by definition, without beginning. 

(3) An eternal being either exists or does not exist.

(3a) This disjunction is exclusive, both disjuncts cannot both be true.

(4) That which has no potential to exist is logically impossible, or has a nature which violates the law of non-contradiction.

(5) The nature of an eternal being does not violate the law of non-contradiction.

(5a) Thus, it is not the case that there is no potential for this being to exist.

(5b) If it is not the case that there is no potential for this being to exist, then it must be the case that there is no potential for this being to not exist.

(6) Therefore, an eternal being exists. 

(7) An eternal being cannot be made of anything.

(7a) Formless matter is impossible; any matter will always have some form, even if that form is chaos.

foul5town's picture

Don't go in room 1408

Into the depths I come

Into the time I come

Into the room I come

Pacing and chasing frantically racing

Which way leads out besides the grout

Do you wonder why I say "the time"?

There is a reason, and it is this:




Around 12 numbers to the time we all rise and say goodbye.


"So long my friend"


Kapkao's picture

Some inside info on saints/religions...

According to certain rabbinical interpretations, Adam had sex with animals.

The passage of the bible that discourages masturbation is Genesis 38:7-11, which is (a) story about when Judah's son, Er, died childless and his brother, Onan, was required to impregnate Er's widow. During sex, Onan withdrew and "spilled his seed," which displeased God, who eventually killed him. Onanism means "male masturbation" and "coitus interruptus."

The prophet Hosea was commanded to marry a prostitute because Israel, herself, hath committed great whoredom.

David, king of Israel, had an affair with Bathsheba, an other man's wife, and had the man sent off to battle to die so her could marry her himself.

According to Jewish law (the Mishnah), laborers were advised to have intercourse with their wives twice a week. As drivers, on the other hand, were directed to do it once a week. By the way, the unemployed were directed to do it every day.

From the 6th until 11th century, the church treated homosexuals no more harshly than couples who practiced contraception. The early Christian church was also more permissive toward abortion than contraception and more permissive toward homosexuality than masturbation.

Henry I of England charged a tax to ecclesiastics who abandoned celibacy. The practice began in 1129.

At the time of the Reformation, there were 100,000 prostitutes were there in England.

Is Jesus Christian

Genuinely interested in responses from theists about this.

My question is, if Jesus existed and were the son of God and it were all true, therefore we also assume the Holy Ghost is present and aware of all our actions, ( I am not actually debating this right now there is enough of that particular argument elsewhere). Do you think he would...

a/ Be Christian?

b/ Be proud of what has been done in his name?

c/ Want to kill gay people?

d/ Want to kill Muslims?

e/ Like all the crosses? (I personally think this would freak him out, if it were me I for sure wouldnt want to do a second coming till all the crosses were gone.)

f/ think todays Christians have understood his teachings?


Not trying to be a smart ass here , I really want to hear what you think.



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