Atheist vs. Theist

An open challenge

Any atheists here want to debate me on the existence of God?  I would be presenting my version of the TAG, cosmological, and moral arguments

The only rules would be to keep posts under 500 words and to stay on topic.



Marquis's picture

Religious Feelings vs. Religious Actions

I think all human beings are hardwired to have religious feelings.

This means the awe and wonder of existence, the dread and paranoia of not really knowing, the urge and desire to find out what is what; and to make sense of this strange predicament that is the human condition, in this universe. I think these things are universal. We all have them.

Some of us have balls enough to admit that we don't now.

Others - the girly men - need a pacifyer. They need something to suck on. This is OK. There will always be things to suck on. Take your pick! Nature is filled with protruding phenomenons that respond to your eager sucking with some form of reward. Monkey see monkey do. Now, do! Do your national anthem! Suck on it boy! Do the president! Gag on his gonads! Then suck the house of representatives... and whatever else have you... (I'm actually feeling a little sick right now).


The question remains.

Among us hardlined atheists (and I seriously doubt that you will ever find anyone more militant than me)...

... what do we believe in? What's the creature comfort? What drives us? What makes life worthwhile?


My view?

I am not a judge of creation. I am thankful for life. I dig it. It rocks. It is magical and infinite.

I am left speechless when trying to fathom the universe. All I can do is admire it. And feel the beauty.

Who the fuck am I? Nobody. Yet I am alive... and I say... LET THERE BE ROCK!





Marquis's picture

I Support Jesus

Let's be crystal clear about this: I support Jesus.

I don't support worship of Jesus, nor do I support ritual cannibalism of Jesus.

But I support his message.

He was a smart motherfucker. Smart, but also brave. He carried a message and that message was his life.

He did not worry about his social position, nor what the neighbours might think.

He did not pay any particular attention to whatever was the will of the politicians of the time.

He told his disciples to be honest and to not compromise their honesty with lies of convenience.

Jesus was a revolutionary. Possibly even a Marxist. Certainly an anarchist.

But was he the son of God? No.

Or yes. In any case, no more so that you or me. He was an example.

If, as a Christian, you live by that examole, I respect you. You get it.

However, if, as a Christian, you worship the Bible, I spit on you. You are a dog. Worthless.

All that matters is what you do. What you do. This minute, this hour; and every moment of every day.

What you do determines what you are - which is what you shall be judged by.


Waiting for Oblivion's picture

To troll fundamentalist christians...

I wrote this:

The Biblical God Concept - A Logical Disproof


            The logical disproof of the Biblical god concept to be presented involves malice toward none, is not an attack on particular religions nor a statement against religion in general, and is soley in the interest of enlightenment to the good.


            It involves only three definitions, each of which is self-evident.  One is of a being, a second is of worship and the third is of a Biblical type god.


Is there a logical and rational reason for Atheists to want to convince others of their view?


Hey, just like to pose the question whether there is a logical and rational reason for Atheists to want to convince others of their view?


  • My argument would go like this:


  1. If you take an atheistic materialistic world-view then truth has no innate value*(see star). The value others attribute to it is merely based on social conventions and personal views.
  2. If truth has no innate value it follows that there is no objective rational reason for actively persuading others of what you believe to be the truth.  Any such activities of activate persuasion are unfounded and contradictory to the held world-view eg.  intellectually dishonest and irrational.


*For truth to have innate value there would need to exist some transient structure or entity that assigns this value to truth in the universe. 

It is illogical to claim truth has this value that makes it important. 


If you make a claim such as: 

Why are Americans so religious?

From what I've seen GDP was a negative predictor of religiousity sans one exception: The US.


Canada has the same basic amount of believers yet about half the creationists. [I think it's 41% and 23% respectively]


So why is the US so religious? Why are they the exception?







GENESIS's picture

Human Consciousness

Where does human consciousness come from?

Adventfred's picture

What is god made off?

ok i would love to hear what theist have to say on this

oh and were is god  

GENESIS's picture

Atheism and morality

Where does atheism get their ethics and moral values from?

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