Atheist vs. Theist

The argument from apologetics

Can we get an argument for the existence of God, from the existence of apologetics? What would such an argument be like? It would begin with a definition of God and an exploration of the nature of apologetics. It would then use those two things, somehow, to argue for the existence of God from the existence of apologetics. The argument we can make from apologetics, in broad strokes, would have to go something like this: There are an awful lot of people who are trying to convince me that God exists, therefore God does in fact exist. That's not good enough, but it has some superificial appearance of plausibility that inclines me to keep digging. It's not good enough because the argument needs to get around the appearance of non sequitur and the fallacy of argument from numbers by means of an analysis of God and apologetics. This analysis is the heart of the argument, then.

Presuppositionalist's picture


The Transcendental Argument for God attempts to show that all systems of thought other than Christian theism collapse into unintelligibility.

I'm going to use this thread to administer TAG therapy to the sick of the forum. If you feel like coming in for a checkup, make a response to this OP that outlines your worldview, including any clashes with the Christian worldview.

Questions for all the intelligent atheists (aka all the atheists) here

Hello, since I'm interested in learning new things as well as other people's views I was wanting to ask well informed atheists a few general questions. It's mostly a list of favorite and or most convinceing type questions. I'm doing this to better inform myself and to better solidify myself as a agnostic. Anyway here are the questions...


What are your favorite and or most convinceing arguements and evidences for....








favorite and or most convinceing arguements and evidences against...




christian theism


and top responses to arguements such as


the cosmological








fine tunning




resurrection of christ



Also what are your favorite books and resources?


Thank you for your time and for your replys, I hope to check back tomorrow. Thanks again.

A Question for Atheists

 Since many of you revel in your perceived rational superiority when compared to theists please answer the following question: How does nothing produce something?

To me its seems more rational to hold theist views on creation. We at least have an answer. Now, many will not accept any notion of creation but its the only logical conclusion. Give me your answer to the question and many will see the irrationality of your explanations. Before you counter with the inevitable "Who created God" argument I'll oblige with an answer..... God did as he exists beyond our human perceptions of reality. If he was subject to the limitations in human reasoning he wouldn't be God. So try as you might to answer the question and be thorough. For example, don't just say the Big Bang. Explain how the matter formed out of nothing before the explosion. I look forward to the ridiculous explanations that make a mockery of this web site's name. William of Occam was correct.... the simplest explanation for creation is God.

Parallel's picture

I'm an Atheist, I'm a Threat to Society

Oh indeed I am. I've raped, I've killed children, I've robbed people, I've been in gangs and drug deals, I have tattoos all over and a bleeding cross fountain in my home. Oh I'm such a nasty little devil, whaddya gonna do? Preach me to death? Preach to random people on the internet? Run out in the streets with a sign saying "REPENT!"?



Oh I just can't wait to see how people take this. It'd be better on a Christian site though... I fail.

Abu Lahab's picture

WTF?!?!?!? ..."all matter that exist was squeezed into the space of “nothing”..."

From a conversation I'm having:


There are many types of evolution: Cosmic, Organic, Micro, Macro, Chemical, etc…. In your answer you spoke about Macro Evolution. Macro Evolution can only occur if there was a Cosmic Evolution first, i.e... The Big Bang. The idea that all matter that exist was squeezed into the space of “nothing” as it is now taught defies several laws of physics. It takes a great deal of gravity to do this, not even a Neutron Star can achieve such force. Not even a Black Hole does it as evident of it growing in size as more stars are pulled in. We are taught in chemistry that like charges repel. Electrons would never be able to handle all electrons in all matter squeezed together so tightly because of it repelling. This is event as in the case of Electron Shells in different orbits. After the explosion of the Big Bang, all matter should be spinning in the SAME direction per law of ANGULAR MOMENTUM. The fact that we have planets and even galaxies spinning in opposing directions breaks this basic, observable law in physics. Science is foremost based on observations. We have never seen mass being destroyed anywhere in the universe, and energy for that matter. To theorize that it did happen or could happen is not scientific. One could argue for fusion; however, that is simply taking smaller pieces and making a bigger one. Again no new matter was created.

Abu Lahab's picture

Correlation between Atheist/theist and educational level

A little help here. I'm having a chat with some theists who seems to think that we can never be rid of religion. I'm sure I've read articles, studies and scientific evidence of the correlation between education and Atheism. Or to put it bluntly, dumb people believe in god.


Can anyone point me in the right direction?


I found this but, like me, it's old:

Intelligence and religion.



AC/DC presents the cosmological argument

Who made who?

Who made you?

If they made them, and they made you

Who picked the bill and who made who?


Marquis's picture

Quarrelsome Morons

If I say "I believe in God" I have made a statement about myself.

It doesn't say anything about you, about the world; about truth, or science, or the holy fucking grail.

It says something about me. It says that I have chosen to believe something that is meaningful to me.

With my belief, I can feel peace. It makes all this shit make sense. It makes me a better person.


I personally do not believe in anything, least of all in the concept of "truth".

But I can see why people succumb to the almost irresistible pressure of terror: You are alive. You will die. You will be alone. Nobody will ever be able to understand you. Nothing really makes any sense. All people are stupid and evil. You can't trust anyone. The world is trying to break you. Love is the name for something that will rip you apart in unimaginable ways.

It hurts and it is lonesome.

And yet... I can but laugh at all this shit. Bring it on, bitch.


Anyway, what I wanted to say is that the first commandment of the dark lord Moron is to think of yourself as smart.

A.k.a. pride.

Brian37's picture

Debate the "childish baby moron"....................

This is a calling out to Fortunate Son, if you think I am being such a brat and childish, then you should have no problem treating me like the child you think I am.

As I have stated in the other threads and what you seem to not understand is that you are NOT the first believer I have cut to the chase with and not the only religion I have cut to the chase with.

Your problem as I have stated would be the same if you were claiming that the transporter from Star Trec is a possiblity. My response would be the same, DEMONSTRATE IT! If you could not replicate or falsify that claim, all you would have is a claim. You falsely accuse me of being hateful and childish, when the truth is your own insecurities are why you cant make your arguments simple.

LOGIC is not convoluted and observation is not complicated or magical.

When going from point A to point B point A cannot be a just a claim, it has to be based on prior established observable data beyond personal bias.

What you, like believers of all deities, past and present do is BAD USE OF LOGIC.


"A" is not established by independent verification in your case. "A" is established by popular marketing and popular belief.

A history of making claims is not the same as a history of basing "A" on established and independently verified data.

Some people make their starting position "A" to be Allah

So they could use the same bad logic you are using.

Allah=1+1=2=therefore Allah exists.

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