Atheist vs. Theist

God is not only possible but plausible

In this essay, I am testing an idea about God, that I may use in other forums uses, and am running it by everyone to work out the details and get feedback. This is mainly my ideas from other topics condensed into one.


Since Einstien's famous E=mc^2 equation, modern physics has been turned upside down. This principle has opened up new doors in the pyramid of knowledge, and shown that matter is nothing but an illusion. What we percieve of a proton or electron is no more at high energies. In fact, in dealing with high energy particle physics, electron volts (ev) are used to denote the mass of the particle. One ev is 1.6x10^-17 Joules. This shows that matter and energy are interchangable in relation to it's constant of inertia (a.k.a mass). As you know energy (light for example) travels in waves. Well, an electron does the same thing, this is shown in electron diffraction:

list of physical gods


i was wondering if someone has / can provide me with a link or a list of gods that have taken physical forms in their legends / stories?

i'm trying to google it but with the amount of Christianity stuff that comes up I haven't found anything very useful yet

I find this odd

Whenever a Christrian kills somebody because of an irrational reason (demonic possesian, infidels etc...) people seem to blame it on Christrianity, completely dismissing the fact the person may very well have a mental disorder.


So why jump to the conlusion they did it because soley of their religion? 

LeftofLarry's picture

NY Governor wants special rights for religion..what do you theists think of this?

June 13, 2007

New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer announced on Monday that he will introduce a Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) for the state.

Matt Cherry, IHS Executive DirectorThe text of the act is not yet public, but Gov. Spitzer’s office says it will mirror the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993.

If this is so, the Institute for Humanist Studies (IHS) will strongly oppose the act as harmful on at least three different grounds: it gives special privileges to religions that are not allowed to any other groups, it potentially gives religions the right to violate the rights of others, and it would create an unfair burden on employers and other secular entities.

Pile's picture

Theists: Who did you sacrifice today?

This is a simple question for just the Christian theists out there.... If it's so important that Jesus "died" for our sins, where do you get this notion that murdering an innocent person is a suitable way of forgiving someone of their transgressions?

Never mind whether or not mankind deserves to have original sin in the first place -- that's a whole different topic. The topic here is whether or not sacrifice of innocent living creatures is a "moral" way to deal with a separate party's transgressions?

If so, please explain to us who and how you murder innocent living creatures in your daily life? I'm curious.

danicberti's picture

What to do if it's true

There are here people trying to prove that God doesn't exist.

I was taking a look at that site and I foud many people recording their videos with blasphemy about the Holy Spirit.

It's not a big deal but if what the bible say is true?

Because is difficult to prove about something that you don't see.

Let's think about ET; many people does't believe that it exist because nobody see that. But how can we prove if it exist or not?

A video every Theist should watch, especially Christians.


It's only 26 minutes long. It explains how Christianity is nothing more than a religion copied from several others that are identical to it that were based on sun worship, and how christianity has just taken those old sun worship religions and replaced the sun with Jesus. Possibly the most interesting documentery regarding religion i've ever seen. 

Dave_G's picture

Richard Dawkins

Not only that but Dawkins is a remake of other cooler atheists. 

Would you still believe if there was no new testament

I was wondering if people would still believe in the God of the bible if the New Testament never existed, now i don't want to tax the theist mind too much, but you really have to be able to conceptuallise the "what if" here. Cop outs include "that would never happen the new testament was destined to be made" and "but the new testament does exist" 

Matter is an illusion: A better case for God.

It would seem the a popular argument among theists for God here is matter. However, they are going about it all wrong in my opinion and I will hopefully clear everything up.


Let us start at the begining (where else) The cosmic inflation. The Grand Unification Theory (GUT) states that the four fundemental forces (Gravity, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, weak nuclear) were once one and seperated. It also states that our favorite sub-atomic particle the proton has a decay rate of approx. 10^31 years. For you non-mathematicians, that is a really, really, really, long time.

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