What are you most controversial opinions

I am in the mood to vent. I have opinions that I can't talk openly about at work and in my conservative area, would get beat up for discussing since this is a place where advocating using nuclear weapons against Mecca is not all the controversial.
- As an atheist and a bright, simply admitting that I do not believe in god is deeply offensive to some people, particularly ones whose religious beliefs indicate that everyone should be converted to their religion. The planet as a whole would be better off without religion, especially Islam and Christianity.
- I am a white person and I agree whole-heartly with Kanye West when he said George Bush doesn't care about Black people and all the things he said leading up to that. For five days George Bush did absolutely nothing to help the victims of Katrina, he remained on vacation, even going out to play guitar with some celebrity for a photo op. After the city went to total chaos he ordered the national guard to shoot those looters, meanwhile white families caught up in the disaster were said to be "finding" supplies. We know George Bush doesn't care about black people because we he finally got off his ass to do something, he CONGRATULATED the man responsible for hundreds of dead and dying people in New Orleans as doing a "heck of a job."
- George Bush stole the election by illegally disenfranchising black voters with a list of "felons" that had an absurd number of false positives because the criteria for being on the list was being the same race, and having the same name as a felon. Only we can't talk about this because bringing up this historical fact labels us conspiracy theorists despite being well documented.
-There are dozens of crimes committed by the Bush administration that should warrant impeachment and all of them alone are far worse than cheating on your wife with a fat Jewish intern in the oval office. Republicans are massive hypocrites and Democrats are tiny cowards for not impeaching this fuck head. Bush's overwhelming incompetence is proof that 9-11 was not planned by him or anyone working for him since the towers actually fell.
-George Bush is a liar. His administration lied about weapons of mass destruction. They went by intelligence that they knew was false because they had been wanting to conquer Iraq and its oil for years. Even now the future oil revenue is being divided up amongst the oil corporations and is going to be used not for the benefit of Iraqis but for the benefit of George Bush's friends.
-Our use of depleted uranium is a war crime and I hold the pentagon responsible for every birth defect that happens in Iraq. Someone needs to give shaking the evil out of the pentagon another try.
-Hilary Clinton and other democrats were not deceived by Bush, they voted for the war knowing he was full of shit but were to cowardly to call Bush out on his lies, which is pretty much the same reason they voted for the patriot act.
-Crack Cocaine was intentionally let into this country by the CIA under Regan because we had alliances to maintain with right wing drug lords. The fact that it devastated the black community was convenient source of revenue and labor for the increasingly privatized prisons that tend to support the right wing
-Reagan was a miserable excuse for a president and it is a pity that he didn't spend his last days homeless and alone like the thousands of mentally ill people he threw out on the street to build more bombs, or die penniless and broken like the black single mothers he vilified, or die in a blazing inferno or from chemical burns that would cover 100% of his body like the children of Iran killed by weapons he supplied to Iraq.
-The longest running failure of policy is the war on (some) drugs but no one, once elected, has the courage to admit the nakedness of the king and do something to stop it. DEA agents and the police in general have become increasingly militarized because kicking down doors like jack booted fascists is pretty much the only way to enforce drug laws. The war on drugs had racists motivations as an excuse to lock up Mexicans and Asians, served as a useful tool to lock up young critics of the Vietnam war who had also expanded their minds by experimenting with altering the consciousness, and continues to be used as a weapon against minorities. Blacks account for 15% of the users of pot and about 80% of arrests, and the children of the wealthy are given far more lenient sentences in the criminal justice system.
-Sodomy and Fornication are healthy natural and normal and it is ludicrous to think that we can stop teen pregnancy by teaching only abstanence. We also should teach tolerance of homosexuality and sex ed should cover issues relevant to gay sex.
- I do not pledge allegiance to the flag, the united states, or the god it is under.
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It is. Now tell the damn kids to stay off your lawn.
maybe if this sig is witty, someone will love me.
Another rant worthy thought: The current trend to label any naughty /disruptive child as ADD/ADHD or 'special', and hand out Ritalin like candy. I don't remember any ADD kids when I was in grade 5, because people who misbehaved got punished. You're kid isn't 'special' or challenged, they're a little brat who needs a beating. Mollycoddling them will just lead to law breaking teenagers.
Giving kids detention will not destroy their self esteem and lead to mass suicides.
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
- Most of your cognitive development (not learning... learning how to learn!) happens between the ages of 3 and 12. If you are a parent of a child between 3 and 12 and you are not spending many hours a week in mind development with your child, you are a fuckup and a poor parent. You are contributing to the problem. Your child will be stupid.
- Sugar is a drug to children. Children are not meant to have large quantities of processed sugar. If your child eats dessert or sugary junk food more than once a week, you are fucking your child up. No, seriously. You are fucking up your child's hormone production. It will have an effect years from now when your child hits puberty.
- If you drive an SUV, you are a selfish son of a bitch. I can't fucking park on the street because it's fucking pot luck when I back out. I can't see if some stupid college girl is barreling towards me, blathering on her cellphone about how much of a slut her roommate is, oblivious to the fact that I'm backing up with zero visibility because the fucktard next me had to buy his wife the Ford Excessive Extra Fucking Huge. Fuck all of you.
- (This one is for my little geographical part of the world.) How fucking long does a drought have to last before you fess up and call it a climate change. It's fucking stupid to put houses on water restrictions when every toilet in every public building has automatic sensors that flush every time someone walks within five feet of them. Sanitation is nice, but it's a fucking bathroom. It can smell a little. While I'm on the subject of water, anyone who lives in this area who hasn't spent a hundred dollars on a rainbarrel and still waters their yard with city water is a selfish fucktard.
- Speaking of sanitation, for fuck's sake, people! The restaurant industry spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on unnecessary health department regulations. Health department regulations are not there for your health so much as they are there for the restaurant supply industry. My little cafe goes through several boxes of latex gloves a week. That's several thousand gloves going into the trash after a single use, often less than a minute. Seriously, folks. Think about it this way. If you think the cook is good looking, you'll take him home and chew on his hair for hours without a second thought. Please lay off the histrionics when you find a hair in your food. It's not a big deal. Really.
- All You Can Eat Buffets are an insult to mankind.
- Children need to get sick when they're children. It's the difference between Chicken Pox and Shingles. They need to build up immunity. Kids eat dirt. It's ok. Stop wiping them off with disinfectant wipes every ten minutes. Let them get sick. It's the way we build up immunities so we're not sickly as adults.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I don't hate cell phones, but I do hate if I'm out with someone and they can't stop texting. I hardly see how this is controversial tho.
How about..
- I thought Cloverfield was the worst movie I'd seen in forever, and all the actors should be black-listed to the point where we never see ANY of them in ANYTHING ever again.
How about this:
- Hollywood is incapable of making an interesting movie. Advanced CGI is the worst thing to ever happen to movies anywhere. The worst thing about American movies is that they give the impression that the only way emotions may be expressed is through yelling. There is not nearly enough nudity in movies. There is entirely too much violence. Car chases are the most boring kind of scene ever invented. George Lucas is the worst director in the history of movies. Star Wars II, Attack of the Clones is the worst movie ever made.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Any man who would try to prevent a woman from having an abortion should be taken to the nearest state prison and anally raped with no lube by every single inmate who wants a chance.
People who protest outside abortion clinics should have "fucktard" or "asshole" tattooed or branded on their forehead. Better yet, distribute every single unwanted baby in the area covered by the clinic among them and make them raise them and pay for all the medical care of the women who had them.
People with loud engines - the kind without mufflers should have polka music blasted in their ears for 12 straight hours from concert speakers 2 inches away at top volume. The same would apply to people who blast their stereo, let their car alarms go off all the time, let their dogs bark excessively or bring infants or ill-mannered young children to movies, restaurants, etc. Or maybe something else annoying - like yodelling or the Barney song.
Reality shows are the worst form of human entertainment ever invented. Anyone who regularly watches them should automatically be considered officially retarded.
Tailgaters should be forced to have their engines adjusted that they can drive no faster than 5 mph.
If you collect welfare you shouldn't get more mony for having more kids. Seriously, why should they be able to get a raise every time they spread their legs and fart out another kid? Maybe give them a little extra if they agree to sterilization.
Whoever invented voice mail, news "teasers", infomercials and those medical robes that open in the back should have a 12 guage shotgun shove up their ass and fired.
Pineapple on pizza, flavored coffee, butter on steak and heavy tattooing on what would otherwise be attractive women is an abomination before the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Nice rant, huh?
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I submit to you, Micheal Bay and the Transformers >.>
I win!
What Would Kharn Do?
I've never heard of an American that likes this, but I love it. What's wrong with you people!
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
I think in Italy they actually send you to prison for puting pineapple on pizza.
Not worse than public torture. You'd rather watch Survivor than Leng T'che, I'm sure of it.
Oh yeah. One more thing.
If someone has a terminal disease and wants to end their life before the disease takes it LET THEM DO IT.
What kind of fucked up world do we live in where we will not allow someone their right to die when they see fit with a sound mind and perfect reason to do so? Of course if it is simply because of depression they need help. But terminally fatal situations?
Dr. Kevorkian is a very decent man. He should not have spent a single day in prison.
If I ever get a terminal disease I'm moving to the only state in America that will allow doctor-assisted suicide, Oregon. I'd rather not force my family to find my dead body somewhere with my brains blown out like my grandfather had to do you sick, fucking bastards.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
Oh, THANK YOU! If I have to tell anyone else that the guy's like a drum machine I'll lose it. Throw Neil Peart in there, too. The man sucks. Can't play. Yes, I can play drums better than he can. Absolutely. Listening to Rush when the groove of Led Zeppelin is available to you is ridiculous.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
Fuck that. The moment anyone breaks into my house (presumably to kill me and rape my wife/or for any other reason) I will be blowing their head off with a FN Herstal P90. When you take guns away from the common citizen, the only ones who have them are the criminals. You ever stop to think about why there are no killings at shooting ranges? Go figure.
Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
Let me dispel your myth. I like pineapple on pizza.
Do not blame the others; they are simply gastronomic primitives, awaiting enlightenment.
maybe if this sig is witty, someone will love me.
Haha - you're joking, right? I doubt -- having been shot at himeslf -- Louis_Cypher will pay much heed to your enthusiasm for boutique weaponry.
But ... you were kidding ... right?
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
White white t-shirts make people look kinda, well... lame.
(btw, that blows me away that the NY Times has search that brings up stories from 1914 and 1922)
I read the first two, the last three aren't working. By shootings I meant intentional shootings. Of course there are going to be accidents with guns, but there are no intentional shootings at gun ranges because everyone there has a gun, ergo if you shoot someone you will get shot.
I've been shot at too. Perhaps I won't be keeping a gun of such destruction, but I will be the first to shoot anyone who breaks into my house. Not going to sit around and let him do whatever he wants.
Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
No true Scotsman!
Controversial opinions ? ....I support eugenics.
Mmhmm. Did you really think I meant that there would be no accidents at shooting ranges?
Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
I was just reading what you typed, which was "no killings at shooting ranges."
Better yet, any shriveled up Christian pro-life bitch that ties to stop or prevent an abortion should have the embryo shoved up her twat when that process becomes medically possible. Let them raise it, fuck them! Men have absolutely fucking no right to prevent abortions. If possible develop an artificial womb and stick it up their ass.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
Accidents happen at shooting ranges, people [kill themselves at shooting ranges](which is fine as long as they fire their weapon downrange), and criminals kill people with guns. People also die the same way with automobiles ie. car accidents, driving off cliffs, into traffic, telephone poles, and vehicular manslaughter(usually by drunk drivers). I think this is one of those things where a manmade tool(car or gun) can be used responsibly or irresponsibly, and the onus is placed upon the individual actions not the tool.
Besides...guns don't kill, people bullets do(unless you beat someone to death with a gun, or have a bayonet attached to it).
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda
Accidents happen at shooting ranges, people kill themselves at shooting ranges(which is fine as long as they fire their weapon downrange), and criminals kill people using guns. People also die the same way with automobiles ie. car accidents, driving off cliffs, into traffic, telephone poles, and vehicular manslaughter(usually by drunk drivers). I think this is one of those things where a manmade tool(car or gun) can be used responsibly or irresponsibly, and the onus should be placed upon the individual actions not the tool.
Besides...guns don't kill people, bullets do(unless you beat someone to death with a gun, or have a bayonet attached to it).
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
A Title II weapons license is granted on an indivdual basis only and is never applied in a collective sense.
Btw, you seem to characterize law-abiding gun owners in the same way that fundamentalist Christians characterize atheists.
Agreed, lets get the scientists started on the sound-wave-brain-explosion-technology at once!
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda
This bizarre American notion of free consumption is so ridiculous. You do not have the right to drive a car that could pass as a monster truck. You certainly don't have a right to own more than one. You do not have the right to eat 4500 calories per day. You do not have the right to consume enough such that if everyone followed suit, we'd need multiple extra planets. You do not have the right to eat foods which are little better than industrial pollutants.
Anyone who knows a little econ 101 will know about externalities. Broadly speaking, these are impacts of something on a third party to a transaction. Property value is a good example, since that is determined by the state of the area surrounding the house as well as the house itself, and the maintenance of said areas is determined by third parties, which is why we have zoning laws.
The following externalities should all be remedied:
-A tax for the extra fuel used for every pound overweight you are for air travel
-Every industrial pollutant should have the hell taxed out of it.
-The smoking tax should be sent through the roof
The tax-exemption of religion should be immediately abolished. Religious organizations will have to pay tax like everyone else. For several years, every religious organization around the world who has previously enjoyed tax exempt status will have to pay at a higher rate in order to make up for the tax money lost by not enacting this sooner. Religious organizations who cannot comply, for monetary reasons, should be shut down and their buildings should be converted into something more useful to society. The tax-exemption of religion is colossal externality.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
Can we once elect some people that actually want to use all the money for fixing something instead of getting their own dumb asses re-elected?
I suggested that we should hang the president...
I suggested that any marriage configuration (including polygamous, gay etc ) is ok with me...
I suggested that eating meat was a good thing, and killing bunnies for food was a-ok.
I even stated that I was in favor of clubbing baby seals (no joke, I'm all for trapping and the fur trade)
What suggestion garnered outrage?
When I suggested that the constitution does not specifically authorize every swinging dick to own a gun.
By the way, I was raised in SE Texas, and can pop the eye out of a grey squirrel in the top of a pine tree with a 22...
When I left Texas, I owned 15 rifles, (3 that I built myself) and 3 handguns...
I STILL maintain that the 2d amendment does NOT sanctify universal gun ownership. It does not however, DENY the states the right to sanction this idiocy.
I just get tired of people droning on about the 2d Amendment and their 'rights'...
LC >;-}>
Christianity: A disgusting middle eastern blood cult, based in human sacrifice, with sacraments of cannibalism and vampirism, whose highest icon is of a near naked man hanging in torment from a device of torture.
As someone who has found that even with great work, it's difficult for an American to reduce his consumption to a reasonable level, I heartily agree. Everything in America is designed to either force, trick, or lure us into over-consuming. I support efficiency limits for cars. I support large vehicles being available only for business purposes, and only with a verifiable need for them. Here's a really controversial one. No cars should be built which can exceed a speed of 70 mph. Period.
Auto racing should be outlawed. Of course, that shouldn't be difficult when 70 is the top speed. It'll be damn boring. Ok... it's already damn boring, but it's appalling. More gas is spent at one race than ought to be used in a small city in a week.
I heartily agree.
Here's more controversy. I agree with limits on reproductive 'rights.' Yes. I know what has happened in China.
Tax exemption for religion is the most ludicrous thing man has ever invented economically or politically.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I can't help but notice that in countries where nobody is allowed to have a gun, there are almost zero gun murders.
It's not a debate I like to get into because I don't like pissing rednecks off, but it's a hell of a lot harder to kill someone with a bb gun than a .45 caliber.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Hmmm...this is a rather complicated discussion for us to bring up. So much so that I'm very loathe to ruin this beautiful thread of bitch-festing to contribute to it dissolving into an argument thread like all the others on the forums. I don't have a firm conclusion either way in my head about it. However, I really think this topic needs its own thread for us to discuss/debate on it.
Feeling game for a friendly exchange of opinions, Hamby? I think I'd like to explore these ideas more. Just not in this thread, ya know? It's been too much fun to say things like, "FUCK YOU BITCHES" and we aren't talking about anyone in the thread.
Maybe this thread needs to be made a sticky. It feels so refreshing to just cut loose on topics other than our normal religion/atheism shit.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
-First and foremost: Democracy, as it is practiced today in the US and Mexico should be eliminated completely. Take a quick look at the fat, stupid, superstitious and IGNORANT imbeciles that conform the majority -in both countries- and tell me you would trust them to make a sound choice of leadership. Democracy it's a system based on the hegemony of the majority, in which the vote of the people who know what is best for everyone is overwhelmingly outnumbered by the vote of the people who doesn't even know what is best for themselves.
-Following up on that point, democracy should be done away with, everywhere and for good. Meritocracy is the only form of government that should be practiced.
-Natural selection should be allowed to follow it's course. No more overprotecting children. Quoting George Carlin: "the kids who swallow too many marbles doesn't get to grow up and have children of their own".
-Also, quoting Frank Zappa: "Tax the Fuck out of religion"
-George Bush and his cronies should be executed for crimes against humanity, along with his dad. His bro might -just might- get off with a lobotomy and a lifetime of community service scraping off roadkills.
-I'm with Archeopteryx and everyone who hates cellphones. I goddamn hate everything about them down to the stupid concept itself. Is mr. empty-suit-business man too important that he cannot spend two seconds without being reachable? Fuck him. But if they must exists, all cellphones should be the same size and shape, the same color, the same ringtone which must be something quiet and bearable for the listeners, they should brake down if you ever attempt to personalize them with moronic Spongebob stickers or magic marker hearts, and they should be built so that any call, made or received, cannot last more than one minute. And they all must have an inscription, something like "self-obsessed prick" or "Postmodern turd-brains". I swear it, the next techno-twad that crosses my way who interrupts a conversation with a retarded "ring-ring, pick me up asshole!" ringtone, turns them on in a no cellphone zone, like at the movies and specially a classroom, or chatters away in a high pitch tone about their crotch piercing, is getting kicked in the balls, and I don't care if the chatter happens to be a woman, they still have balls, you just have to kick a little harder for the kick to reach them.
-Everyone should have the right to say anything they want. No one should have the right to be listened, let alone taken into account. To have your opinion taken into account is a privilege that should be granted upon the merit and value of the opinion itself.
-All rights should be liable to be suspended on the ground of your actions, specially your repeated actions. We already deprive felons of their rights to freedom and life on a daily basis, might as well take all other pesky rights which, after a while, are little more than loopholes exploited by PoS lawyers to avoid legal actions taken against incurable criminals.
-Speaking of incurable criminals, they should all be put to death. Life sentences only waste resources on people who, after taking as much as they could from society, now produce nothing in return, but rather keep leeching taxes to fund their corn-holing habit. On that note, the concept of the "Super Prison" is as idiotic as it can get. You're gonna correct antisocial behavior with permanent solitary confinement in a tiny cell, with but one hour of exercise a day in a concrete rectangle with no sunshine? Might as well shot the tatoo-clad bastards, is cheaper and more humane.
-Anyone with terminal deceases who wants to die should be provided with the means to do so as painlessly and humanely as possible.
-Advertising is not a career nor a job, is a crime against humanity. Stop it if you don't want to be lynched.
-Prostitution is NOT a crime, nor is erotic dancing immoral or demeaning. Anyone hot enough and talented enough to be able to perform in any of these two areas should be admired, since not everyone can give you a decent hump or lapdance.
-Any men who thinks he has the right to dictate any aspect of the life of his wife just because he's the men, and/or beats the shit out of her, should be tortured repeatedly, till there's nothing left to torture.
-Consumption is the addiction of post-modernist era. But more importantly, it is the cornerstone of the hypercapitalism we all seem to be caught on. The system is no longer on our side, nor it is there to serve us, but rather it's quite the opposite, we are here to serve it and maintain it, even to the detriment of our lives.
-We are approaching World War III, and guess what, it will be The Crusades part II. Islamofacist will not yield nor will they capitulate, they will fight and die and commit suicide in the name of Allah the Merciful. And the warriors for Christ will be as eager to die for the love of Yahweh, until there is nothing in this world but an endless, theocratic wasteland. Whosoever that emerges victorious of this war shall rule supreme upon a cemetery.
-And finally, something wicked this way comes, Global Warming at large. And you know what? I'm fucking glad for it. I cheer for the upcoming mass extinction, hopefully we are in the eve of our demise.
Phew, that felt good. Thanks Fire for starting the thread.
Lenore, The Cute Little Dead Girl. Twice as good as Jesus.
Your marksmanship skills signify that you have marksmanship skills...not a rare commodity among a nation of gun owners.
I have two gun safes full of rifles, shotguns and hand guns...again, so what ?
You are tired of people droning about their constitutional "rights"...too bad for you, hunh ?
ps, so you are a US citizen who enjoyed private gun ownership for yourself....but you would not allow other private citizens the same right ?
If the 2'nd amendment does not grant private gun ownership then upon what legal basis did you privately own your guns ?
You may object to private gun ownership and even advocate public execution of gun owners if that pleases you but the fact that the Federal Government is the legal entity that actually facilitates the purchase of firearms by individuals ( ie, yellow form # 4473 ) blows your baseless assertion of "no individual rights" theory out of the water.
This reminds me of another contrvoersial view I have: not enough high school shootings.
" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff
Kumite! Kumite! Kumite! I perfer Kickboxer myself. But that too is semantics perhaps
" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff
Well I'm an atheist and a socialist which are not all that controversial in my part of the world, although they are outside the norms. Let's see.
1) I think wealthy businessmen should be taxed more. They make money off the backs of others and therefore the money they make should be redistributed back into society.
2)Ultimately I think capitalism has to end. It should be replaced with a type of co-operative based controlled markets.
3) I am for a policy similar to China's single child policy. However, I think it should be two children not one and I think it should be inforced more sympathetically.
4) I think the CIA were possibly to blame for the 11/9 attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. Although I am not one for conspiracy theories, there is a hell of a lot of very compelling evidence.
5) I hate most American pop culture.
6) I hate America and all that it stands for (with the exception of most of you people).
7) I think Britain should not bow down and take it up the arse from America is it currently does. All American military bases should on British soil should be closed down, and we will not join in anymore of America's oil wars in the Middle East.
9) There are no moral properties, no absolute right or wrong, morality is just a tool which should ultimately be used to make life better for humanity.
10) I think rehabilitation should take precedent over punishment in dealing with criminals. This is not to say punishment shouldn't have its place.
11) I'm hungry and am gonna go and make lunch.
Atheist Books
It has been proven that the bass vibrations from loud car stereos can---in all seriousness---collapse a person's lungs, killing them.
Maybe the real problem is that they aren't being sold loud enough sound systems. Maybe you should become a salesman?
*scours teh internetz*
A place common to all will be maintained by none. A religion common to all is perhaps not much different.
I stand for:
1. Gene pool control by government, by mandatory abortions and sterilizations.
2. Scientific progress at NO MATTER what cost.
3. Death sentences for more than half of the cases.
I stand against:
1. Religion
2. Democracy
Jesus Christ, you people are fucked in the head.
Eugenics? Mandatory abortion?
And it seems that most of you support stripping basic constitutional rights in the name of creating a world that you deem suitable to live in. That's just not how it works.
Remind me to never vote for an atheist president. It'll be the fucking Third Reich all over again.
I doubt atheist president would be elected, even if you voted, that's just impossible.
And by the way, my views has nothing to do with the rest of atheistic world views. So there's no need to demonise the rest of atheists.
One more thing: Yes, these things are controversial and radical and i like freedom, but admit that we are living in some fucked up world. Desperate times calls for desperate measures.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
Should genetic disorders be allowed to perpetually replicate themselves and destroy the quality of life for afflicted individuals ? I suffer from an extremely debilitating form of emotional disorder that was passed onto me genetically. I have voluntarily refrained from reproducing children so that I would not pass on this hellish condition to my innocent offspring. In what way would that be a destructive process ?
I only wish that my parents would have seen fit to apply negative eugunics in my case and spared me a wasted lifetime. At least I haven't made the same mistake.
I haven't the heart to play the genetic equivalent of Russian Roulette.
I consider your Third Reich reference to be melodramatic posturing. It is akin to someone trying to instill fear of homosexuals by only producing examples of gay men such as Jeffrey Dahmer or John Wayne Gacy.
Paradoxically, here is a modern example of eugenics being practiced by ethnic Jews. Educate yourself.
Good luck finding one
I don't see anyone here advocating the genocide of Jews or other ethnic groups based on hate. Second, because they had a messed up idea of eugenics, doesn't mean it couldn't be done properly. Third, don't go lumping everybody here together based on individual remarks.
Oh btw, the leader of the Third Reich wasn't atheist was he?
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
RE: Eugenics and Abortion. My official position is encouragement and state funding, not mandatory. If you want to abort a fetus that has a defect, you should be able to. (Abortion should be legal for any reason at all.) Frankly, if a baby is born with a horrible defect, it should be allowed to die.
RE: Gun control. I only pointed out correlation, though it's hard to find a gun murder where there was no gun, so causation is at least implied. I agree with watcher that this thread shouldn't get bogged down in a gun control debate. To be honest, I don't have a firm opinion.
RE: Enforcing environmentalism. I am normally going to fall on the side of individual freedom, but I believe the fate of our species, and thousands of other species, rests on the decisions we make about consumption. Conspicuous consumption should be illegal.
In general, the only freedoms I believe in restricting are reproductive, energy, and normal infringement of other people's rights.
By the way, jmm, I would encourage you to remember that this is a vent thread, not official arguments. I suspect there are a few things that people are saying that are a bit exaggerated. Then again, I'm only speaking for myself, and it's a free board.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Exactly. Modern Christianity has its own totalitarian schools of thought, as well. Google Christian Reconstructionism or Dominion Theology.
I'm a Libertarian Socialist and anarcho-syndicalist. Being an anarchist,
I think; leaders, representatives, vanguard parties, partys, countries, nations, flags, gods, monetary/barter systems are not needed.
I think that the government and the CIA are terrorist organizations.
Capitalism is not now or ever was democracy. It is a minority system that relies on a State(nation state). It brings about innequality, working class antagonisms such as racism, gender innequality, and war.
I also believe that there is only two classes: The capitalist owner class and the working class. The middle class is an illusion and not real. It is a delusion of the working class and a lie told by the capitalist.
Anyway, Hi, I'm new at posting to this board.
"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, no one but ourselves can free our minds." - Bob Marley