What are you most controversial opinions

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What are you most controversial opinions

I am in the mood to vent. I have opinions that I can't talk openly about at work and in my conservative area, would get beat up for discussing since this is a place where advocating using nuclear weapons against Mecca is not all the controversial.

- As an atheist and a bright, simply admitting that I do not believe in god is deeply offensive to some people, particularly ones whose religious beliefs indicate that everyone should be converted to their religion. The planet as a whole would be better off without religion, especially Islam and Christianity.

- I am a white person and I agree whole-heartly with Kanye West when he said George Bush doesn't care about Black people and all the things he said leading up to that. For five days George Bush did absolutely nothing to help the victims of Katrina, he remained on vacation, even going out to play guitar with some celebrity for a photo op. After the city went to total chaos he ordered the national guard to shoot those looters, meanwhile white families caught up in the disaster were said to be "finding" supplies. We know George Bush doesn't care about black people because we he finally got off his ass to do something, he CONGRATULATED the man responsible for hundreds of dead and dying people in New Orleans as doing a "heck of a job."

- George Bush stole the election by illegally disenfranchising black voters with a list of "felons" that had an absurd number of false positives because the criteria for being on the list was being the same race, and having the same name as a felon. Only we can't talk about this because bringing up this historical fact labels us conspiracy theorists despite being well documented.

-There are dozens of crimes committed by the Bush administration that should warrant impeachment and all of them alone are far worse than cheating on your wife with a fat Jewish intern in the oval office. Republicans are massive hypocrites and Democrats are tiny cowards for not impeaching this fuck head. Bush's overwhelming incompetence is proof that 9-11 was not planned by him or anyone working for him since the towers actually fell.

-George Bush is a liar. His administration lied about weapons of mass destruction. They went by intelligence that they knew was false because they had been wanting to conquer Iraq and its oil for years. Even now the future oil revenue is being divided up amongst the oil corporations and is going to be used not for the benefit of Iraqis but for the benefit of George Bush's friends.

-Our use of depleted uranium is a war crime and I hold the pentagon responsible for every birth defect that happens in Iraq. Someone needs to give shaking the evil out of the pentagon another try.

-Hilary Clinton and other democrats were not deceived by Bush, they voted for the war knowing he was full of shit but were to cowardly to call Bush out on his lies, which is pretty much the same reason they voted for the patriot act.

-Crack Cocaine was intentionally let into this country by the CIA under Regan because we had alliances to maintain with right wing drug lords. The fact that it devastated the black community was convenient source of revenue and labor for the increasingly privatized prisons that tend to support the right wing

-Reagan was a miserable excuse for a president and it is a pity that he didn't spend his last days homeless and alone like the thousands of mentally ill people he threw out on the street to build more bombs, or die penniless and broken like the black single mothers he vilified, or die in a blazing inferno or from chemical burns that would cover 100% of his body like the children of Iran killed by weapons he supplied to Iraq.

-The longest running failure of policy is the war on (some) drugs but no one, once elected, has the courage to admit the nakedness of the king and do something to stop it. DEA agents and the police in general have become increasingly militarized because kicking down doors like jack booted fascists is pretty much the only way to enforce drug laws. The war on drugs had racists motivations as an excuse to lock up Mexicans and Asians, served as a useful tool to lock up young critics of the Vietnam war who had also expanded their minds by experimenting with altering the consciousness, and continues to be used as a weapon against minorities.  Blacks account for 15% of the users of pot and about 80% of arrests, and the children of the wealthy are given far more lenient sentences in the criminal justice system.

-Sodomy and Fornication are healthy natural and normal and it is ludicrous to think that we can stop teen pregnancy by teaching only abstanence. We also should teach tolerance of homosexuality and sex ed should cover issues relevant to gay sex.

- I do not pledge allegiance to the flag, the united states, or the god it is under.

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darth_josh wrote:If you are

darth_josh wrote:

If you are not strong enough to survive a little second-hand smoke as an adult then by all means do the world a favor and shut yourself inside of a HEPA filtered box because your genes aren't worthy enough to pass on anyway.


I would say the person with the disgusting addiction they can't give up that bothers the majority of people in the country, causes cancer in everyone exposed to it and is extremely harmful to certain people shouldn't pass on their genes. Should we do the same to people with peanut allergies? Pale skin so they're more susceptible to skin cancer from the sun? What about other physical conditions? Or should we take into consideration their rights and really the rights of most people to not be exposed to something extremely harmful and tell the people who made an extremely stupid decision to start using an addictive drug years before to keep it in their own house and only pollute their own air with said disgusting habit which would be illegal completely if the drug laws were applied equally - using heroin in public wouldn't harm everyone around you, but then there isn't a multi-billion dollar heroin lobby, senators getting donations from heroin producers or states who's economy is somewhat based on heroin. Though we get mad at countries who allow cocaine to export though we export our poison around the world. Hypocritical. If there was justice tobacco growers would be getting life sentences.

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Thoughts and other musings

Somebody should tell that to the muslim murder/bombers, huh? 


So not only is suicide wrong but so is killing yourself and taking out many of your otherwise innocent fellow citizens?  Huh.  Who would have thought. 


I guess then they can't be called martyrs either...because martyrs don't prearrange for their family to be paid a bounty when they pull the plug or press the plunger on their murber/bomber vest. 


Martyr used to mean one who gave evidence.  The martyr wasn't expected to die for their religion (as the early pistic christians did) or murder for their religion (as the muslim fanatics are doing now).


Hmmm.  It's all symantics eh?  or is it just in the interpretation suicide/martyr crusader/martyr.  Just as dead (usually).


I still believe his popeness can make this work.  Turn it over to the PR department; offer a pretty medalion with P Benedict XVI on it; tell them their sins will be forgiven.  First class flight; maybe even have a complimentary (i.e.,) last glass of wine with that eucharist wafer.  That is a package deal.



"Faith must have adequate evidence else it is mere superstition"...Alexander Hodge (1823-1886)

"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)

Respectfully, Lyz

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Kevin R Brown wrote:Garth

Kevin R Brown wrote:

Garth Brooks has some great music under his belt.


I prefer Chris Gaines.



"'My dear,' Madame Delbene replied, 'the universe runs itself, and the eternal laws inherent in Nature suffice, without any first cause or prime mover, to produce all that is and all that we know; the perpetual movement of matter explains everything: why need we supply a motor to that which is ever in motion? The universe is an assemblage of unlike entities which act and react mutually and successively with and against each other; I discern no start, no finish, no fixed boundaries, this universe I see only as an incessant passing from one state into another, and within it only particular beings which forever change shape and form, but I acknowledge no universal cause behind and distinct from the universe and which gives it existence and which procures the modifications in the particular beings composing it... the absolute contrary holds... We need not fret if we find nothing to substitute for chimeras, and above all let us never accept as cause for what we do not comprehend something else we comprehend even less." - Marquis de Sade, Juliette, pg. 43.

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MattShizzle wrote:darth_josh

MattShizzle wrote:

darth_josh wrote:

If you are not strong enough to survive a little second-hand smoke as an adult then by all means do the world a favor and shut yourself inside of a HEPA filtered box because your genes aren't worthy enough to pass on anyway.


I would say the person with the disgusting addiction they can't give up that bothers the majority of people in the country, causes cancer in everyone exposed to it and is extremely harmful to certain people shouldn't pass on their genes.

I would say people who make extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence. Really? Everyone?

The key here is 'extremely harmful to certain people'. Those certain people are...?

Should we do the same to people with peanut allergies? Pale skin so they're more susceptible to skin cancer from the sun? What about other physical conditions? Or should we take into consideration their rights and really the rights of most people to not be exposed to something extremely harmful and tell the people who made an extremely stupid decision to start using an addictive drug years before to keep it in their own house and only pollute their own air with said disgusting habit which would be illegal completely if the drug laws were applied equally - using heroin in public wouldn't harm everyone around you, but then there isn't a multi-billion dollar heroin lobby, senators getting donations from heroin producers or states who's economy is somewhat based on heroin.

See Afghanistan.

BTW, how many heroin addicts have you known? I've known one that we cured by tying him to a chair for three days in my living room. If you're going to say that cigarette smokers are as dangerous as heroin users then Matt, perhaps you're not the intelligent person I once knew.

Each instance of these two things must be judged on its own merit or flaw, in my opinion.

Though we get mad at countries who allow cocaine to export though we export our poison around the world. Hypocritical. If there was justice tobacco growers would be getting life sentences.

We also import except from Cuba.

There is justice, but it is tempered with mercy. Ergo a reason you should be thankful to the rest of society including smokers.

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illeatyourdog wrote:Hey hey

illeatyourdog wrote:

Hey hey hey!!!!  Its "get me a beer now woman!!!  Then make me some dinner!"

Obviously I have some work to do until I get my black belt in misogyny.

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That secondhand smoke is

That secondhand smoke is dangerous to all is an established fact. Denying it is like denying smoking itself was harmful 25 years ago or denying that eveolution is a fact today. Why should we cater to the addict? Noone is suggesting that smokers can't go anywhere they want - they just have to refrain from smoking in public. Again, I think anyone smoking in a public place should be charged with reckless endagerment, maybe even attempted murder. I love whoever said that having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having a peeing section is a swimming pool. I worked for 9 years with addicts - so I know what they are like. By the way, the vast majority of them smoke cigarettes, too - at least 9 out of ten and I'm being extremely conservative there - when there were 50-some guys in the unit we were lucky if there were 2 that didn't smoke. The right to own a gun doesn't mean you can fire into a crowd randomly (I would argue smoking isn't a right - try to find it in the constitution.) Even free speech is limited when it would be harmful - the old example of yelling "fire" in a crowded theater - also telling someone to go kill someone else, false advertising, slander, etc.

Even if it weren't harmful it's utterly disgusting! Should people be able to take a shit in a restaurant or bar? To me that is no more disgusting than cigarette smoke. You know the asthma rate in this country? You know how many people with it could die if exposed? I'd love to spray a fire extinguisher in the face of anyone smoking in public.

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Soooo, you really want to

Soooo, you really want to continue to say that cigarette smokers and heroin addicts are equivalent in the severity of the harm to society? Am I correct in understanding your position on this?

Pool-pissing, Guns, speech, fire, slander...

I thought we were discussing smoking.

Maybe you should calm down and have a cigarette while you collect your thoughts.


You initially said, and I quote: "causes cancer in everyone exposed to it" Now you've changed it. That's where I called shenanigans.



OH and I just had another thought on the controversial opinions topic.

Pet owners who think they're treating their animals like 'one of the family' should be forced to live one week in the exact same capacity as their pet. THEN come back and let me know how ridiculous their original 'one of the family' claim sounds.


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darth_josh wrote:Pet owners

darth_josh wrote:

Pet owners who think they're treating their animals like 'one of the family' should be forced to live one week in the exact same capacity as their pet. THEN come back and let me know how ridiculous their original 'one of the family' claim sounds.


Pet owners shouldn't have pets. I think it's disgusting that people spend thousands on pet food and vet bills, when people are starving around them or that money could be going to their own children. I know you could apply that to any luxury item I have, but meh.I'm not a pet person.

Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible

dudeofthemoment wrote:
This is getting redudnant. My patience with the unteachable[atheists] is limited.

Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.

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Abstencence should be fought!

Abstinence ruins relationships.  People need to have sex with someone they love before they go into the commitment of mairrage.  Couples need to know if they are sexually compatible before they legally bind themselves into monogamy.  Holding back from sexual expression pushes people into commitments they are not ready for, and the culture of shame we put up in order to 'protect' youth from it has engendered only ignorance, and in many cases, sociological problems.

We need to speak out louder against this foolishness, teach the developing youth to be responsible with their bodies instead of telling them to grow up to be sexually frustrated and mentally arrested.

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HisWillness wrote:

illeatyourdog wrote:

Hey hey hey!!!!  Its "get me a beer now woman!!!  Then make me some dinner!"

Obviously I have some work to do until I get my black belt in misogyny.


*wears 9th degree black belt in awesomeness around my head Rambo style*

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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 I believe Nosferatu to be


I believe Nosferatu to be a genuine article.


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I believe that poverty

I believe that poverty stricken areas where the poverty rate fails to decrease should be bombed, eliminating poverty in said areas. If you don't want to live in poverty then don't set up shop in the middle of a barren fucking desert!

I believe smoking is fine, though not in the healthy sense. smokers should be able to light up where ever they want (within reason, not by flammables and gas stations) and if people don't want them lighting up in certain areas then post a 'no smoking' sign there. all smokers I know, know the risks and consequences of their actions and always ask if it's all right to have a smoke before lighting up inside. I don't smoke but if a friend invites me out for a cig, I'll go for it, not because I do whatever people ask, but because I see no harm in having a cigarette on the odd occasion (and I don't get addicted to things easily).

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MattShizzle wrote:I worked

MattShizzle wrote:

I worked for 9 years with addicts - so I know what they are like. By the way, the vast majority of them smoke cigarettes, too - at least 9 out of ten and I'm being extremely conservative there - when there were 50-some guys in the unit we were lucky if there were 2 that didn't smoke.

I've been using this forum with a pimp - so I know what they are like.  By the way, the vast majority of them smoke cigarettes, too - at least 9 out of ten and I'm being extremely conservative there - when there were 50-some whores on the corner we were lucky if there were 2 whose pimps didn't smoke. 

Sorry if I'm being too hard on you Matt but I guess my controversial opinion is that non-smokers can be way to hard on smokers.  I used to be a smoker and I wish I never picked up the habit to begin with - it is nasty, your clothes, house, mouth, etc. becomes a giant ashtray.  People get enjoyment out of smoking though - should we ban every useless thing that can cause injuries to others and only enjoyment to those participating?

Smokers should have reasonably designated areas and stick to them.  For example, every fucking time I go to the ER there's a crowd of hospital employees smoking directly outside the door where EMT's take you from the ambulance into the ER.  I've seen this at numerous hospitals.  WTF! People are being brought in on oxygen, etc... and your healthy smoking self can't walk 20 feet  out of the line of stretcher traffic?  Fuck that.

Aside from cases where smokers are being *blatantly* inconsiderate of other people though - I can't stand people being so fucking hard on someone who just wants to enjoy their smoke.  It's not for me, but it's their life...

One of the colleges I attended tried the smoking ban on campus thing once.  Kids were sneaking cigarettes in restrooms and stairwells.  Yeah, that really improved things!  I don't see the problem with reasonably designated areas for smokers.  Restaurant and bar owners could have the choice to go smoking, non, or mixed... hell some might even get more business by capitalizing on this non-smoking hysteria by self-selecting to ban cigarettes.  Also, when I say I don't see the problem with reasonably designated areas I say that as someone that had a collapsed lung and a history of pneumonia (post-quitting) so yeah, it bothers me too... when smoke  blown right in my fucking face!  Thus, again, another argument for reasonably designated areas.

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I'd be ok with designated

I'd be ok with designated areas IF it has a totally separate ventailation system and is sealed airtight from the non-smoking area. And you don't have to walk through the smoking area to get between the entrance, non-smoking area and bathrooms. Otherwise it doesn't do any good. I don't think they should be allowed to not have a non-smoking area or have a smoking area if it isn't totally sealed off.

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shelleymtjoy wrote:should we

shelleymtjoy wrote:

should we ban every useless thing that can cause injuries to others and only enjoyment to those participating?


Absolutely yes!

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My "most-est" is, I AM GOD

My "most-est" is, I AM GOD AS YOU .... geezzz wow !!!!, actually not so controversial.

  Hey good Matt , do you bring a gas mask when camping? .... 

  I missed my joy shelley  .....  hi  there !   .... 

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Not a whole lot in this

Not a whole lot in this thread that I disagree with.

I think our legal punishment systems need an overhaul, mostly in the areas where crime is primarily the result of poverty. In such cases I would advocate a kind of thought-reform, with the intent of getting people off the path of career law-breaking.

The education system pisses me off. It's barely changed even though the world looked completely different when it began. We're more worried about getting a lot of computers into schools when a few really big ones with terminal access would do the trick, and even when we do have computers in schools they're used for lame crap. I owe a fair portion of my mathematical knowledge to computer science and the ability to use computers for exactly what they were made for - checking whether a system of equations is accurate. Same for my firm grasp of evolution - I've used the theory of evolution to find equations that would otherwise had me doing hundreds of pages of guess and check.

I think that not only should we have strictly enforced separation of church and state, but a constitutional separation of business and state. That is, congress should make no law directly benefiting or hindering business interests save protection the consumer. Government should not be allowed to purchase product, only capitol, and should have to make its own damn weapons instead of issuing contracts.

I think a single credit based currency is only a good idea if your goal is to increased buying power at the cost of increased poverty. We ought to have credit AND something else, ideally an energy backed currency (similar to a gold standard) such as N megawatts to the note. The nice thing about energy backed currency is that if the standard is set it can never inflate, unless we figure out how to circumvent the law of energy conservation. Fuel itself isn't what we're after, it's what we get from fuel, and we waste a lot of what we get from it. Metaphorically, we're wasting a lot of oil and coal (one of the main valuing elements of credit based currency) by wasting its byproducts (the proposed directly valued element). After all, the measure of a civilization isn't its credit score but how much energy it has access to.

I don't like the blue collar work force. I think the "good hard day's labor" is a myth to promote cheap service when we should be freeing people to do more creative and intellectual work - like figuring out how to colonize other worlds so we don't have to worry about going extinct because all our eggs are on one planet or how to build low maintenance machines that do stuff like that for us so we can consider such ideas.

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inspectormustard wrote:I

inspectormustard wrote:

I don't like the blue collar work force. I think the "good hard day's labor" is a myth to promote cheap service when we should be freeing people to do more creative and intellectual work - like figuring out how to colonize other worlds so we don't have to worry about going extinct because all our eggs are on one planet or how to build low maintenance machines that do stuff like that for us so we can consider such ideas.

Ummmmmm. Who the fuck do you think builds and fixes those 'low maintenance machines'?

Granted that technology has made the world a much easier place with which to work. However, humanity will ALWAYS need the proletariat to wipe its proverbial ass or fix the ass-wiping machine after it pleasures your obese spouse one too many times.

Pulling some of the 'creative and intellectual dreamers' down into the trenches would be a better place to start rather than trying to bring everyone 'up'.

After discovering what a 'good hard day's labor' was all about, one might be able to form a cogent hypothesis concerning what the robots need to do.


Rather than giving some high school twit a full-ride scholarship to study underwater basketweaving, make the fuckers WORK five years before going to college.


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darth_josh wrote:YET ANOTHER

darth_josh wrote:


Rather than giving some high school twit a full-ride scholarship to study underwater basketweaving, make the fuckers WORK five years before going to college.

i could have majored in underwater basket weaving *and* gotten a scholarship?! damn.


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OH Shelly ,  Simon &

OH Shelly , 

Simon & Garfunkel Scarborough Fair


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Theia wrote:Alcohol is

Theia wrote:

Alcohol is necessary, absolutely!

The reason is, as argued earlier, it's mostly attractive dumb women who get laid and thus pass on their genes. It was also implied that intellegent women are not so attractive. Therefore, the only way to keep humans somewhat intelligent is to make sure men have alcohol so they will see intelligent women as attractive enough to have sex with and thus pass on intelligent genes. Otherwise we'd already be as it is in the movie, Idiocracy. 

Hang on! Am I in a minority of men who find stupid women repulsive and intelligent women desirable? I figured I was normal in that respect. Oh well, all the more clever women for me.

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Everyone must get stoned ...

Everyone must get stoned ... "smart" stoned girls, oh yeah, now that is way good fun ...          Fun is what I want .....

 "FREE GIRLS" , YUM .... a very smart fun idea indeed !  More fun LUST !  More more more ....     Get Smart ....  Enjoy nature !    

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I work in an area with seven

I work in an area with seven bars in one small place.  Every night I have to deal with men and women slobering on themselves, their clothes all mesed up and likely stained with vomit.  I'ts *not* attractive, you want to use a wet wipe on them and send them off to bed.


Jacob Cordingley wrote:

Theia wrote:

Alcohol is necessary, absolutely!

The reason is, as argued earlier, it's mostly attractive dumb women who get laid and thus pass on their genes. It was also implied that intellegent women are not so attractive. Therefore, the only way to keep humans somewhat intelligent is to make sure men have alcohol so they will see intelligent women as attractive enough to have sex with and thus pass on intelligent genes. Otherwise we'd already be as it is in the movie, Idiocracy. 

Hang on! Am I in a minority of men who find stupid women repulsive and intelligent women desirable? I figured I was normal in that respect. Oh well, all the more clever women for me.

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I don't understand why

I don't understand why people see hard work as good in and of itself. I always thought of the Puritan work ethic as a mental disorder. Physical labor is something to be avoided as much as possible.

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MattShizzle wrote:I don't

MattShizzle wrote:

I don't understand why people see hard work as good in and of itself. I always thought of the Puritan work ethic as a mental disorder. Physical labor is something to be avoided as much as possible.

A lack of physical labor makes it easier to test out that whole abstinence thing too. Right?

Newsflash: Women don't like to do all the work in bed. Some hard work in a day improves one's overall endurance where the real 'hard work' counts. For those of you who remain clueless as to what I am referring, I would suggest more hard work in both areas.

Honestly, if one can't think about other topics while doing repetitive hard work then are they capable of thinking about their partner during coitus?

Give me a woman that can speak seductively while dining out OR working on an assembly line.


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Hell, I get exhausted

Hell, I get exhausted walking to the fridge. And I like it when she has me tied up so it's completely up to her no matter what.

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Jacob Cordingley wrote:Hang

Jacob Cordingley wrote:

Hang on! Am I in a minority of men who find stupid women repulsive and intelligent women desirable? I figured I was normal in that respect. Oh well, all the more clever women for me.


In not so many words . . . YES!!.  Or in a few more words . .  . I find such claims dubious even when I make them.

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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darth_josh wrote:


Newsflash: Women don't like to do all the work in bed. Some hard work in a day improves one's overall endurance where the real 'hard work' counts. For those of you who remain clueless as to what I am referring, I would suggest more hard work in both areas.



So black slaves must have been Fucking Gods in bed . . . .

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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darth_josh wrote:Give me a

darth_josh wrote:

Give me a woman that can speak seductively while dining out OR working on an assembly line.



Just call a 976 number . . . .

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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illeatyourdog wrote:

darth_josh wrote:


Newsflash: Women don't like to do all the work in bed. Some hard work in a day improves one's overall endurance where the real 'hard work' counts. For those of you who remain clueless as to what I am referring, I would suggest more hard work in both areas.



So black slaves must have been Fucking Gods in bed . . . .

An interesting assumption based upon the premise. However, I don't think the skin color of the slave plays that much of a role in the idea.

Slaves have come in all colors throughout history. I urge caution to you the next time you decide to color(pun intended) one of my controversial thoughts.

Believe me when I say that I can make you feel bad about your race no matter what it is. I assert that all races are EQUAL, even in their less desirable physical, anthropological, and modern stereotypical attributes.

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MattShizzle wrote:I don't

MattShizzle wrote:

I don't understand why people see hard work as good in and of itself. I always thought of the Puritan work ethic as a mental disorder. Physical labor is something to be avoided as much as possible.

Arbeit macht frei.


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Work in the spirit of freedom , FUN for all !

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darth_josh wrote:An

darth_josh wrote:

An interesting assumption based upon the premise. However, I don't think the skin color of the slave plays that much of a role in the idea.

Slaves have come in all colors throughout history. I urge caution to you the next time you decide to color(pun intended) one of my controversial thoughts.

Believe me when I say that I can make you feel bad about your race no matter what it is. I assert that all races are EQUAL, even in their less desirable physical, anthropological, and modern stereotypical attributes.


My bad.  I was making a slave joke not a black joke.



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Fuck politics, I don't care about capitalism or communism. Humans evolved over time, then we started making technology that evolved faster than we did. Now we don't evolve at all, because technology has made natural selection is a thing of the past. It used to be people had a purpose in life: to survive, reproduce, and keep the species going. Now? We all have to tune in to see who will be voted off American Idol! I don't know what people consider better, but at least survival is a clear-cut, no bullshit, psychologically fulfilling goal.

I'm sick of people saying we need genetically engineered plants to feed earth's 6 billion+ population. Here's news: if the natural resources we have won't keep us all alive, THERE'S TOO MANY GOD DAMN PEOPLE.

I only recently gave any real thought to anarchy, but lately I've been seeing the  technology and industry based system as pretty fucked. I'm thinking we'd be better off returning to our natural place in the ecosystem. We wouldn't live as long, and we wouldn't be typing things on the internet, but then again we'd be so busy getting our dinner we probably wouldn't care.

Of course this causes some problems we don't have now, but in general I think we'd be better off.

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One more thing...

But if we must have technology....can we please stop taking all the sexy stuff out of it? I think it's the one human need that's been severely overlooked in our "advanced" societies. We have processes to control our population AND have all the sex we want! Not to mention if we would put a some money into it the diseases would be things of the past as well. Nobody seems to want to, because that would be like saying sex is ok. People who think this way need to loosen up and get laid.

All of us have an instinct to make crazy love to multiple people throughout our lives. I'm not perverted. Perverted is defined as something abnormal, and the desire to have sex is one of our most normal, natural feelings. We all have them, unless we're in some way deformed.  Telling our children these feelings are shameful is SERIOUSLY fucking them up.

If this seems disjointed and rambling it's because I've been thinking about sex the whole time and that can be damn distracting.  But fuck it, that makes me human.




I AM GOD AS YOU wrote:

Work in the spirit of freedom , FUN for all !

Sometimes I can't understand I AM GOD AS YOU,  but I think he said it perfectly here.

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pyrokidd wrote:But if we

pyrokidd wrote:

But if we must have technology....can we please stop taking all the sexy stuff out of it? I think it's the one human need that's been severely overlooked in our "advanced" societies. We have processes to control our population AND have all the sex we want! Not to mention if we would put a some money into it the diseases would be things of the past as well. Nobody seems to want to, because that would be like saying sex is ok. People who think this way need to loosen up and get laid.

All of us have an instinct to make crazy love to multiple people throughout our lives. I'm not perverted. Perverted is defined as something abnormal, and the desire to have sex is one of our most normal, natural feelings. We all have them, unless we're in some way deformed.  Telling our children these feelings are shameful is SERIOUSLY fucking them up.

If this seems disjointed and rambling it's because I've been thinking about sex the whole time and that can be damn distracting.  But fuck it, that makes me human.


Sounds good to me but the religious fucktards would never agree. I suspect that's why they are so anti-abortion: They feel sex is bad and if you do it you deserve to be punisged with a baby.

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MattShizzle wrote:Sounds

MattShizzle wrote:

Sounds good to me but the religious fucktards would never agree. I suspect that's why they are so anti-abortion: They feel sex is bad and if you do it you deserve to be punisged with a baby.

and they somehow still have the balls to come to this site wondering why people have problems with their beliefs....

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I'm really glad i found this thread to vent, and while I'm on a roll:

I know MattShizzle won't like this, but fuck anti-smoking groups. I'm so damn sick of holier-than-thou types legislating people's behavior.

First off, tobacco isn't the worst thing for you. But BIG TOBACCO is a problem. They're the assholes putting tar and ammonia and nicotine and a million other bullshit chemicals in that addict and kill you.

But how different are they from most other corporations? McDonalds, Toyota, shit, fucking Disney, they all exist to make money and they all do things that have hurt people to do it. For that matter, a lot of our own government is that way.

Anti-smoking groups will accuse big tobacco of trying to make their products available and attractive and "cool" to kids. Again, nothing everyone else doesn't do, including the anti-smokers themselves. Have you seen their ads? Their most recent campaign, this "own your c" crap, is geared toward making their view seem cool to kids. And of course they yield no ground in letting tobacco companies advertise in the same ways they do.


In the end, cigarettes are the American fucking Dream. Sell whatever to whoever and make a hefty profit. So if you're gonna act out, don't act out at tobacco, it's a fucking plant. I'm against all advertising and corporations, I don't care WHAT they're selling, cigarettes or their anti-freedom ideals.

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The big difference is that

The big difference is that the other companies dont force the harmful effects of their product on everyone within a certain distance of the addicts use while making a product that does no good whatsoever. There are no "marijuana vs non-marijuana" "crack vs no crack" or "heroin injecting vs no heroin injecting" sections in restaurants. The more I think the more I believe tobacco should be illegal. If the drugs that are already continue to be illegal it certainly should be - as they don't tend to harm everyone within the area they are using.

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The thing about "cig

The thing about "cig smoking" is to educate everyone on it's bad effects, as in all substance abuse, me being way bad, an "expert" ..... I voted for all the tax raising on tobacco, so the kids will be detered , but I would never outlaw it by any "law".

   BTW .... If you are "god in your heart / mind", as just meaning all is ONE, I think my posts are easy reads .....  I write alot in the style of "speeches", I AM a "atheist preacher" to the common folk, ...... ( well so I try to be ) ..... Please friends, adjust and fix my words. I say nothing that is "complicated" ..... COMPLICATED is a DEVIL TRICK ! It's all of dogma religion hocus pocus.

All the "proud accomplishments" of all our world are all our doing. Never fall to the devil promoting surrender and "worship" .... "No one man can build even a modern pencil from scratch, let alone a 747" ..... my cool Dad said.    

   WE are "ONE",  is all my message to write over and over and over ..... from every and any angle of thought ......   We are GOD !       

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MattShizzle wrote:The big

MattShizzle wrote:

The big difference is that the other companies dont force the harmful effects of their product on everyone within a certain distance of the addicts use while making a product that does no good whatsoever. There are no "marijuana vs non-marijuana" "crack vs no crack" or "heroin injecting vs no heroin injecting" sections in restaurants. The more I think the more I believe tobacco should be illegal. If the drugs that are already continue to be illegal it certainly should be - as they don't tend to harm everyone within the area they are using.

"no good whatsoever"

And then again with the ridiculous analogies.

"The more you think..."

Are you asserting that drugs which are already illegal 'tend not to harm everyone in an area'?



It's a shame that someone on this site has to be anecdotal evidence against the assertion that passionate anger directed towards an issue helped make them think more rationally than a disinterested third party.

Methinks people have been watching too many of those 'truth' commercials with the outlandish displays of performance art. Too bad those commercials are aimed at the ignorant unable to spot the logical fallacies contained within them.

Of course, tobacco companies would fire back except they are prohibited from doing so by the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act of 1970.

How very sad that the public is prevented from hearing both sides of the issue by the government.

One wonders if THAT is the reason for one side of the population to tell us all how we should live our lives.

In my opinion,  the adamant anti-smoking ideology is just as obnoxious as theism.

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While I agree with Matt on

While I agree with Matt on most atheist type issues I would have to say that ( IMHO ) he generally comes across as a cheerleader for totalitarianism.....and dictatorships don't appeal to me.

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2 words annex mexico

2 words annex mexico


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skywolf wrote:2 words annex

skywolf wrote:

2 words annex mexico


Silly rabbit. They have no multi-billion dollar resources for us to exploit! But if you were to find some major oil supplies there, it would be done in a heartbeat. 

But the real issue here is that we shouldn't be annexing anything anywhere, because one day that leads to huge, unified world governments. Pretty soon it's just Oceana vs. Eurasia vs. Eastasia. And Big Brother is most definitely watching YOU.

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pyrokidd wrote:But how

pyrokidd wrote:

But how different are they from most other corporations? McDonalds, Toyota, shit, fucking Disney, they all exist to make money...

Yeah but it's not going to make my child's asthma flare up if you watch a Disney video sitting next to her. Slight difference there.

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The illegal drugs and

The illegal drugs and alcohol in and of themselves don't harm anyone but the user. Smoking does. The indirect harm caused to others by use of illegal drugs seems to be largely a factor on their illegality.

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Quote:The illegal drugs and


The illegal drugs and alcohol in and of themselves don't harm anyone but the user. Smoking does. The indirect harm caused to others by use of illegal drugs seems to be largely a factor on their illegality.

Now you went and got me going again. This time more about illegal drugs.

There are soooo many reasons drugs are illegal, but few have to do with what the fucking government tells us. More than anything, the drug war as we know it today is a way to crush political dissent. All those hippies doing acid/pot/mushrooms in the 60's were very "socially corrosive". Yeah, they were fucking with the system pretty bad, and you know the system doesn't like to be fucked with. More than just hippies, other minorities that used drugs could now be prosecuted(black militants, mexican immigrants, etc.) The "indirect harm" you refer to isn't so much that they really harm anyone so much as they harm the industrial system.

LSD has never been shown to do long term harm, even by the government's standards. Marijuana's harm is little, especially when compared to alcohol and tobacco products. Ecstasy, when not abused, has been shown to be very effective in improving people's relationships. It was originally used by marriage counselors. But all of these often cause people to question the value of their place in society, and the system can't operate that way.

Then you get to some of the harder drugs; meth, coke, and heroin. These are most certainly addictive and dangerous, but you can be prescribed perfectly legal drugs with more or less the same effects. For instance, Oxycodone is an opiate very similar to heroin. Morphine, used in hospitals, basically IS heroin. In fact, heroin turns into morphine once it metabolizes in your liver.

The drug war is no more than a way to further control the masses.

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I even heard the possibility

I even heard the possibility that - guess what - religion has something to do with it. Besides just the idea Christianity has that anything pleasurible is automatically "bad" there's the fact that people can have "spiritual" experiences without the churh - and the fact some "evil pagan" religions use it in their ceremonies.

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And I personally believe

And I personally believe religion is ALSO used to control the masses. I doubt I'll get much argumentation on this one.

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No doubt about that. Who was

No doubt about that. Who was it that said (I believe this was in Ancient times) that "Religion is regarded as true by the stupid, false by the wise and useful by the rulers?"

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