What are you most controversial opinions

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What are you most controversial opinions

I am in the mood to vent. I have opinions that I can't talk openly about at work and in my conservative area, would get beat up for discussing since this is a place where advocating using nuclear weapons against Mecca is not all the controversial.

- As an atheist and a bright, simply admitting that I do not believe in god is deeply offensive to some people, particularly ones whose religious beliefs indicate that everyone should be converted to their religion. The planet as a whole would be better off without religion, especially Islam and Christianity.

- I am a white person and I agree whole-heartly with Kanye West when he said George Bush doesn't care about Black people and all the things he said leading up to that. For five days George Bush did absolutely nothing to help the victims of Katrina, he remained on vacation, even going out to play guitar with some celebrity for a photo op. After the city went to total chaos he ordered the national guard to shoot those looters, meanwhile white families caught up in the disaster were said to be "finding" supplies. We know George Bush doesn't care about black people because we he finally got off his ass to do something, he CONGRATULATED the man responsible for hundreds of dead and dying people in New Orleans as doing a "heck of a job."

- George Bush stole the election by illegally disenfranchising black voters with a list of "felons" that had an absurd number of false positives because the criteria for being on the list was being the same race, and having the same name as a felon. Only we can't talk about this because bringing up this historical fact labels us conspiracy theorists despite being well documented.

-There are dozens of crimes committed by the Bush administration that should warrant impeachment and all of them alone are far worse than cheating on your wife with a fat Jewish intern in the oval office. Republicans are massive hypocrites and Democrats are tiny cowards for not impeaching this fuck head. Bush's overwhelming incompetence is proof that 9-11 was not planned by him or anyone working for him since the towers actually fell.

-George Bush is a liar. His administration lied about weapons of mass destruction. They went by intelligence that they knew was false because they had been wanting to conquer Iraq and its oil for years. Even now the future oil revenue is being divided up amongst the oil corporations and is going to be used not for the benefit of Iraqis but for the benefit of George Bush's friends.

-Our use of depleted uranium is a war crime and I hold the pentagon responsible for every birth defect that happens in Iraq. Someone needs to give shaking the evil out of the pentagon another try.

-Hilary Clinton and other democrats were not deceived by Bush, they voted for the war knowing he was full of shit but were to cowardly to call Bush out on his lies, which is pretty much the same reason they voted for the patriot act.

-Crack Cocaine was intentionally let into this country by the CIA under Regan because we had alliances to maintain with right wing drug lords. The fact that it devastated the black community was convenient source of revenue and labor for the increasingly privatized prisons that tend to support the right wing

-Reagan was a miserable excuse for a president and it is a pity that he didn't spend his last days homeless and alone like the thousands of mentally ill people he threw out on the street to build more bombs, or die penniless and broken like the black single mothers he vilified, or die in a blazing inferno or from chemical burns that would cover 100% of his body like the children of Iran killed by weapons he supplied to Iraq.

-The longest running failure of policy is the war on (some) drugs but no one, once elected, has the courage to admit the nakedness of the king and do something to stop it. DEA agents and the police in general have become increasingly militarized because kicking down doors like jack booted fascists is pretty much the only way to enforce drug laws. The war on drugs had racists motivations as an excuse to lock up Mexicans and Asians, served as a useful tool to lock up young critics of the Vietnam war who had also expanded their minds by experimenting with altering the consciousness, and continues to be used as a weapon against minorities.  Blacks account for 15% of the users of pot and about 80% of arrests, and the children of the wealthy are given far more lenient sentences in the criminal justice system.

-Sodomy and Fornication are healthy natural and normal and it is ludicrous to think that we can stop teen pregnancy by teaching only abstanence. We also should teach tolerance of homosexuality and sex ed should cover issues relevant to gay sex.

- I do not pledge allegiance to the flag, the united states, or the god it is under.

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ProzacDeathWish wrote:

Louis_Cypher wrote:



By the way, I was raised in SE Texas, and can pop the eye out of a grey squirrel in the top of a pine tree with a 22...

When I left Texas, I owned 15 rifles, (3 that I built myself) and 3 handguns...

I STILL maintain that the 2d amendment does NOT sanctify universal gun ownership. It does not however, DENY the states the right to sanction this idiocy.

I just get tired of people droning on about the 2d Amendment and their 'rights'...

LC >;-}>


I too was born and raised in Texas and still live there ....so what ?

Your marksmanship skills signify that you have marksmanship skills...not a rare commodity among a nation of gun owners.

I have two gun safes full of rifles, shotguns and hand guns...again, so what ?

You are tired of people droning about their constitutional "rights"...too bad for you, hunh ?


ps, so you are a US citizen who enjoyed private gun ownership for yourself....but you would not allow other private citizens the same right ? 

If the 2'nd amendment does not grant private gun ownership then upon what legal basis did you privately own your guns ?

You may object to private gun ownership and even advocate public execution of gun owners if that pleases you but the fact that the Federal Government is the legal entity that actually facilitates the purchase of firearms by individuals  ( ie, yellow form # 4473 ) blows your baseless assertion of "no individual rights" theory out of the water.

My point was simple: I'm Not an anti-gun nut...nor am I particulary against responsible gun ownership.

The federal government facilitates gun ownership, "so what". That does not mean that they are on constitutionally solid ground.

My point, which you have proven beyond anything I could write, is that there is an almost religeous ferver over the 'right' to own a gun.

The constitution does NOT authorize universal gun ownership... but this is the kicker... it doesn't FORBID it either.

The states are supposed to do the regulating, a role usurped by the ATF...

LC >;-}>


Christianity: A disgusting middle eastern blood cult, based in human sacrifice, with sacraments of cannibalism and vampirism, whose highest icon is of a near naked man hanging in torment from a device of torture.

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Actually I am a rabid,

  Actually I am a rabid, glassy-eyed, jaw-clenching, zealot concerning my freedoms as they are outlined within the Bill of Rights. 

At this point I suspect your version of "responsible" gun ownership would be some elitist, backdoor approach to near total prohibition.  Tell me I'm wrong.


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I love this thread. Venting

I love this thread. Venting is good, so here goes.


I really can't stand people. If you ever listened to Anti Nowhere League's song I hate people, it's like that.

Your average person is really stupid, ignorant or both. These I call people. If I meet a new person, to minimize disappointment, I assume them to be idiots. Rarely, they turn out not to be idiots, at which point they graduate from people to human beings. Thankfully I'm in a university environment, so here are many human beings.


Fat whiny people. You know the people who are fat, complain about it to everyone, but never exercise and who eat enormous amounts of processed sugar and fat. I mean, how stupid can they get? If I see a fat person at the gym, who is obviously doing something about the weight, I respect that. Or if I see someone who is happy with their weight, and don't care what others think, I respect that. But if they whine about it, and do things opposite to what they say they want, they can go fuck themselves.


People who think they somehow have the right not to be offended. Yes, I support their right to believe in stupid ridiculous things. I also support their right to express their stupidity. But along with that comes MY right to point out just how ridiculous their beliefs are. Get over it, or crawl back underneath whatever rock you came from.


No, children are not miracles. It's basic biology. So you had a kid huh? Well, good for you, you managed to do what a rabbit can do several times per year, congratulations. Now, keep your kid the hell away from me. Kids are basically small people, with even less knowledge and bigger egos. They're only adorable if asleep.


I try to teach basic astronomy to college students. Some of these people have the reading comprehension and attention span of a 6-year-old. How the hell did they ever graduate high school? They expect to be spoon fed everything, and led by the hand through even the simplest things. I had one ask me how to divide two numbers! The level of mathematical literacy depresses me.


People with insane romantic notions they expect reality to conform to. There's no such thing as a "soul mate" (follows from the soul being non-existent). There's no knight in shining armor coming to sweep you off your feet and carry you into the sunset. Your relationship problems will not magically disappear just because you get married. Same thing if you have kids, it will most likely increase instead. Everyone should try the Swedish model: boy meets girl, boy and girl have 1.6 kids, if that works for 10 years, then maybe girl will ask boy to marry her, for inheritance reasons.


People who get married as teenagers. I wouldn't trust a teenager to pick their own outfits for the day, so I sure wouldn't expect them to be able to choose a partner supposedly for the rest of their life.

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I agree with Fire's initial post a lot, and also, I bother people with my controversial opinions openly, so I'll have to think up some new or just repeat some of them here. Also, many other guys have a good notices, there's only a few who I disagree with. Mostly the amoral stuff.

- I am for encouraging and propagation of free, anonymous abortions, if it is within five weeks since conceiving. However, I wouldn't recommend an abortion after that time.

- I believe,  the owner of company, which made these electronic voting machines (Bush's brother?), faked the voting results. Every fifth vote for Kerry was electronically changed for Bush. This got out, because votes were numbered and one woman later reviewed her vote number on the machine and it was for Bush, though she voted for Kerry.

- The film of 911 Mysteries had opened my eyes. It should be broadcasted once in every cinema in USA and during that, the doors should be locked, so no blockheads can't escape the truth.

- I don't see any difference between Republicans and Democrats. I think, they're paid by the same people and I don't mean only USA tax payers.

- Sex, nudity and love is restricted in media as immoral, while the media are full of killing, deaths, murders and crimes. That's absurd state of things. Sex is legal, killing not, I think media should follow the laws.

- I believe in a massive change in consciousness of people, which started in last decades and continues with increasing intensity. This phenomenon should hopefully help us to save ourselves from killing each other and estabilish a sustainable human culture, without a need for a control over masses.

- I think, that a religion is good, if it's not organized. I'm generally positive towards non-organized religions. I'm not a Christian and I don't know, why anyone else should be, even Jesus Christ himself was not a Christian, he didn't build any church building, he didn't wear a white collar, he said nothing of a hierarchy of a popes, cardinals, archbishops, bishops, priors, abbots and priests. He didn't estabilish any rituals which should be performed in temples, he mentioned no ceremonial clothes, ritual properties or confession booths. So where the hell did it come from? Well, I think I answered myself.

- Our brains are designed to spill an opiates of pleasure into our blood circuit, every time we encounter a food which is highly nutritious, like sweet, greasy, and so on. It was a good mechanism in times, when food was very scarce, it helped us to keep on struggling to find a food and to nourish us better. However, it's a curse today. I believe, that some food production companies designed their products to be exactly producing most of the opiates in our brain - just look at a hamburger with fries, ice cream, coca cola and who knows what else. Next time you'll see an awfully fat person, it's not a responsible fat dumbass, but an opiate addict, a victim of a food companies marketing strategy. Such people should not only run and fasten, but also attend to anti-drug sessions. Fat food wasn't yet put out of a law, but I hope it's a matter of time.

- I believe in an extraterrestrial life, because I once or twice saw UFO. It was unlike any atmospheric or technical thing I ever saw before or later.

- I believe, that all members of government or leaders should be freed of a part of their human rights, as long as they perform their job. They should own no money or  private bank accounts, except for a small allowance, they should wear an uniforms and clothes belonging to the state, live in state-borrowed apartments, eat in a state dining hall, they shouldn't be allowed to do any business, major financial operations, or other job, and so on. Also, they should be very easily thrown out, if their results won't be acceptable. Being a politician must be a service, something like a nunnish order. This is how there would remain only people, who doesn't just go for money and power.

- I like a controversial music. No matter if it's ugly, bizarre, scary, unusual, strange or disturbing, just when it's something new and ingenious and a bit listener-friendly. I see a bit unclear border between drugs and music. Music is drug and drugs shapes music. Don't listen to a senseless music, just as don't take shitty drugs (like cocaine, heroine, crack, and so on). Drugs and music are sacred and must be used with care.

- I don't like when people fiddle with cell phones all the time. Not because they're annoying, but because I have few people who I'd call myself or who would call me, so it pisses me off a bit, when somoeone complains of being too popular among friends. Don't worry about me though, I just need a big change and the preparations are already fully running. Let's see, if the grass abroad is more green. (well, "grass" is a local word for cannabis Smiling  )

- Eugenics is a nonsense, and a threat to a freedom, it would do more harm than a non-limited breeding. A guarantee of good genetic pool is a cross-breeding on edges of different races. If a white person occasionally marries a black or asiatic person (of opposite gender), it's in fact good for global genetic pool and keeps us further from degeneration. No need for eugenics, it's a damn third reich idea.

Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.

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Luminon wrote:- Eugenics is

Luminon wrote:

- Eugenics is a nonsense, and a threat to a freedom


I believe statements like this are incomprehensible, absurd and self-contradictory.  Also, I hate the term Freedom Fighter.  They should be called Freedom Protectors.  Freedom Fighter implies you are fighting freedom rather than fighting for it.  I mean, look at Firefighters.  They are not fighting for in the name of fires or for the right of fire to burn everything in sight.  They are trying to subdue and control the fire.  Perhaps its a form of self-confession of what Freedom Fighters are really after, namely, the absolute submission of those whom disagree with them.

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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KSMB wrote: People with

KSMB wrote:


People with insane romantic notions they expect reality to conform to. There's no such thing as a "soul mate" (follows from the soul being non-existent). There's no knight in shining armor


We should bring back duels to the death.  Whether it be with guns, melee weapons or fists.  It could save so much money and time to let two people kill each other than to stretch it out into a tired process of forming better ways to "communicate". 

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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You guys aren't half as

You guys aren't half as 'extreme' as you think you are.

First, I swear I'd like to slap the next moron that invokes socialism and money in the same thought. If this is YOU then get a grasp on the concept before you embarass me by calling yourself a socialist. No bartering either. Bartering is the same fucking thing as trading currency.

Secondly, there has never been a democracy on a large scale. So stop saying it needs to be gone. Before you utter "No true scotsman" then consider known history and kiss my ass. Likewise, stop saying shit like "Your vote counts!" This falls into 'biggest lie' category with "The check's in the mail." "I'll only put the tip in." and "I promise not to cum in your mouth."

Thirdly, I don't care what you do when watching two women eat shit from a sundae cup. However, if it gives you an erection then see a therapist. Mommy was mean to you in the bathroom at some point. This includes hentai tentacle rape porn: Laughing is ok. Masturbating to it is cause for institutionalization.

Fourthly, smokers please smoke in designated areas. Non-smokers quit trying to make everywhere non-smoking. If you can't tolerate smoking then FUCKING DUH! don't go where people smoke. Smokers, if you get cancer then die already. Don't suck up needed medical time for other medical conditions in hospitals. DON'T give me the shit that you CAN'T quit either. If you want to quit then quit. Don't be a candy-ass. For the record, I am a smoker. 1 pack of Marlboro reds per day. No more. No less. I choose to smoke. I like it. Science has given us the means of air filtration in our homes. I have to tolerate the smell of alcohol and broken hearts from you people so fuck off.

Fifthly, just because you're better than someone else, doesn't mean you're good. Elitism means that you're only as 'favored' as others think you are. "Ego notwithstanding, you know what they gonna say..." - GreydonSquare

Lastly, Eugenics is subjective. Some people are too skinny or too fat. How do you know that YOUR traits are worthwhile or worthless? I would prefer natural selection to work by culling that which cannot be self-sufficient. This does NOT mean that genetic research into eliminating intersubjectively BAD things should be discontinued.

Shortened 'extremist' views.

Funerals are irrational.

Schools need to be two shifts.

And it's okay to be averse to people with differing ideologies.

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Hmm reminds me:Smoking

Hmm reminds me:

Smoking should be illegal anywhere except for private homes - in that case it's up to the homeowner. Don't give me crap - even if the owner of a restaurant is ok with it there's the other patrons and even more so the employees (if you're a waiter/waitress you're at the bottom of the social ladder and really can't choose another job.) Anyone smoking in any other area should be charged with contributing toward murder (due to secondhand smoke danger) and sentenced to life in prison - and make sure it's a no smoking prison!

The owner/CEO/Highest paid person in a company shouldn't be allowed to make more than 25 times a year what the lowest paid employee is paid - assuming the lowest paid employee is full time - otherwise adjust them to what they'd make in 40 hours.

The US might have the highest quality health care in the world, but has the worst system outside the 3rd world. If you can't afford it who cares how good it is? Universal health care is a right.

A place to live, edible food and enough to survive on and a relatively comfortable existance are rights. Fuck right wing assholes that want to deny this to people that can't afford it.

Puting things that are necessities (health care, food, fuel, electricity, water) on the free market instead of under government control should be considered a crime against humanity.

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Wow thanks for all your

Wow thanks for all your posts. Ummm, what to add ? .....  

Yeah people,  the world sure does need improving .....

My awareness hates the reasons for our greed, and unnecessary fear, which seem the root reasons we all inherintley share, which we could greatly diminish with education and devoted communication. The lack of communication (love) is really why we still have not overcome,

War, hunger, desperation, and virtually all "preventable" suffering. Yes I AM a dreamer and ask what would be heaven or utopia, and how can all the world jointly communicate what we most all want, so that we may make progress to better enjoying life as a world community ?

Ethics should be creatively taught from grade one. Give me all the kids and I will improve the future world. 

John Lennon, wrote some simple words in his song "Imagine"  Yeah, imagine, and so then make it so ......  http://www.metrolyrics.com/imagine-lyrics-john-lennon.html

We today still don't have open WORLD TV, nor a functional needed UN, .... and on the internet,  I AM not able to simply chat with most in the east and mideast. Why ?

 Teach the kids we adults were duped, I am almost dead, Good luck to you the living ..... and sorry I didn't help more ....  Why care ? Beats me ????   I didn't ask to be born ..... I AM , what I AM .....   no need for secrets ..... reject all stupid, the religions of guilt and shame .... We are GOD .....   



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KSMB wrote:I love this

KSMB wrote:

I love this thread. Venting is good, so here goes.


I really can't stand people. If you ever listened to Anti Nowhere League's song I hate people, it's like that.

Your average person is really stupid, ignorant or both. These I call people. If I meet a new person, to minimize disappointment, I assume them to be idiots. Rarely, they turn out not to be idiots, at which point they graduate from people to human beings. Thankfully I'm in a university environment, so here are many human beings.


Pure truth. Sometimes I think my friend and I are anti-social, since we don't interact with other people that much.Then I remember it's because the vast majority of people are idiots.Particularly teens.An average conversation between them will yield intelligence equal to that of a sea cumcumber.

Another thing, fat people wwho drink diet Cokes.I saw this all the time when I was a waiter. Fat people will always order a big,fattening meal,but be sure to get a diet drink.Because that's really gonna make a difference right. How about swapping that steak for a salad?

Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible

dudeofthemoment wrote:
This is getting redudnant. My patience with the unteachable[atheists] is limited.

Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.

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1. Healthier-Than-Thou

1. Healthier-Than-Thou shitheads who say things like "I hate fat people" really piss me off.

2. When expressing my opinion to a parent about their idiot child, I hate when they ask "Do YOU have children?".  To which I usually reply "Does having a child give YOU license to be a hysterical fucking idiot?".

3. I think the "age of consent" is too high, and a ridiculous notion in the first place.

4. Smoking bans in bars and restaurants are ridiclous.  Since involuntary inhalation of secondhand smoke is the issue, post a fucking sign at the door of the establishment stating "Smoking allowed here, enter at your own risk."  Are zealous non-smokers too goddamn stupid to read?

5. I hate the unspoken notion that racism is a one-way street.

6. I am so disgruntled with our (US) political system because all we have to choose from are bible-thumping, war-mongering, corrupt Republicans and socialist, tax-and-fuck, hypocritical Democrats.  Why the fuck isn't there an openly secular, fiscally conservative, socially liberal party out there that can give these two lying sack-of-shit parties the boot?

7. I hate that I can't drive a fucking block in Ft. Worth, Texas without seeing a goddamed tax-exempt religious nuthouse on the street corner.




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Sport stars.Could someone

Sport stars.Could someone please explain to me why these people get paid millions to kick/carry/hit a ball around? Why do people who actually contribute something to soceity,ie teachers, get paid a fraction of a sports star's salary?

Sure,they have a talent and put years of practise in to get to where they are, but why shouldn't they just get a comfortable salary?Though personally I think even that's too much, they shouldn't get more than anyone who has a real job.

Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible

dudeofthemoment wrote:
This is getting redudnant. My patience with the unteachable[atheists] is limited.

Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.

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  I love you Loc ! , my

  I love you Loc ! , my young friend  ..... thanks for being awake ! .... and typing 

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darth_josh wrote:Thirdly, I

darth_josh wrote:

Thirdly, I don't care what you do when watching two women eat shit from a sundae cup. However, if it gives you an erection then see a therapist. Mommy was mean to you in the bathroom at some point. This includes hentai tentacle rape porn: Laughing is ok. Masturbating to it is cause for institutionalization.

I hate people who claim not to care but clearly do.

Likewise, stop saying shit like "Your vote counts!" This falls into 'biggest lie' category with "The check's in the mail." "I'll only put the tip in." and "I promise not to cum in your mouth."

Or "Lets just be friends".


" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

Subdi Visions
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Loc wrote:Another thing, fat

Loc wrote:

Another thing, fat people wwho drink diet Cokes.I saw this all the time when I was a waiter. Fat people will always order a big,fattening meal,but be sure to get a diet drink.Because that's really gonna make a difference right. How about swapping that steak for a salad?

Diet colas taste different than straight colas.  It's very possible that some people prefer the taste of diet colas. It's not as syrupy. There was a period of time during the eighties when I preferred the taste of diet coke and it had absolutely nothing to do with trying to lose weight. Although the world is blessed with many ignorant people I'm pretty sure that most large people know that drinking a diet cola is not going to off set a large unhealthy meal. Thing is not everyone is going to be thin, young and beautiful like most of the people complaining about the fat people. Consider losing the hate and being greatful that you aren't fat, ugly and stupid.

I'm tired of people talking about how stupid it is to buy water in bottles. I have no illusions about the quality of the water being better than water straight out of my tap. My tap isn't at the theater, the gas station or ball park. I prefer to drink water over drinking sodas or juices when out and about. Give me a fucking break already.

I despise people that think they are junior members of the highway patrol and refuse to get the fuck out of the left hand lane. If someone is parked on your bumper move to the right you arrogant or ignorant ass.

Small arms have been a part of my employment since I was a teen. It would be a wonderful world if only responsible gun owners owned guns but you're never gonna get that genie back in the bottle.

You 9/11 conspiracy nuts are, well nuts. You give way to much credit to who ever you think might be capable of pulling off such a feat. Ignorant islamic fucks thought it would be a good idea to fly some planes into American symbols. Religious extremism at its finest.

I despise Republicans. They are greedy, selfish and at least a little evil.

While America is far from perfect and I'm very displeased with the current "leadership" I'm damned glad to be an American. It ain't perfect, but it's home.


"The righteous rise, With burning eyes, Of hatred and ill-will
Madmen fed on fear and lies, To beat and burn and kill"
Witch Hunt from the album Moving Pictures. Neal Pert, Rush

HC Grindon
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Subdi Visions wrote:Diet

Subdi Visions wrote:

Diet colas taste different than straight colas.  It's very possible that some people prefer the taste of diet colas. It's not as syrupy....Although the world is blessed with many ignorant people I'm pretty sure that most large people know that drinking a diet cola is not going to off set a large unhealthy meal.

Exactly.  Only a complete fucking moron would think otherwise.

I despise people that think they are junior members of the highway patrol and refuse to get the fuck out of the left hand lane. If someone is parked on your bumper move to the right you arrogant or ignorant ass.

a.ka. "Left Lane Vigilantes"

While America is far from perfect and I'm very displeased with the current "leadership" I'm damned glad to be an American. It ain't perfect, but it's home.

"Amen" to that, brother.

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Subdi Visions wrote:Loc

Subdi Visions wrote:

Loc wrote:

Another thing, fat people wwho drink diet Cokes.I saw this all the time when I was a waiter. Fat people will always order a big,fattening meal,but be sure to get a diet drink.Because that's really gonna make a difference right. How about swapping that steak for a salad?

Diet colas taste different than straight colas.  It's very possible that some people prefer the taste of diet colas. It's not as syrupy. There was a period of time during the eighties when I preferred the taste of diet coke and it had absolutely nothing to do with trying to lose weight. Although the world is blessed with many ignorant people I'm pretty sure that most large people know that drinking a diet cola is not going to off set a large unhealthy meal. Thing is not everyone is going to be thin, young and beautiful like most of the people complaining about the fat people. Consider losing the hate and being greatful that you aren't fat, ugly and stupid.


So true there are other reasons people may drink diet soda - maybe they are diabetic like me and can't drink soda with sugar, or maybe it's about tooth decay.

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MattShizzle wrote:Subdi

MattShizzle wrote:

Subdi Visions wrote:

Loc wrote:

Another thing, fat people wwho drink diet Cokes.I saw this all the time when I was a waiter. Fat people will always order a big,fattening meal,but be sure to get a diet drink.Because that's really gonna make a difference right. How about swapping that steak for a salad?

Diet colas taste different than straight colas.  It's very possible that some people prefer the taste of diet colas. It's not as syrupy. There was a period of time during the eighties when I preferred the taste of diet coke and it had absolutely nothing to do with trying to lose weight. Although the world is blessed with many ignorant people I'm pretty sure that most large people know that drinking a diet cola is not going to off set a large unhealthy meal. Thing is not everyone is going to be thin, young and beautiful like most of the people complaining about the fat people. Consider losing the hate and being greatful that you aren't fat, ugly and stupid.


So true there are other reasons people may drink diet soda - maybe they are diabetic like me and can't drink soda with sugar, or maybe it's about tooth decay.

I meant to cover diabetics in the original post but I forgot.I'm not saying no one can ever have a reason for drinking diet sodas, it just seems ironic who usually does.I'm not on some fat hating campaign. This is an opinions thread if you remember.

Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible

dudeofthemoment wrote:
This is getting redudnant. My patience with the unteachable[atheists] is limited.

Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.

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Personal Responsibility...

When people find out what i do for a living, I frequently get the old morbid question, "what's the worse thing you've ever seen?"

I think back through the car crashes, the gunshot suicides, the industrial accidents, even the young man that got killed and eaten by a pack of wolves and none of them rate.

The one case that I had on my autopsy table that REALLY got to me, and still does was that of a beautiful 14 year old girl, who, in a house FULL of adults, drank herself to death. Where the FUCK was the sense of responsibility? Even worse, no one was ever held accountable. She was a native girl, so the RCMP and the system in general simply doesn't care. Just another drunk indian...

LC >:-{>

Christianity: A disgusting middle eastern blood cult, based in human sacrifice, with sacraments of cannibalism and vampirism, whose highest icon is of a near naked man hanging in torment from a device of torture.

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Loc wrote:MattShizzle

Loc wrote:

MattShizzle wrote:

Subdi Visions wrote:

Loc wrote:

Another thing, fat people wwho drink diet Cokes.I saw this all the time when I was a waiter. Fat people will always order a big,fattening meal,but be sure to get a diet drink.Because that's really gonna make a difference right. How about swapping that steak for a salad?

Diet colas taste different than straight colas.  It's very possible that some people prefer the taste of diet colas. It's not as syrupy. There was a period of time during the eighties when I preferred the taste of diet coke and it had absolutely nothing to do with trying to lose weight. Although the world is blessed with many ignorant people I'm pretty sure that most large people know that drinking a diet cola is not going to off set a large unhealthy meal. Thing is not everyone is going to be thin, young and beautiful like most of the people complaining about the fat people. Consider losing the hate and being greatful that you aren't fat, ugly and stupid.


So true there are other reasons people may drink diet soda - maybe they are diabetic like me and can't drink soda with sugar, or maybe it's about tooth decay.

I meant to cover diabetics in the original post but I forgot.I'm not saying no one can ever have a reason for drinking diet sodas, it just seems ironic who usually does.I'm not on some fat hating campaign. This is an opinions thread if you remember.

I don't mean to be hatin'. I just wish I had a dime for everytime I heard someone voice the logic of large people drinking diet sodas or people paying for perfectly normal drinking water. Not hatin' just sayin' Sticking out tongue



"The righteous rise, With burning eyes, Of hatred and ill-will
Madmen fed on fear and lies, To beat and burn and kill"
Witch Hunt from the album Moving Pictures. Neal Pert, Rush

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Wow, excellent thread. I'll

Wow, excellent thread. I'll throw my gallon of gas on the fire...

On Children:

Hambydammit wrote:

- I hate when parents use the whole, "You don't have children, so you are unqualified to talk about anything to do with having children."

You don't have children, so you are unqualified to talk about anything to do with having children. Sorry, but it's true. I think you need to tone down your rhetoric with regard to children. You were a child once. If your parents didn't have kids, you wouldn't be here. If you don't want to be here, you're free to leave at any time. There are a number of means at your disposal for ending your life.

Harshness aside, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that the point you're trying to make is that there are some fucked up parents out there employing some fucked up methods of child-rearing. As a parent, I see that shit all the time. I will agree that you don't need to be a parent to recognize a fucked up parent when you see one.

I think that any parent who has more than two children should lose their child tax credits and be required to pay an additional annual tax per child over two. I'm tired of seeing these rich families have 4 or 5 kids just because they can. The United States already consumes more that its fair share of resources. The last thing we need to do is skew that number even further. The additional child tax revenue should go towards programs that work to eliminate poverty.

If someone can't afford the tax that a third child would bring, free sterilization should be required (and sterilization-reversal should also be free in the event that a child dies).

On Gun Control:

I'm all for people owning guns. I think too many people already own guns for a an ideal version of gun control to be enacted. But in the wake of the Virginia Tech massacre it should be clear that a much better screening system should be in place to disallow anyone who has sought a certain level of mental health treatment  from buying a gun. I think people should have to wait a minimum of two weeks before buying a gun and receiving it to give authorities enough time to do a thorough background check. Nobody absolutely needs to have a gun within 48 hours of deciding they want one (unless there is an imminent danger that can be verified by law enforcement officials in which case a special waiver could be issued). Punishment for illegal gun possession of use should be severe.

On Alcohol Consumption:

Lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18 is a bad idea. The military argument doesn't hold water in the absence of a draft (though if a draft was implemented, the drinking age should be lowered to 18). Giving special alcohol comsumption privileges to those who have actually joined the military would only serve to create a huge black market in military IDs.

There are two things that could be done to reduce alcohol abuse in this country. 1) Make DUI/DWI punishments far more severe. DUI/DWI laws in the United States are lame compared to those in European countries (where the drinking ages are conversely lower). Driving a car while drunk is like waving a loaded gun around. The punishments should be equally severe for both. 2) Allow parents or legal guardians to serve alcohol to their underage children provided A) the children are at least 15 years old, B) the children do not leave the home after they have been drinking until they are verifiably sober, and C) the children's blood alcohol content does not significantly exceed the point of legal intoxication.

Children need to learn about alcohol before they go to college. The only way for them to do that in a safe way is by supervised consumption at home. Like most taboo activities, allowing children to take part in them takes way the fun.

On Fossil Fuel Consumption:

It should be clear by this point that we're going to be completely fucked as a civilization and a planet if we don't knock it off with this fossil fuel consumption. We have to turn off the spigot, close the mines and switch over to renewable sources of energy well before we burn every last drop and nugget of fossil fuel. Any company that deals in the extraction, processing or sale of fossil fuel should be required to contribute 10% of its pre-tax profits to a renewable energy research program to be managed by the government of Norway (which should match the funds with some of its own oil profits). The any profits generated by the program will be shared proportionally amongst the donors to the fund.

On Religious Tax-Exemption:

It's fine by me if religious organizations are tax-exempt, provided that they accomplish something materially and measurably beneficial to humanity (feeding the poor, etc.). What is inexcusable is that religious organizations do not even have to file tax returns. This is a loophole that should be closed immediately. The financials of any religious organization should be open to public inspection at any given time, just like all other nonprofit organizations.

On Smoking:

People can smoke all they want. But anyone who walks into a store and buys a pack of cigarettes should have to sign a waiver to surrender all of their rights to healthcare benefits - whether provided by a private company or by the government. I'm tired of paying hundreds of dollars a year in health insurance premiums and never needing anything more than a physical once a year. I know part of the insane escalation of healthcare costs had to do with insurance company greed, but a lot of it has to do with people engaging in unhealthy behavior that requires intensive treatment later in life.


*Whew* That's all I've got for now.

Nobody I know was brainwashed into being an atheist.

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geirj wrote:You don't have

geirj wrote:

You don't have children, so you are unqualified to talk about anything to do with having children.

So I guess various, single, child psychologists and grade school teachers should quit their jobs since they do not meet this necessary qualification for child care.  I think a parent's role is educate but if you don't have children you clearly must not know how to educate a young mind right? Eye-wink

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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MattShizzle wrote:Subdi

MattShizzle wrote:

Subdi Visions wrote:

Loc wrote:

Another thing, fat people wwho drink diet Cokes.I saw this all the time when I was a waiter. Fat people will always order a big,fattening meal,but be sure to get a diet drink.Because that's really gonna make a difference right. How about swapping that steak for a salad?

Diet colas taste different than straight colas.  It's very possible that some people prefer the taste of diet colas. It's not as syrupy. There was a period of time during the eighties when I preferred the taste of diet coke and it had absolutely nothing to do with trying to lose weight. Although the world is blessed with many ignorant people I'm pretty sure that most large people know that drinking a diet cola is not going to off set a large unhealthy meal. Thing is not everyone is going to be thin, young and beautiful like most of the people complaining about the fat people. Consider losing the hate and being greatful that you aren't fat, ugly and stupid.


So true there are other reasons people may drink diet soda - maybe they are diabetic like me and can't drink soda with sugar, or maybe it's about tooth decay.

a) All carbonated drinks cause toothrot as it reacts with plaque to create acid. It may be less with sugar.

b) Artificial sweeteners are generally worse for you than sugar (unless you're diabetic). I'd rather get toothrot than brainrot.

c) Diet coke tastes disgusting, gimme the regular stuff any day.

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Quote:You don't have

You don't have children, so you are unqualified to talk about anything to do with having children. Sorry, but it's true.

Clearly, I hate that you've said this because, as I've said, I think it's one of the worst arguments a person can make.  It's not really a huge deal, because, as I've said before, I agree with you on almost all of your posts, and aside from what I think is an  elitist and unfounded opinion, I think you're a pretty good guy.  This thread is all about controversy, right?

I wonder if you've noticed, though, that this argument isn't an argument.  It's just an objection.  Suppose someone says something about parenting that you don't agree with, and you respond, "Well, you don't know about it because you're not a parent."  You haven't done anything but look scared of his argument.  If you could factually dispute the claim, why bother with the ad hom?  If you use it, and don't offer any counter-argument, you're not much better than a theist who says, "well, you don't love jesus, so you can't talk about what it's like to be a Christian."  If you offer a counter argument and then the ad-hom, you're not adding to your argument.  It's just an appeal, not an argument.

An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin: "argument to the man", "argument against the man&quotEye-wink consists of replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the person making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim.


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To me that's about as

To me that's about as logical as saying a psychiatrist or psychiatrist needs to have had the same disorder in order to treat it or that a physician should only be able to treat patients whose illnesses or injuries he experienced.

Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team

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Louis_Cypher wrote:The one

Louis_Cypher wrote:

The one case that I had on my autopsy table that REALLY got to me, and still does was that of a beautiful 14 year old girl, who, in a house FULL of adults, drank herself to death. Where the FUCK was the sense of responsibility? Even worse, no one was ever held accountable. She was a native girl, so the RCMP and the system in general simply doesn't care. Just another drunk indian...

That's like that thread about the girl in Wisconsin whose parents wouldn't take her to the hospital. They prayed instead. Diabetic ketoacidosis. I couldn't believe it.

Parents pick prayer over doctor; diabetic girl dies

In case you're missing the similarities, both involve a terrible institution (religion/reserve) and both end in gruesome death for kids who don't really have a choice in the matter, they just get to be born into craziness.

One more to add to the rant pile would be "reserves". Aren't we generous? I'm thinking genocide would have been kinder (and yes, I'm exaggerating).

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If you REALLY want to get pissed off

HisWillness wrote:

Louis_Cypher wrote:

The one case that I had on my autopsy table that REALLY got to me, and still does was that of a beautiful 14 year old girl, who, in a house FULL of adults, drank herself to death. Where the FUCK was the sense of responsibility? Even worse, no one was ever held accountable. She was a native girl, so the RCMP and the system in general simply doesn't care. Just another drunk indian...

That's like that thread about the girl in Wisconsin whose parents wouldn't take her to the hospital. They prayed instead. Diabetic ketoacidosis. I couldn't believe it.

Parents pick prayer over doctor; diabetic girl dies

In case you're missing the similarities, both involve a terrible institution (religion/reserve) and both end in gruesome death for kids who don't really have a choice in the matter, they just get to be born into craziness.

One more to add to the rant pile would be "reserves". Aren't we generous? I'm thinking genocide would have been kinder (and yes, I'm exaggerating).

Check into the Residential School scandle up here in Canada...

For a time, the Catholic Church and the Anglican Church, with the full blessing and encouragement of the government ran a network of Residential Schools for native children whose sole function was the destruction of native culture under the guise of assimilation.

Children would be rounded up from the reserves and taken forcibly from their families and placed in these schools. The levels of abuse and degredation rivaled the atrocities of the concentration camps. A whole generation of first nations people were mentally, physically and psychologically destroyed.

The last one closed in 1996...



LC >;-}>



Christianity: A disgusting middle eastern blood cult, based in human sacrifice, with sacraments of cannibalism and vampirism, whose highest icon is of a near naked man hanging in torment from a device of torture.

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geirj wrote:On Fossil Fuel

geirj wrote:
On Fossil Fuel Consumption:

It should be clear by this point that we're going to be completely fucked as a civilization and a planet if we don't knock it off with this fossil fuel consumption. 

Hahaha! Good luck with that. "Man, I really have to quit this heroin use. It's no good."

Honestly, it's not the planet we're screwing. The planet will go on just fine without us. Also, let's be honest for just a second about alternative fuel sources. I suggest you contact an engineer and ask him if there's anything to replace gasoline. Or I could save you the math, and let you know: nope.

So while we enjoy this, the plateau of maximum possible global oil supply, write some stuff down to tell your kids. Because the recession caused by a supply strain is going to make the great depression look like a cake-walk.

On the up-side, your kids will most likely live in a less polluted world, since I'm certain (by even the most optimistic estimates) that we'll run out of fuel for polluting before we've done enough damage to really hurt the next couple of generations.

Also, without gas/deisel, there's no mechanized war. Also, no bombers. Your grandchildren may get to see an age of human impotence where warfare is concerned. Wouldn't that be the best thing ever?

Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence

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Louis_Cypher wrote:Check

Louis_Cypher wrote:

Check into the Residential School scandle up here in Canada...

That was part of what I was referencing - I'm in Ontario.

Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
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HisWillness wrote:Also,

HisWillness wrote:

Also, without gas/deisel, there's no mechanized war. Also, no bombers. Your grandchildren may get to see an age of human impotence where warfare is concerned. Wouldn't that be the best thing ever?

Don't sell humanity short.  If there is anything humans are clever at, it finding unique ways to kill many people at once. 

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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Quote:Don't sell humanity

Don't sell humanity short.  If there is anything humans are clever at, it finding unique ways to kill many people at once.

If it was me in charge of a bunch of soldiers, and I knew that the oil was going to run out soon, I'd start investing in some serious chemical weapons.  Lots of bang for your buck, especially if you can use agents that do long term damage to the soil.  Screw up your enemy's agriculture in a non-petrol world, and you've killed him.

I agree that humans are far too inventive to ever be war-challenged.


Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin

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Quote:If it was me in charge

If it was me in charge of a bunch of soldiers, and I knew that the oil was going to run out soon, I'd start investing in some serious chemical weapons.  Lots of bang for your buck, especially if you can use agents that do long term damage to the soil.  Screw up your enemy's agriculture in a non-petrol world, and you've killed him.


And his grandchildren if he made any.  And I think in a non-petrol world fertile land would be too valuable to throw away like that.  You would need chemical weapons that just kill humans and just hope you kill, en mass, many labor animals like donkeys, horses, and cows.  Then what you would need to invest in are really large walls that can't be climbed i.e. really smooth surfaces that grappling hooks, and such, can;t get caught on to.  Then moats will become the big security technology again.



" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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Quote:And his grandchildren

And his grandchildren if he made any.

I think you're overestimating generals' capacity for rational thought, but you do have a point.  I think most people are smart enough not to use bio-agents these days, but the beauty of chemicals is that they stay where you put them, more or less.

Something I enjoy speculating about is how the end of petrol would affect the Walmart economy.  Obviously, the first effect is that shipping becomes possible only from nearby, so regional differences will become very important.  Trade will become a life or death matter instead of a matter of convenience.  Controlling trade routes through occupation will be the easiest way to gain a tactical advantage over a rival.

Another thing that occurs to me is that the Middle East will be fucked.  There are no resources in most of those countries except for oil.

My scientific curiosity about this is about the only thing that makes me want to live for several hundred years.  I'm intensely curious to see how close all this speculation comes to the reality.


Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin

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I forgot an important

I forgot an important one:

Every single person in first world countries who overindulge with lots of unnecessary commodities (like dumb-ass plate collections with vomit pictures in them) and/or engage in needless, compulsive consumption must be thrown into the woods or in an unpopulated wild area for at least a week, with nothing more than a knife, a small bottle of water and their best, most expensive outfit coupled with shoes and jewelery, that would give them a good perspective about what is really necessary. Once the week has passed, they should be rescued and returned home. If they still engage in compulsive or needless consumption, they must be killed on sight.

-This reminds me: Stop using diamonds as shiny stones that makes you look good and to demonstrate your social status. What kind of unenlightened creatures are we that we waste an otherwise useful material just to show off? And worst, to continue to waste them in such a manner, knowing that we are contributing to slavery and slaughter in third world countries? Synthetic diamonds are just fine, stop wasting natural wonders in your fucking body decorations.

-And also, I support The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. KSMB is damn right, there's just too few human beings, and too many goddamned fucking people walking around. People suck.

Lenore, The Cute Little Dead Girl. Twice as good as Jesus.

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Hambydammit wrote:I think

Hambydammit wrote:

I think you're overestimating generals' capacity for rational thought, but you do have a point.  I think most people are smart enough not to use bio-agents these days, but the beauty of chemicals is that they stay where you put them, more or less.

i think generals would stick to old school TNT or new school C4.  Dem Gen'rils like'em sum big splosions.  Or the classic Hades bomb.

Something I enjoy speculating about is how the end of petrol would affect the Walmart economy.  Obviously, the first effect is that shipping becomes possible only from nearby, so regional differences will become very important.  Trade will become a life or death matter instead of a matter of convenience.  Controlling trade routes through occupation will be the easiest way to gain a tactical advantage over a rival.

Would travel be conducted by horses or bicycles?  Speaking of tactical advantages, the dominant weapons would be bladed weapons or blunt instruments since they don't require ammo.  Theres a funny image, a petallion of cyclists attacking the Scooternazis with hammers.

Another thing that occurs to me is that the Middle East will be fucked.  There are no resources in most of those countries except for oil.

SO at least their petty rivalaries should end.

My scientific curiosity about this is about the only thing that makes me want to live for several hundred years.  I'm intensely curious to see how close all this speculation comes to the reality.

Assuming we, as a species, survive the initial jolt of losing 90% of our functionality as human beings, you would probably have to sit throguh a bnch of misguided and chaotic attacks that dont amount to much aside from bruises and a some deaths.  This is, of course, after, the various militaries try to utilize their remaining resources as an advantage over civilians who dont have such reserves.  THeir first targets will probably be solar panels and other forms of enviormentla friendly energy sources.  the smart individuals would stock up on food and wait for the shit to blow over before trying anything.


" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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albedo_00 wrote:I forgot an

albedo_00 wrote:

I forgot an important one:

Every single person in first world countries who overindulge with lots of unnecessary commodities (like dumb-ass plate collections with vomit pictures in them) and/or engage in needless, compulsive consumption must be thrown into the woods or in an unpopulated wild area for at least a week, with nothing more than a knife, a small bottle of water and their best, most expensive outfit coupled with shoes and jewelery, that would give them a good perspective about what is really necessary. Once the week has passed, they should be rescued and returned home. If they still engage in compulsive or needless consumption, they must be killed on sight.

Fuck giving them a knife.  Have them figure out how to make a blade from flint or other rocks. 

This reminds me: Stop using diamonds as shiny stones that makes you look good and to demonstrate your social status. What kind of unenlightened creatures are we that we waste an otherwise useful material just to show off? And worst, to continue to waste them in such a manner, knowing that we are contributing to slavery and slaughter in third world countries? Synthetic diamonds are just fine, stop wasting natural wonders in your fucking body decorations.

Its ironic that the msot functionable mineral, in terms of durability and reliability, is used for the most impractical of activities.

-And also, I support The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. KSMB is damn right, there's just too few human beings, and too many goddamned fucking people walking around. People suck.


I think this was brought up already but we can also spade and nueter people if they are too productive.  As I have said before, if its ok to do it to animals, its ok to do it to humans.  We are not special.  Just smrater than the average primate.  At least some of us (Kirk Cameron is well below average . . . . for an ostrich).

" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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Most Controversial? Oh,

Most Controversial? Oh, my...

1.We should put every one's social security number in a huge bin and randomly pick out a couple hundred thousand SSNs (every month until the population is more stable than every 4 years or so), and whoever is assigned to those numbers should be killed.  If it is ok to kill animals becuase they are overpopulating an area it should be ok to kill humans for the same reason.

Not good enough. We're fucking human beings - why use something as dumbed-down as random selection when we can intelligently hand-pick our gene pool?

The Death Embracement Program

(Presumably, this would come into effect after establishing death as a natural process not to be feared or demonized anymore than living. I'm also curious as to whether or not we'd see a major decline in murder rates, given that a big disillusionment of death would essentially rob murderers of the sensation of power they get from killing people. Or it should, from a social contract perspective. But that's all speculation anyway...)

 - Age cap. You're done at 40. That's an extra [i]ten years on top of your prime. We don't need more old geriatrics around insulting cashiers, getting sexually frustrated and straining the health care system. You get some special treat on your 40th, and then you get humanely euthanized.

 - Anyone, at any time, can submit themselves for voluntary euthanasia. Maybe I'll even throw an incentive out there of some kind ("Want to drink your face off, get stoned retarded and then fuck these two volunteers at the same time? Sign-up! The best part: You don't even have to wake-up for the consequences tomorrow morning!&quotEye-wink

 - You will be a thoughtful contributor to human well-being. You will be examined on this at the end of your schooling period. You will submit annual reports to the government demonstrating pursuit of your desire in this area. If you are not a contributor, you will be treated to humane euthanasia (again, probably with some little treat as you go).

 - There is no jail. Violent crime is met with inhumane euthanasia, perhaps as a form of public entertainment and/or medical research. If you want to act like a monster, you'll be treated accordingly.

The Intelligent Parenting Program

(Note that, in addition to these guidelines, parents also have excellent incentive to raise intelligent and motivated children. If they don't, their children will flunk out and be euthanized)

 - You will apply to have children. Marriage is a discarded concept. If you want procreational sex, you openly advertise the fact until serviced. Government paid workers might be employed if necessary to fuck people who have been sitting in the fuck queue too long. Birth control for procreational sex is, obviously, mandatory. Abortion for any pregnancy that occurs is also mandatory if you did not apply for a child (and if your application was not approved).

 - You will be paid by the government to stay at home and look after the child or children you were approved to have during their formative years, so that they will mature into intelligent people. After that, your employer will take you back on with absolutely no backlash against you. Employers who discriminate against parents who were on leave will be subject to criminal euthanasia ('Keepin' 'Em Honest, indeed).

The Fair Distribution Program

 - You, and everyone else, will be given a set amount of food and power each week. Squander it at your own peril; it'll likely be generous enough anyway, given the huge population decline. Wealth will become an archaic, barbaric concept; achievement will be done for the desire to achieve, not for the desire to have more status or market share.

 - Cars will be practical vehicles used for transportation. They will not travel faster than 60 miles per hour (as no car will be manufactured to exceed this speed). A license to operate an automobile will be a privilege for a talented few, not an 'automatic' for the average person, and will strictly be used to operate public transit shuttles.

 - You will keep yourself in prime, hygienic shape. This will be beneficial to you, make you a more desirable mate when you put yourself in the fucking queue and allow you all around peak performance. If you cannot keep yourself clean and in shape (you guessed it!) you are humanely euthanized, but without any 'going away present'.

 - You will not get a big wooden coffin and plot of land when you die. And you will not be wastefully reduced to ash and put in an urn. You will be recycled into food and other goods.

The 'Some People Are More Intelligent Than You And Can Make Better Decisions' Program

 - Only people of sufficient academic strength can vote, creating a sort-of 'pseudo-democracy'. Needless to say, this takes the reigns out of the hands of the average person - which, in my opinion, is such a dramatic improvement.


So, there you have it. My totalitarian shaping of the world, if I could do it. I imagine more scholorly folks would barf all over these proposals - but hey, that's why I'm not the boss.

"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."

- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940

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albedo_00 wrote:I forgot an

albedo_00 wrote:

I forgot an important one:

Every single person in first world countries who overindulge with lots of unnecessary commodities (like dumb-ass plate collections with vomit pictures in them) and/or engage in needless, compulsive consumption must be thrown into the woods or in an unpopulated wild area for at least a week, with nothing more than a knife, a small bottle of water and their best, most expensive outfit coupled with shoes and jewelery, that would give them a good perspective about what is really necessary. Once the week has passed, they should be rescued and returned home. If they still engage in compulsive or needless consumption, they must be killed on sight.

-This reminds me: Stop using diamonds as shiny stones that makes you look good and to demonstrate your social status. What kind of unenlightened creatures are we that we waste an otherwise useful material just to show off? And worst, to continue to waste them in such a manner, knowing that we are contributing to slavery and slaughter in third world countries? Synthetic diamonds are just fine, stop wasting natural wonders in your fucking body decorations.

-And also, I support The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. KSMB is damn right, there's just too few human beings, and too many goddamned fucking people walking around. People suck.


Yea exactly, Mona Lisa should have never been painted.

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Kevin R Brown wrote:Most

Kevin R Brown wrote:

Most Controversial? Oh, my...

1.We should put every one's social security number in a huge bin and randomly pick out a couple hundred thousand SSNs (every month until the population is more stable than every 4 years or so), and whoever is assigned to those numbers should be killed.  If it is ok to kill animals becuase they are overpopulating an area it should be ok to kill humans for the same reason.

Not good enough. We're fucking human beings - why use something as dumbed-down as random selection when we can intelligently hand-pick our gene pool?

The Death Embracement Program

(Presumably, this would come into effect after establishing death as a natural process not to be feared or demonized anymore than living. I'm also curious as to whether or not we'd see a major decline in murder rates, given that a big disillusionment of death would essentially rob murderers of the sensation of power they get from killing people. Or it should, from a social contract perspective. But that's all speculation anyway...)

 - Age cap. You're done at 40. That's an extra [i]ten years on top of your prime. We don't need more old geriatrics around insulting cashiers, getting sexually frustrated and straining the health care system. You get some special treat on your 40th, and then you get humanely euthanized.

 - Anyone, at any time, can submit themselves for voluntary euthanasia. Maybe I'll even throw an incentive out there of some kind ("Want to drink your face off, get stoned retarded and then fuck these two volunteers at the same time? Sign-up! The best part: You don't even have to wake-up for the consequences tomorrow morning!&quotEye-wink

 - You will be a thoughtful contributor to human well-being. You will be examined on this at the end of your schooling period. You will submit annual reports to the government demonstrating pursuit of your desire in this area. If you are not a contributor, you will be treated to humane euthanasia (again, probably with some little treat as you go).

 - There is no jail. Violent crime is met with inhumane euthanasia, perhaps as a form of public entertainment and/or medical research. If you want to act like a monster, you'll be treated accordingly.

The Intelligent Parenting Program

(Note that, in addition to these guidelines, parents also have excellent incentive to raise intelligent and motivated children. If they don't, their children will flunk out and be euthanized)

 - You will apply to have children. Marriage is a discarded concept. If you want procreational sex, you openly advertise the fact until serviced. Government paid workers might be employed if necessary to fuck people who have been sitting in the fuck queue too long. Birth control for procreational sex is, obviously, mandatory. Abortion for any pregnancy that occurs is also mandatory if you did not apply for a child (and if your application was not approved).

 - You will be paid by the government to stay at home and look after the child or children you were approved to have during their formative years, so that they will mature into intelligent people. After that, your employer will take you back on with absolutely no backlash against you. Employers who discriminate against parents who were on leave will be subject to criminal euthanasia ('Keepin' 'Em Honest, indeed).

The Fair Distribution Program

 - You, and everyone else, will be given a set amount of food and power each week. Squander it at your own peril; it'll likely be generous enough anyway, given the huge population decline. Wealth will become an archaic, barbaric concept; achievement will be done for the desire to achieve, not for the desire to have more status or market share.

 - Cars will be practical vehicles used for transportation. They will not travel faster than 60 miles per hour (as no car will be manufactured to exceed this speed). A license to operate an automobile will be a privilege for a talented few, not an 'automatic' for the average person, and will strictly be used to operate public transit shuttles.

 - You will keep yourself in prime, hygienic shape. This will be beneficial to you, make you a more desirable mate when you put yourself in the fucking queue and allow you all around peak performance. If you cannot keep yourself clean and in shape (you guessed it!) you are humanely euthanized, but without any 'going away present'.

 - You will not get a big wooden coffin and plot of land when you die. And you will not be wastefully reduced to ash and put in an urn. You will be recycled into food and other goods.

The 'Some People Are More Intelligent Than You And Can Make Better Decisions' Program

 - Only people of sufficient academic strength can vote, creating a sort-of 'pseudo-democracy'. Needless to say, this takes the reigns out of the hands of the average person - which, in my opinion, is such a dramatic improvement.


So, there you have it. My totalitarian shaping of the world, if I could do it. I imagine more scholorly folks would barf all over these proposals - but hey, that's why I'm not the boss.


Well i would like to live longer than 40 year, but not in conditions like now. We need to increase life span, so even 60 year people are strong and ready to work. And then by controlling gene pool we could also control population. You see there is a little problem with your plan. A man grows really long, it needs ~25 years just to end its education. Then he lives for 15 more years and dies, so much resources wasted for only so little profit.

Kevin R Brown
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Quote:Well i would like to

Well i would like to live longer than 40 year, but not in conditions like now. We need to increase life span, so even 60 year people are strong and ready to work. And then by controlling gene pool we could also control population. You see there is a little problem with your plan. A man grows really long, it needs ~25 years just to end its education. Then he lives for 15 more years and dies, so much resources wasted for only so little profit.

If there's only one little problem with my 'plan', then damn - I'm pretty impressed with myself.

And, for the record, I think 15 years is pretty good. That's far better than most wild animals get after they're done honing their skills.

"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."

- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940

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70s scifi future?

Kevin R Brown wrote:

The Death Embracement Program

(Presumably, this would come into effect after establishing death as a natural process not to be feared or demonized anymore than living. I'm also curious as to whether or not we'd see a major decline in murder rates, given that a big disillusionment of death would essentially rob murderers of the sensation of power they get from killing people. Or it should, from a social contract perspective. But that's all speculation anyway...)

 - Age cap. You're done at 40. That's an extra [i]ten years on top of your prime. We don't need more old geriatrics around insulting cashiers, getting sexually frustrated and straining the health care system. You get some special treat on your 40th, and then you get humanely euthanized.

 - Anyone, at any time, can submit themselves for voluntary euthanasia. Maybe I'll even throw an incentive out there of some kind ("Want to drink your face off, get stoned retarded and then fuck these two volunteers at the same time? Sign-up! The best part: You don't even have to wake-up for the consequences tomorrow morning!&quotEye-wink

 - You will be a thoughtful contributor to human well-being. You will be examined on this at the end of your schooling period. You will submit annual reports to the government demonstrating pursuit of your desire in this area. If you are not a contributor, you will be treated to humane euthanasia (again, probably with some little treat as you go).

 - There is no jail. Violent crime is met with inhumane euthanasia, perhaps as a form of public entertainment and/or medical research. If you want to act like a monster, you'll be treated accordingly.

 - You will not get a big wooden coffin and plot of land when you die. And you will not be wastefully reduced to ash and put in an urn. You will be recycled into food and other goods.


Sounds like someone has been watching Logan's Run and Soilent Green recently..."Soilent Green is PEOPLE!!! Its PEOPLE!!!"



“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda

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Kevin R Brown

Kevin R Brown wrote:

Well i would like to live longer than 40 year, but not in conditions like now. We need to increase life span, so even 60 year people are strong and ready to work. And then by controlling gene pool we could also control population. You see there is a little problem with your plan. A man grows really long, it needs ~25 years just to end its education. Then he lives for 15 more years and dies, so much resources wasted for only so little profit.

If there's only one little problem with my 'plan', then damn - I'm pretty impressed with myself.

And, for the record, I think 15 years is pretty good. That's far better than most wild animals get after they're done honing their skills.


Well wild animals are not so ambitious, they just need to fuck. We need to advance.

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Kevin R Brown wrote: Not

Kevin R Brown wrote:


Not good enough. We're fucking human beings - why use something as dumbed-down as random selection when we can intelligently hand-pick our gene pool?

1) To be fair 2) The odds are, if we pick our own gene pool, we will fuck things up even more then they already are.  Even if you want to get a group that consisted of every class to have a fair selection process, it will reuslt in nothing more but prjudice bickering.

- Age cap. You're done at 40. That's an extra [i]ten years on top of your prime. We don't need more old geriatrics around insulting cashiers, getting sexually frustrated and straining the health care system. You get some special treat on your 40th, and then you get humanely euthanized.


You will be a thoughtful contributor to human well-being. You will be examined on this at the end of your schooling period. You will submit annual reports to the government demonstrating pursuit of your desire in this area. If you are not a contributor, you will be treated to humane euthanasia (again, probably with some little treat as you go).

I believe I discovered a loop hole in you system.  Mine is free of such a loop hole.


 Anyone, at any time, can submit themselves for voluntary euthanasia. Maybe I'll even throw an incentive out there of some kind ("Want to drink your face off, get stoned retarded and then fuck these two volunteers at the same time? Sign-up! The best part: You don't even have to wake-up for the consequences tomorrow morning!&quotEye-wink 


All you have to do is make it an emo hangout and the bodies will pile like no body's business.


(Note that, in addition to these guidelines, parents also have excellent incentive to raise intelligent and motivated children. If they don't, their children will flunk out and be euthanized)


I have a better idea for ya.  Perfect a cloning machine.  Kill everyone one earth and then just clone your self 2 billion times.  It sounds like thats your real goal anyway.



" Why does God always got such wacky shit to say? . . . When was the last time you heard somebody say 'look God told me to get a muffin and a cup tea and cool out man'?" - Dov Davidoff

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Kevin R Brown wrote:Most

Kevin R Brown wrote:

Most Controversial? Oh, my...

1.We should put every one's social security number in a huge bin and randomly pick out a couple hundred thousand SSNs (every month until the population is more stable than every 4 years or so), and whoever is assigned to those numbers should be killed.  If it is ok to kill animals becuase they are overpopulating an area it should be ok to kill humans for the same reason.

Not good enough. We're fucking human beings - why use something as dumbed-down as random selection when we can intelligently hand-pick our gene pool?

The Death Embracement Program

(Presumably, this would come into effect after establishing death as a natural process not to be feared or demonized anymore than living. I'm also curious as to whether or not we'd see a major decline in murder rates, given that a big disillusionment of death would essentially rob murderers of the sensation of power they get from killing people. Or it should, from a social contract perspective. But that's all speculation anyway...)

 - Age cap. You're done at 40. That's an extra [i]ten years on top of your prime. We don't need more old geriatrics around insulting cashiers, getting sexually frustrated and straining the health care system. You get some special treat on your 40th, and then you get humanely euthanized.

 - Anyone, at any time, can submit themselves for voluntary euthanasia. Maybe I'll even throw an incentive out there of some kind ("Want to drink your face off, get stoned retarded and then fuck these two volunteers at the same time? Sign-up! The best part: You don't even have to wake-up for the consequences tomorrow morning!&quotEye-wink

 - You will be a thoughtful contributor to human well-being. You will be examined on this at the end of your schooling period. You will submit annual reports to the government demonstrating pursuit of your desire in this area. If you are not a contributor, you will be treated to humane euthanasia (again, probably with some little treat as you go).

 - There is no jail. Violent crime is met with inhumane euthanasia, perhaps as a form of public entertainment and/or medical research. If you want to act like a monster, you'll be treated accordingly.

The Intelligent Parenting Program

(Note that, in addition to these guidelines, parents also have excellent incentive to raise intelligent and motivated children. If they don't, their children will flunk out and be euthanized)

 - You will apply to have children. Marriage is a discarded concept. If you want procreational sex, you openly advertise the fact until serviced. Government paid workers might be employed if necessary to fuck people who have been sitting in the fuck queue too long. Birth control for procreational sex is, obviously, mandatory. Abortion for any pregnancy that occurs is also mandatory if you did not apply for a child (and if your application was not approved).

 - You will be paid by the government to stay at home and look after the child or children you were approved to have during their formative years, so that they will mature into intelligent people. After that, your employer will take you back on with absolutely no backlash against you. Employers who discriminate against parents who were on leave will be subject to criminal euthanasia ('Keepin' 'Em Honest, indeed).

The Fair Distribution Program

 - You, and everyone else, will be given a set amount of food and power each week. Squander it at your own peril; it'll likely be generous enough anyway, given the huge population decline. Wealth will become an archaic, barbaric concept; achievement will be done for the desire to achieve, not for the desire to have more status or market share.

 - Cars will be practical vehicles used for transportation. They will not travel faster than 60 miles per hour (as no car will be manufactured to exceed this speed). A license to operate an automobile will be a privilege for a talented few, not an 'automatic' for the average person, and will strictly be used to operate public transit shuttles.

 - You will keep yourself in prime, hygienic shape. This will be beneficial to you, make you a more desirable mate when you put yourself in the fucking queue and allow you all around peak performance. If you cannot keep yourself clean and in shape (you guessed it!) you are humanely euthanized, but without any 'going away present'.

 - You will not get a big wooden coffin and plot of land when you die. And you will not be wastefully reduced to ash and put in an urn. You will be recycled into food and other goods.

The 'Some People Are More Intelligent Than You And Can Make Better Decisions' Program

 - Only people of sufficient academic strength can vote, creating a sort-of 'pseudo-democracy'. Needless to say, this takes the reigns out of the hands of the average person - which, in my opinion, is such a dramatic improvement.


So, there you have it. My totalitarian shaping of the world, if I could do it. I imagine more scholorly folks would barf all over these proposals - but hey, that's why I'm not the boss.

In what respect are these things desirable? In fact I think this is extremely undesirable. Liberty is important for human flourishing. Just because we are facing a climatic catastrophe in the next hundred years or so is no reason to keep tight authoritarian control over people.

Applying to have sex seems an utterly alien and demeaning concept. Things such as marraige (or similar loving  relationships) are natural to us humans. While I might agree that the institution of marraige is ridiculous, the action of getting married is not at all ridiculous, it's just something we do. Trying to change humans into your perfect image by force is not only pointless but undermines human flourishing. We're imperfect sure, but we don't need eugenics or totalitarianism to change our polluting ways, we just need awareness, education, legal restrictions on pollution and alternative carbon neutral technology.

We should have freedom to do whatever we want where it just regards ourselves, form relationships, procreate, take drugs, whatever. While getting rid of the family relieves some problems, it creates many more, not least the fact that we're psychologically programmed to live in family groups, to be brought up by parental figure(s) and to develop close knit relationships with those close to us.

I do agree however that birth control policies need to be put in place, and that we should have no more than two children.  However, it needs to be carried out more sensitively than in China, forced abortions etc should not be carried out, instead financial incentives are sufficient to implement the policy.

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Jacob Cordingley wrote:In

Jacob Cordingley wrote:

In what respect are these things desirable?

He's kidding! I think at one point, he advocates cannibalism in there. Cannibalism = joking.

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Hambydammit wrote:Something

Hambydammit wrote:
Something I enjoy speculating about is how the end of petrol would affect the Walmart economy.  Obviously, the first effect is that shipping becomes possible only from nearby, so regional differences will become very important.

As they were for the majority of human history. Also, the sudden food shortage might present a problem. Not to North America, probably, since there's enough good farmland to go around. But if farming by tractor becomes too expensive, then we're back to farming by hand. Also, no methane-based fertilizers.

Hambydammit wrote:
Trade will become a life or death matter instead of a matter of convenience.  Controlling trade routes through occupation will be the easiest way to gain a tactical advantage over a rival.

But it already is, and always has been. Especially now with oil, since oil IS the tactical advantage. As much as I agree with you guys that we're very inventive, try to make an airplane fly (with passengers, much less bombs) without oil. Note that there are many gliders, unmanned solar craft, etc. but mechanized warfare is impossible without oil. Totally impossible.

As for making synthetic chemical weapons ... how are chemicals synthesized? That's right, using oil.

Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence

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HisWillness wrote:but

HisWillness wrote:
but mechanized warfare is impossible without oil. Totally impossible.

There will still be sources of oils around (vegetable oils for one) and a dedicated nation could stock pile for war...

"What right have you to condemn a murderer if you assume him necessary to "God's plan"? What logic can command the return of stolen property, or the branding of a thief, if the Almighty decreed it?"
-- The Economic Tendency of Freethought

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qbg wrote:HisWillness

qbg wrote:
HisWillness wrote:
but mechanized warfare is impossible without oil. Totally impossible.
There will still be sources of oils around (vegetable oils for one) and a dedicated nation could stock pile for war...

I'm going to have to ask you to do the math on that one. We now farm using petroleum oil to power tractors, so we'd have considerably less vegetable oil to go around. Also, the likelihood that we can find a way to produce and store the several million barrels of vegetable oil that would be required for a military aircraft's logistical chain is low to say the least.

This isn't really about not having the oil, either, just that the oil would be too expensive to warrant its use.

Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence

Kevin R Brown
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Quote:In what respect are

In what respect are these things desirable? In fact I think this is extremely undesirable. Liberty is important for human flourishing. Just because we are facing a climatic catastrophe in the next hundred years or so is no reason to keep tight authoritarian control over people.

Applying to have sex seems an utterly alien and demeaning concept. Things such as marraige (or similar loving  relationships) are natural to us humans. While I might agree that the institution of marraige is ridiculous, the action of getting married is not at all ridiculous, it's just something we do. Trying to change humans into your perfect image by force is not only pointless but undermines human flourishing. We're imperfect sure, but we don't need eugenics or totalitarianism to change our polluting ways, we just need awareness, education, legal restrictions on pollution and alternative carbon neutral technology.

We should have freedom to do whatever we want where it just regards ourselves, form relationships, procreate, take drugs, whatever. While getting rid of the family relieves some problems, it creates many more, not least the fact that we're psychologically programmed to live in family groups, to be brought up by parental figure(s) and to develop close knit relationships with those close to us.

I do agree however that birth control policies need to be put in place, and that we should have no more than two children.  However, it needs to be carried out more sensitively than in China, forced abortions etc should not be carried out, instead financial incentives are sufficient to implement the policy.

You must've missed my tongue going into my cheek. Sticking out tongue


"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."

- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940

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I hold a few beliefs which I

I hold a few beliefs which I imagine are not only controversial, but some that are untenable as well. To name a few:


- I do not believe in "free will." Period goes at the end of a sentence.

- I do not believe in morals that extend beyond consensual likes or dislikes.

- Because of the previous belief, I believe that murder, rape, torture, theft, and other crimes are all morally justifiable acts (or rather, that they are no less morally justifiable than any other acts).

- I would not be ethically opposed to legalizing mandatory abortions. For any group of people.

- I believe Charles Manson had a dream, and that his dream is no less beautiful than Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s

- I do not believe in the concept of "evil."

- I would not be opposed to total anarchy.

- I do not feel that an amoeba's life has any more inherent value than my own life, or the life of anyone else.

- I do not care if any given society "succeeds" in continuing its existence.