The Rational Response Squad Radio Show

Brian37's picture

How is the Pope any different than the Taliban?

I just cought the clip of Obama and Michele visiting the Vatican. She was dressed in all black and a head dress which was considered "tradition".


Is he afriad if she wore what she wanted he would get a boner?

Watching her "submit" to their stupid traditions was as vile as when Hillary as secetary of state had to "cover up" for the middle east?

This penis asshat thinks is superstitions are any different?

If I were Michele I'd tell that symbolic flesh eater to fly a kite!


Moral Law and Moral Law Giver

Hello All,

I have been listening to the speeches of one Ravi Zacharias on You Tube for quite a while now. He is a famous Christian apologist. He has also written a number of Christian books although I have yet to read them.

I must admit that he is a very good speaker and he delivers his message flawlessly. However, I found some of his apologetic arguments invalid. A prominent one is his response to theodicy or the problem of evil.

The question he is asked is worded in the usual way, e.g. "How can you talk about the existence of an all-loving and all-perfect GOD when there is so much evil in this world ?"

His response goes like this :

1. If you assume that there is such a thing as good, aren't you assuming that there is such a thing as evil ?

2. If you assume that there is good and there is evil, aren't you assuming that there is such a thing as a moral law on the basis of which to differentiate between good and evil ?

3. If you posit such a thing as a moral law, you must posit such a thing as a moral law giver.

4. However that is what you are trying to disprove.

5. Now, if there is no moral law giver, there is no moral law.

6. If there is no moral law, there is no good.

7. If there is no good, there is no evil. What is your question ?

I agree with only points 1 and 2.

However, I have some problems with point 3 (and its invalidity renders points 4 to 7 irrelevant) :


So on the front page of the site it says that God did not create the sun and the solar system. Please let me know how I can explain this to the christians I know.

geirj's picture

Has the News Become More Rational?

It seems to me that in just the few months since Barack Obama took office, the mainstream media has become much more rational (Fox News excepted, of course). In the years George W. Bush was in office, hardly a week went by when I didn't notice three or four instances of religious idiocy being given generally positive coverage on the front pages of web sites like CNN, ABC, etc. Now, I'm hard pressed to find something similar once a month.

Anyone else noticed this?

marshalltenbears's picture

Rock solid arguements?

 I see so many arguements for and against christianity. It seems like no matter what you tell these idiots they have some rebuttle. Does anyone know of any rock solid facts that debunk the religion without arguement?

MichaelMcF's picture

Things atheists didn't do

I just stumbled across these pages and thought I'd share.  Things atheists didn't do and still more things atheists didn't do, highlighting many events that would not have occured had the individuals involved been atheists.


Some of my personal favourites are the story about the jewish couple who are suing their neighbours because their activation of an automatic hall light constitutes making fire on the sabbath, the admission by Cardinal O'Connor that secularists are not fully human,  and the jehovah's witnesses that went on a murder spree to rid the world of sin.

There are more horrific stories in there but I'll leave those for the discerning reader.



Ads on your site

I'm a recent visitor to your site (linked thru Christopher Hitchens) and I like the site in general, but I have to ask this:  Do any of the administrators pay attention to the sponsored google ads that are displayed?  I find it a bit contemptible and more than a bit hypocritical that you main page includes such links as "Learn to Rapidly Heal Yourself" through the "Conscious Art of Living Well" (self described holistic medicine) when your "irrational precepts" page states that holistic medicine is an "irrationality we should seek to eradicate from the earth."
Does anyone, member or admin, care to comment on this?

Origin of Christianity and Judaism

Hi! This Andy and I'm new to this forum. It's my pleasure to be part of this forum and share with you about the origin of Christianity and Judaism.

n ORIGIN OF CHRISTIANITY and JUDAISM, Manfred Davidmann proves what Jesus really taught: The social laws of the Torah have to be followed. These social laws guarantee equality, social justice and security, and a good life for all members of the community. These laws protect people from exploitation, oppression and enslavement through need. Early Christians, being mostly Jews, followed these laws.

Manfred Davidmann then proves how these essential social laws of the Torah were bypassed and ceased to be observed, in Judaism and in Christianity at the same time.

He describes and proves how Paul changed what Jesus had taught, how Paul's ideology serves the establishment instead of the people, and how this became Christianity's official doctrine. On the other hand Manfred Davidmann shows that the Talmud (especially the Mishnah) tells how Hillel changed Judaism in the same way, to what it is today.

The Dead Sea Scrolls, within the context of the findings reported here, become much more meaningful. In turn, the knowledge gained from them is part of the pattern of events recorded here for the first time.

What you find here is scientific analysis of facts established by the methods of biblical archaeology.

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