Atheist vs. Theist

Greatest I am's picture

Is becoming like God good or evil?

Is becoming like God good or evil?

I would like to restrict giving God any other attribute except for knowing good and evil in this thread. Just for simplicity.

I have two quotes I would like you to consider.

“Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil.”

“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”

Knowing good and evil is the same as developing or gaining a moral sense. This is something that all governments and religions wish to develop in us and seems like a good idea to me.

If being perfect like God means that we must have the knowledge of good and evil, then Adam and Eve had to eat of the tree of knowledge ---- if they were to accomplish what most seem to think is a worthy goal. Morals. As God says in Eden, such is to have your eyes opened. A good thing IOW.

In the Jewish view, A & E did the right thing and they name it our elevation. In the Christian view, they did the wrong thing and call it our fall.

Is becoming as Gods, in the moral sense, good or evil?

If evil, please explain what is evil about developing a moral sense and following scriptures that tell us to be as Gods.


In Defense of a Kind God

I've noticed that atheists tend to be a glass half empty person when it comes to discussions on God.  They put extreme focus on the negative, declaring God to be a brute, unjust, unloving, unmeriful Creator as it this perspective somehow validates the notion that God is a man-made construct.


I'm here to tilt things back a bit in the other directions.  Over the weekend, I was reminded on just how GOOD God is when reflecting on the gifts of God.  God has given us quite a lot to make it through this life without being completely miserable.   


Here are a few in no particular order:


1. Gift of Sleep -  Sleep is a wonderful invention.  Not only does it allow our bodies to recharge and renew energies,  sleep gives us an opportunity to shut off from the world.   No matter how tough my life is, I can always look forward to 6-8 hours a night escaping from reality. 


2.  Laughter -  God gave us this ability to have a physical release called laughter that for a moment, brings happiness and joy.  Science can only explain the mechanism behind the act.  There are well documented medical benefits to having a good laugh as well. 


Greatest I am's picture

To hate Jews is to hate God.

To hate Jews is to hate God.

If you believe in the sacrifice of Jesus, then you must believe that God planned for it and set the conditions even before the earth was formed. If as most believe, the Jews were the cause of the sacrifice, then one must believe that God put the notion and desire to kill Jesus in the Jewish hearts. Jews then were God’s tools in carrying out God’s plan. Jews then should be venerated just as Jesus is because Jesus and Jews were required and caused by God to participate in the sacrifice. They were all doing God’s will and not their own.

Jesus was a Jew and to hate Jews means that Jesus is also hated. The church has historically persecuted Jews and only repented for their actions in 2011 with the pope acknowledging that not all Jews should be hated. Just those directly involved in the sacrifice of Jesus. Ignoring of course that they were charged directly by God to be and do what God wanted.

Why then have Christians historically hated Jews, and by inference, hate the Jew part of God/Jesus the Jew?

The weird twist to this history is that the Christian right who hates Jews the most, is now the ones pushing for funding of the Jewish homeland to fulfill prophesy.

Most Jews do not believe that Jesus was the messiah.

Marty Hamrick's picture

So an Atheist's Life is Meaningless?

This video is in response to every theist who believes and has posted that atheists have no hope.

Marty Hamrick's picture

How We Look to the Rest of the World

As I stated in my almost completely ignored "Crux of Argument" thread, I like to post the same thread on different sites, just to see how a different demographic thinks. Here is a link to a facebook forum, where I did this, and I think both atheists and Christians (liberas and fundies) will get good hard honest look at themselves. Maybe I'm a bit of an attention whore here, after all, I do come from a family of folks in the entertainment biz, but am I the only one? I seriously doubt it. Here's a link, check it out if you're up for a little objectivity and honesty.!/groups/41793056552/10150949182711553/?notif_t=group_activity

Marty Hamrick's picture

Conversations With God

Fundamentalist Christians will usually trash this guy because he doesn't hawk Christian exclusivity of salvation. Here is a Wiki article on him and his foundation.

Zaq's picture

Creationists Claim Accurate Prediction

Friend of mine just linked to this on Facebook.  I don't know much about planetary formation/evolution.  Any thoughts?

Marty Hamrick's picture

Why Is There So Little Secular Information on Faith Healers?

I started out googling Kathryn Kuhlman because I distinctly remember reading somewhere, years ago that it was found out that she used electrical filaments in her sleeves for her "slain in the spirit" act. My mom and sis went to see her back in 1974 and were impressed, my dad, who was recuperating from a broken leg, refused to go as he had no use at all for faith healers. I also remember reading or hearing something about Oral Roberts also being "debunked" at some point, but at the time, I wasn't interested and the source escapes me now.

Greatest I am's picture

Issues of morality shuts Christians up.

Issues of morality shuts Christians up.

I know I have done well in an O. P. when Christians run from a discussion.

I wrote these two posts and got almost no response. Not a usual thing for my posts. This tells me that I hit the nail right on the head and Christians have no apologetics to refute my claim.


If you accept this as universal morality, you will reject God.

God does not follow the first rule at all.

The bible says that Jesus "was crucified from the foundations of the Earth," that is to say, God planned to crucify Jesus as atonement for sin before he even created human beings or sin.

This shows that what many thinks is our number one moral value was completely ignored by God.

Is God immoral or has man gotten morality wrong?

If God was right, then are we to believe that fathers are to bury their children instead of the way people think in that children should bury their parents?

John 6:44
"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.”

On earth as it is in heaven.

If you had God’s power to set the conditions for atonement, would you step up yourself or would you send your child to die?


God to Jesus. I just condemned the human race.

Marty Hamrick's picture

Anyone Have Any Information on the Late Kathryn Kuhlman?

    I once read, can't remember where because it was a long time ago, that the late faith healer , Kathryn Kuhlman used electrical filaments in the sleeves of her robes to shock people who walked up to her during her healing services. I read where this was found out after she died. I have found nothing on a google search about this, in fact there is very little about her from a secular point of view.   Anyone know anything about this?


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