Atheist vs. Theist

Atheists and Theists are both mistaken.

First, we have to accept the fact that it is impossible for the human mind to comprehend Reality. That gives you a test that you can use: If you think you understand Reality, you have made a mistake. Christians think they understand Reality. They are wrong. Atheists believe they understand Reality, and they too have made a mistake.
It is, however, possible to understand what Reality is not. This requires that you be willing to drop your pre-conceived beliefs, stop thinking, and simply watch.
There is a process of Spiritual Evolution that is taking place. We are all involved in it whether we want to be or not; whether we know it or not. The process takes many directions, and moves at many different speeds. All of us will reach enlightenment. Some will take hundreds of thousands of years; some will simply accept it now.

I don't get it, you cannot prove there is not a God.

The only way would be to die and somehow come back and say "yep, I was just rotting in the ground, that was it" In fact, many people who calim to have died have never said "Iwas just lying there dead" they would say something regarding to heaven or hell. Have any of you died and know there is no heaven or hell? Have any of you tried to disprove the Bible. I challange you! I challange you to disprove the Bible through historical events, historical documentation.... And anyone who says they have, which I doubt any of you would say that you seem more intelligent then that, why doesn't the world know. If you can prove Daniel was never saved from the furnace by Jesus, if you can prove there was no flood or arc, if you can prove there never was a burning bush or ten commandments, be my guest and share it with the world. I don't believe you can, many have tried then realized it was true, Jesus is the Son of God. You can mathimatically prove Jesus was the one the prophets speak of. From the time window and location of His birth, which it is a historic fact Jesus lived, he is the only one that fits the description of the Mehsiah.sp? All I know is I bet not one atheist, agnostic, non-beleiver can ever disprove the Bible. It's track record is spotless, why should I not believe what it says of my Lord and my eternity.

What you may not understand about Faith!

Yes it is long, but it may give you some insight of why people have faith. I hope you read on with an open mind.

Subject: A Very Nice Conversation
if you are not into bible here's a nice conversation

An atheist professor of philosophy speaks to his class on the problem science has with God, The Almighty.

He asks one of his new Christian students to stand and.....
Professor : You are a Christian, aren't you, son?
Student : Yes, sir.
Prof : So you believe in God?
Student : Absolutely, sir.
Prof : Is God good?
Student : Sure.
Prof : Is God all-powerful?
Student : Yes.
Prof : My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to God to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But God didn't. How is this God good then?

RationalResponseSquad's picture

Theology Web wants to discuss their rules...

This thread was started because one of the founders of Theology Web came here after seeing a claim made by Todangst.

doctoro's picture

What is the Most Irrational Story in the Bible?

I would like to hear opinions on what the absolutely MOST irrational story in the Bible is.

I'm going to nominate Noah's Ark.

My favorite top 5 reasons why the Noah's Ark story is impossible:

1. ALL of the animals? Seriously? I'm under the impression Noah lived in the Middle East. Are we to believe that he supernaturallly travelled the entire globe to get every species in existence? Did ALL species live in the Middle East? There is NO freaking way one dude and a few helpers are going to collect all the species of animals on the Earth. How about insects? Aren't there over a million types of beetles?

My 1 hour Youtube conversation with theist: Firefly515

I recently had the opportunity to talk with a Christian youtuber named firefly515 who is getting quite a few views on his videos and banging many of them out. Here is the conversation:

Please comment on the video itself as well as this thread.

RELIGION IS EVIL! and I am a Christian fruit loop

OK so I had some people scratching their heads as to why I would bash religion at the same time I am talking about being Christian.

Here were I would like to start:

Yes I believe there is evil in the world. That evil can almost always be found in religion. The more religious something is the more evil it is.
Just two examples are the Muslim faith and the Roman Catholic Faith. Both have long history of murder and war and things that should freek out any sane person. The list go's on and on and on!

Now here is a friend of mine talking about religious leaders:

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!

Strafio's picture

The difference between illogical and irrational.

Some of you will have noticed that I've done this topic before.
Well I'm doing it again, but better this time! Eye-wink

The difference between Irrational and Illogical

kmisho wrote:
By the way I use the terms reason and logic as interchangeable. I've tried to come up with a difference that sticks but haven't found one.

I think I have.
If I was to say that someone's beliefs were irrational, I'd be saying that they weren't reasoning or thinking.
If I was to say that someone's beliefs were illogical then I'd be saying that there's a logical flaw in their beliefs. (doesn't say anything about them in person)

The Bottom Line

I have lived my life with God. I have lived life without any faith.

When I am without God my life is dark and sad.

When I live with God my life is wonderful.

The bottom line is I am better of keeping faith in God.

Now I hate religion so faith and religion are not the same. Religion was created by man and is corrupt.

You may think I am wrong but most of the people on here don't just not believe in God. Most are in to death images and evil kinds of things because they think it is cool. It is sad and I really feel sorry for your life.

I hope the living God will show you his light and love.


Yes, I want to covert everyone on this board! You may ask from atheist to theist? Oh no, I would not waste time with that.

I want to covert every atheist toward being agnositic.

Most of you know the difference but for those who don't:

atheist says "There is no God"

agnositic says "I don't believe in God because it is impossible to know there is a God"

Now, I don't really want people to be a true agnostic. I want people to say this:
"I don't believe there is a God since there is no good evidence to proof it"

Why, do I want people to switch?

I want everyone to have an open mind. If you really have an open mind then you can say that

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