Atheist vs. Theist

Phoenix177's picture

Rartional Response Squad? Not really...

To the Rational Response Squad

Boy, how proud of yourselves you must be, attacking a doddering old man of a religion like Christianity, much like punching and kicking an elderly gentleman sitting on a porch, while fearfully hiding and running away from Islam, the young thug terrorizing the neighborhood.

Your bravery knows no bounds in beating up on what has evolved into an essentially harmless faith while simultaneously cowering from the religion that is the cause of more death and suffering than any other in today’s world.

Why don’t you publish an insulting cartoon of Mohammed? Why don’t some of you publish pugnacious attacks on Islam? You certainly have risked life and limb from all those armed Catholic priests and knife-wielding Episcopalian ministers and murderous Baptist preachers by defiantly pointing out their evil and declaring your superiority on YouTube, attacking the “sky God of Christianity”. Do you have electric fences and security systems around your house to keep those ubiquitous Christian assassination squads at bay?

20vturbo's picture

Catholic question

In no way do I intend to offend anyone. I have been looking for a while and I just can't find an answer yet. I am just curious how one derives the "value" of human life if there is not some "higher being." That is not to say that you must believe in God to be a "good" person (as defined by me), I know PLENTY of great Atheist, Agnostics, Christians, ext. But I am just not able to figure how anyone could possibly be "right" if there is nothing higher than us?

An interesting question about sinning

Hi All,

For the last few hours I've been sitting here reading through post after post and have thoroughly enjoyed it so far, but it got me to thinking so I have this question to ask. Please bear with me and I hope this comes out right.


There are many faiths and beliefs about a Supreme Divine Being, whatever you may want to call him, her, it or something else entirely. The individuals of those faiths and beliefs have made a conscious decision to follow that faith or belief. Furthermore within a particular faith eg Christianity, Muslim, Catholic, or whatever, there are those individuals that have made a conscious decision to either interpret, change, modify, disregard, take literally, etc the tenets/laws/etc of their faith.

Iruka Naminori's picture

RRS: How can you handle doing this all the time...constantly refuting the same arguments?

I've only been here for a short time and I've noticed that theists have a very limited repertoire:

1. Oh yeah? PROVE God doesn't exist!
2. Evolution is just a THEORY
3. Air is invisible. So is God. So doesn't that mean God could exist?
4. Life is too complex to have evolved by chance.


Not only is it tedious, it's exhausting. All their points are either naked assertions or based on fallacious reasoning. Even I, lacking as I am in training in logic, can easily refute these bullshit claims. I got sick of doing it on another forum.

Luckily, I have come across a few new arguments here and learned a little bit, but sheesh! Your average theist is appallingly under-educated. Sad Sad Sad

A case study of the Fundamentalist Moderate

Urban Dictionary wrote:

A person who takes their religion so literally and to such extremes that they contradict the very basis of their faith. They typically believe in a literal, verbatim interpretation of their scripture. They also have ridiculous, childish defenses to intelligent criticism of their beliefs that border on insanity. The level of hypocrisy and stupidity most of these people exhibit is truly profound.

Wikipedia wrote:

In religion, a moderate is an individual who holds an intermediate position between two extreme or radical viewpoints.

This new thing called Air. Have you heard of it?

So a friend of mine was telling me there is this thing called "air"
He says that it is all around us and even in us.

He says we really need it.

I think he is nuts. I don't see it. I don't smell it. I feel something sometimes but that is not enough.

There just is no such thing.

YOU NEED A NEW REALIGION! ok well perhaps something else

OK so there is no God. Ok now what? Look religion has two sides. The good and the bad. This web site and others are talking
about all the bad things. Great! bully for you!

Now for just a moment let's imagine a world were everyone wakes up and they realize that it is all crap!

What kind of world would it be? Well at first it would be great! No more religious murder! No more religious confusion and suffering.

OK but later I don't see good things happening. Right now people of faith are doing good deads. They are feeding the poor. The are building shelters. They are helping the sick.

In the beginning...

I emailed this to Sapient, and he said I should post my questions, so here's the discussion I started, and his response:

First of all, my apologies for all of the so-called "Christians" that
contact you by by "hate mail." Anybody can simply believe in God but I
would very much question whether these people know Jesus Christ (God) and
have allowed Him to take over their lives through the power of the Holy
Spirit (also God). Anyone who truly knows and follows the God of the Bible
would act in a much more loving way. Here's my question:

If you truly believe that there is no "creator" of the universe, how do

Turning the Question Upside-down

If the stated goal of Rational Responders is to "free humanity from the mind disorder known as theism," what happens if you succeed? What are the practical consequences of ridding the world of theism? Will the world actually be a better place? Have you spent any time actually thinking this through?

The reason I ask is that much of the world as we know and experience it is based on theism. Take the United States, for example. The Declaration of Independence is a theistic document. In fact, human rights are a theistic concept. Humanity as rights, are equal under the law, and are free beings because they are created in the image and likeness of God. What happens to all these concepts when God is removed from the equation?

The God Challenge! YES I AM SERIOUS!

I know it sounds like a joke but since the people here seem open minded -- here is a new idea.....

OK so there is no God! Well is there a chance that that idea is wrong? Is there a chance there is a God and we just are not gettting
it right? I know you are saying "Hell no!" Right?

OK in the very very remote off chance that there is a God out there -- here is The God Challlenge!

For about 2 weeks do this....

Pray, now hold on, I know that sounds like something you would not do but pray like this...

God, I do not believe in you! I do not like some of the things I read in the Bible. I think this world is really messed up and if you did exist then what are you doing? OK God if you are there then you can hear my prayers and you will let me know. If you are not there, as I suppose, then I am only wasting just a minute of my time each day for two weeks. If you are there then please let me know directly before the two weeks are over. Thank You nobody.

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