Atheist vs. Theist

Razorcade's picture

God vs. Science

Debate between Richard Dawkins and Francis Collins appears in the Nov. 13th issue of Time magazine.,9171,1555132,00.html

causalitist's picture

calling all new testament experts, need help "converting" believers

hi guys... im working on a group of christian people.. fighting the good fight lol.. i brought up a ton of quotes from the old testament so as to easily show its insanity, however it turns out they already agreed with me on that, and challenged me to find contradictions and retardation in the NEW testament.. i do not have a bible, and it would be a great service to our cause if i was provided quotes from the new testament demonstrating its stupidity... preferably ones advocating violence etc.. these people are not ones to engage me in any rational discussion (go figure), so im hoping for fairly self explainatory quotes that need very little, if any explaination as to show their stupidity.

Hambydammit's picture

Check me out... I'm an Intelligent Design Advocate!

So, in the style of creationists throughout history, I will now demonstrate the number one tactic for trying to get people to believe something they've previously rejected.

I will post EXACTLY the same thing, except with a different name!

What follows is no longer known as "Any Theists Want to Take A Stab at These?" Henceforth, it will be known as "Since Nobody wanted to take a stab at that, what about this?"

Matthew 5:37 Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

Ok. Now... God has clearly laid out the rules. I just want you to follow them. I will ask questions with "Yes or No" answers, and you answer them. Ok?

Liam_M's picture

I have just finished...

I have just finished a 3 hour long MSN conversation with a Christian about her beliefs.

What a marathon. My brain has turned to mush. I was more well prepared than I thought for my first attempt at getting someone to seriously question their beliefs. Still, it was much, much harder than I thought.

It's amazing. You think you can be on to something good, and then they will say something that just completely undermines everything you've said in one sweeping fallacy. It took alot out of me. Still, I think I made an impression. She hadn't heard the part in the bible where the two bears (on god's command) kill 42 children, so now she said she will go and do research regarding the bible. I think this is a good sign.

KoRnYAtheist's picture

Irrational Response Squad

There is a new myspace site created by some local kids in my area thinking that all I do is try to offend people by saying theists are irrational. Check it out. Add it, comment, ridicule. This squad is run off of emotions instead of brains to me.

paucoremhominem's picture

Misplaced post: generalization points made towards atheists

1. MattShizzle, you really should shave before posing for pictures. Beard stubble is very unbecoming, even when you have a smirk on your face.

2. You seem to be unaware that atheist socialists in China killed over 40,000,000 Chinese people in the 20th Century, far eclipsing all the "religious wars" you so sanctimoniously tout.

3. Likewise you seem to be unaware that atheist socialists in the USSR murdered, starved, and otherwise killed over 25,000,000 Soviet citizens, without any "war" being fought.

4. Cambodian atheists - 3,000,000

5. Rwandan atheists - 800,000

Shall we continue the count, Matt?

And how many dead were there in the 20th century from "religious wars"?

paucoremhominem's picture

Why Christianity?

The pretenses of rationality on behalf of atheism are fatuous and self-serving.
Bases for believing are varied, complex, and compelling.

While statistics are commonly used and argued in science, atheists tend to deny the patently obvious - that if atheism is so compelling and so true, then why are there so few atheists worldwide and throughout history? Is everyone so stupid except for non-believers? Evidently atheists would have the overwhelming majority believe just that.

In fact, the most popular organization in history is Christianity.

People of faith live longer, are happier, have a generally lower incidence of clinical depression, a lower incidence of alcoholism, a lower incidence of drug addiction, a lower incidence of suicide, a lower incidence of many untoward illnesses and maladies than their atheistic counterparts.

DelphicRaven's picture

"Wouldn't you rather live like there is a God"

"Wouldn't you rather live like there is a God and find out there isn't than the other way around?"

That was a question asked on my college forum on myspace a few days ago. I just saw it today and wrote the following response. Anyone else have opinions?


I LOVE it when people ask that question "wouldn't you rather live like there is a God and find out there isn't one?" It's so ignorant it's cute.

First let me point out a morality argument I have here. If you live a good life purely because you feel as though you will get rewarded by the big guy in the sky after you die, then you are (in my opinion) not being very moral.

Hambydammit's picture

Last questions too hard? Try these...

First Peter 2:17 Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king

Luke 10:27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.

1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

Hmmm... Which is it? Are we to love him or fear him? In his own words, we can't do both.

1 John 4:12 No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.

Hambydammit's picture

Any Christians want to take a stab at these?

Matthew 5:37 Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

Ok. Now... God has clearly laid out the rules. I just want you to follow them. I will ask questions with "Yes or No" answers, and you answer them. Ok?

1) The god of the old testament and new testament is the same entity. Yes or No?
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:38 :: "I and the Father are one." John 10:30

2) God dictated Old Testament Law to the Israelites. Yes or No?

Leviticus 20:1 The LORD said to Moses, 2 "Say to the Israelites:" (Look this up if you like... Lots of laws follow. Virtually every chapter in the books of law begin with such a statement.)

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