Atheist vs. Theist

todangst's picture

Case Against Faith

Caseagainstfaith is a popular poster on, and also the name of a website he created to debunk people like Lee Stroebel and defend atheism.

Case recently wrote an excellent article concerning G. Brady Lenardos' analysis of historical methodology concerning 'jesus' claims

Recently Lenardos attempted a reply, which is available here:

I hope people will take a look at his site, because he does a great expose concerning how theists like Lenardos misuse methods of analyses from English Literary History to defend their arguments! What is more interesting is that Case demonstrates that these own methods actually contradict much of what Lendardos says!

Here's an article you may find interesting about Atheism.

It's a few days old, but part of a series. There will be more soon.

Your comments will be read with interest.

PS All you atheists are going to hell!

GodStoleMyFriends's picture

My best friend venomously attacks me.

As I'm sure many of you know I also post the blogs I post here on MySpace. Well, today I came home to find that one of my best friends in the world, I mean, I'd almost want to call him a brother...had attacked me with the venom of a cobra.

I hate to use such an analogy, but that's how it feels. Yes, he is a Christian, though he claims that he doesn't really practice his beliefs.

The blog was not even the angry one that received so much hate from my agnostic friend, it was the one entitled "I'm an atheist, in case you didn't know." So I felt as if this deserves it's own special forum.

My friend Cody has been known for what he calls his "pen of vemon" and it seems as if he won't hold back even for a friend, well that's fine...I didn't hold back either. Here is a link to the blog, feel free to explain anything that I may have missed.

KSMB's picture

Benefits of Christianity

I pressured a theist to explain what benefit Christianity had on society. Here's his quote

theist wrote:

Benefits of Christianity throughout history:

The personal transformation of billions of human beings

The preservation of the western world against the Islamic world and paganism

Some of the greatest art in existence

Some of the greatest music in existence

Some of the best literature in existence

The foundation of the political ideas for individual life, liberty, equality, exercise of conscience, understanding of human nature in terms of the need for checks and balances, and the mportance of the rule of law, applicabl to all regardless of status

cbenard's picture

Petition to get Wal*Mart to Stop Selling the Bible Based on Its Obscenity

You guys probably know that Wal*Mart refuses to sell "obscene" things such as books and movies and some games. They're culture nazis, so a group is trying to get them to stop selling the Bible. It won't really work, but it points out Wal*Mart's double standard and how obscene the bible really is.

You can go sign the petition over at

I found out what faith is!

Get this guys.

I found out from a christian last night what faith was.

Turns out faith is being too lazy to find out forsure what people tell you. - simplified by myself.

This guy basically told me... that his faith in Jesus, is comapired to walking in a building and having faith that the floor won't cave in.

He said, he had faith that the floor would hold up.. even though he wasn't sure there were proper footings/columns/support.

He said it was impossible... like knowing jesus' existance... to actually find out if the proper structure is securing the building.

I told him that you can take a back hoe.. and look for yourself whats under the building... or possibly get record blueprints showing how the building was constructed.

Jesterspace's picture

How would you respond?

In my Livejournal, I posted the link to the 'Jesus Camp trailer. I threw in some verbosity.

Scary shit.. now we got christians using the tactics of radical islam. The battlelines are being drawn. Religion is gonna kill us all. The moderates will look at this and say 'We're not crazy like that'. And yer prolly right. But the crazy ones ARE out there. And much like with Islam, it only takes 19 people who are fanatical to kill thousands. Or one. If their God tells them to kill.

Wanna try to save the world? e
We can help.

I got a response on the journal post thusly..

LeftofLarry's picture

a debate/conversation I'm having with a couple of folks

on the anti-neocon forum

Corey Michael wrote:
cassanovafrankenstein wrote:
:lol: I promise that if I die before the rest of you and it turns out there is intelligent design and there's an afterlife, I'll post from the other side and apologize to no fear and concede that he was right all along. You'll be able to confirm that it's an authentic msg from the spirit world by the IP number. Just do an IP lookup.

Thats an interesting topic. What do you guys, as atheists, or whatever else you may be, think happens after life? Nothing? The body becomes a source of nutrients for the Earth and cycle of life? Do you believe in a spirit? If so, where does it go?

Freethinkaluva's picture

"Beddru is Beddou is Buddha"

I just wanted to share some info so that others may have access to it. GD / 'GakuseiDon' has made many false comments here & in several other forums - don't let him get away with it. GD gets most of his talking points from nut case - 'JP Holding' so don't be fooled.

Here is a link that addresses the Beddru issue & for starters, it provides the source PROVIDED BY KERSEY GRAVES & proves that Graves did NOT 'make it up' as GD would love to lead everyone to believe. Enjoy.

"Beddru is Beddou is Buddha" by Acharya S -


GrimJesta's picture

Something Bothering Me...

Right now I'm debating a Muslim friend regarding theism vs. atheism, and he presented an example that is driving me nuts. I can't pinpoint what else is annoying me about it, what else beyond the points I already raised, but he makes a claim using "the cremated parents" example. What else is driving me nuts!?! I can't pinpoint it.

The Discussion (Erm... I think it's a one on one, so I don't know if other comments are welcome).


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