Atheist vs. Theist

edmacdaddy's picture

He is a Chosen of God, and he WANT'S TO TEACH THE TRUTH!

I thought some people would enjoy this guys profile

A Chosen of God! I WANT TO TEACH THE TRUTH!-Scott

Christian Persecution

Ever notice how Christians claim they are persecuted if they are prevented from persecuting others? Found a great cartoon about it:

God is the Universe, God is Nature (attack on pantheism)

I named the post because I wanted you to know ahead of time, this is an attack on those who would redefine God as nature or the Universe.

This post was written by someone else and for all I know she was serious, and I see an equal amount of reason to question her as we would someone who defines God as the Universe or as nature etc...

Here it goes....

So, I made this pasta sauce the other night that was PERFECT.

It was just the right combination of spices and meat and vegetables and cheese...I cooked it in just the right pot, at just the right temperature, for just the perfect amount of time.

ShaunPhilly's picture

Refuting the kalam argument

I just finished the first draft of a new essay. It is a different approach to looking at the kalam cosmological argument (new to me, at least).

refuting kalam

I take a stab at the ontological and design arguements with the same point of attack, but focus mostly on kalam.

My essential point is that theists choose to attrbute to God the powers of a creator while at the same time denying that the natural universe can have the same powers. It seems a biased an arbitrary choice, and one that doesn't seem to hold up given the classical refutation of the classical cosmological argument; that of the need for a creator for the creator.

RationalResponseSquad's picture

Muslim ALMALHAMAH split off posts from another thread

ALMALHAMAH posted these views in a thread about Theism being irrational, however that thread had a specific purpose of only consisting of posts for the Theism is Irrational show.


I agree with you that faith based on ignorance and blindness is irrational.

For instance:

Judiasm: God is not racist, he does not only care about jews, and despise and condemn all other races.

Christianity: The trinity doctrine makes no sense, three cannot be equal to one. How can the creator be crucified by the creation.

Islam: God is One and he needs no partners, He begets not, nor was He begotten; "And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him."

todangst's picture

Christianity and Urban Legends - the connection

Perhaps some of you heard about the internet rumor that declared that Steve Irwin, the 'crocodile guy', became a born again christian just prior to his death.

Many christians repeated this rumor as fact , and even believed that they were citing 'original eyewitnesses' to the converion.

But if you look into what actually happened, you see that in each case where a christian minister declared that there was 'eyewitness proof' that in fact, there was no actual witness.

Now, isn't that interesting, given the christian claim that there were eyewitnesses for jesus? Modern christians are willing to swallow rumors whole, and repeat them as if they had real evidence, yet we can expose the falsity of their claims here:

One thing i've noticed

Hey all, new here. I'm a long time atheist, I believe very strongly that there is no god, or supernatural beings in the world, or otherwise... however, there is one thing i've noticed... It's the extreme bashing of christians going on, christianity is not the only religion, it is all just as bad, some of it worse! To be completely atheist, you should know more about each and every religion before judging it. Buddhism is not a bad thing, the only downsides are reincarnation beliefs, karma and dharma. Buddhism itself is a very valid 'religion' (I'd call it a philosophy if it were called that in the mainstream of society) So why discredit every religion without exploring them? I just find it more ignorant than the christians themselves when an atheist says, ALL RELIGION IS TERRIBLE AND IT'S STUPID TO FOLLOW ONE. There are hundreds of religions many of you may have not heard of that have no actual beliefs in a god or a certain supernatural power.

AZSuperman01's picture

Why offer the same evidence you dismiss?

Any discussion about the existence of God, or the truthfullness of a certain religion centers around evidence. However, competing religions often cite the SAME evidence; thus theists simultaniously claim and dismiss the same evidence.

conversation with a moderate

I'm not sure what this will go under, so if it needs to be moved, anyone feel free to do so.

I subscribe to OpEd News, an online syndication that has an enormous wealth of articles written by many well-informed people. Recently I noticed one that was written by a religious liberal who ranted against Bush and his cronies and how they didn't stand up for "true" christianity and that christians are finally getting upset about this. In response, a gay man mentioned how the article missed the overall point, that being whether you're liberal or conservative, the lack of free-thinking in religious ideology condemns him as a sinner and that anybody who was rationally critical would have come to the conclusion of what Bush was at the beginning, but religion stopped their ability to be critical. Responding to this, many other moderates, including the author of the article, railed against him as not understanding what was said. Reading all this, I had to step in and say something, not only because it's fun, but a lot of people are reading this article and so I thought to engage in the debate.

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