Atheist vs. Theist

Q about Bob Spence

Bob's post are so robotic.  I mean, you read them and there is no indication that it is an actual person behind the computer typing them.  Every one of his posts is written like a 11th grade physics text book. 

Does Bob have emotions?

Does he have hobbies?

Does he have a girlfriend?


Bob, have you ever cried over the loss of a loved one?

Just give me some indication that you are actually a human being.

Modal ontological argument revised

Cx = x is logically conceivable

g = God

(1) g <--> ~g
(2) g-->~<>~g
(3) ~g-->~<>g
(4) (x)(Cx == <>x)
(5) ~(~Cg)
(6) Cg   AP
(7) Cg--><>g  
4; UI,Equiv,Simp
(Cool <>g   
6,7; MP
(9) ~(~<>g)  8; DN
(10) ~(~g) 
 3,9; MT
(11) g   
10; DN
(12) Cg-->g  
6-11; CP
(13) C~g  
(14) C~g--><>~g  
4; UI,Equiv,Simp
(15) <>~g  
13,14; MP
(16) ~(~<>~g)  
15; DN
(17) ~g  
 2,16; MT
(18) C~g-->~g  
13-17; CP
(19) g-->~C~g  
18; Contra
(20) ~g-->~Cg  12; Contra
(21) ~Cg <--> ~C~g
 1,19,20; CD
(22) ~C~g
  5,21; DS
(23) <>~g-->C~g  4; UI,Equiv,Simp
(24) ~(<>~g) 
 22,23; MT
(25) []g  24; Modal Equiv

Adventfred's picture

True and false christians ?

how the fuck do they know atheist's were never true  christians. 

i had a partner told me that recently 

what is the fucking criteria for with to discern a true christian from a false one 


theists i welcome you to answer the question also atheists you can respond


have you been told this 

EXC's picture

The immoral argument.

Doesn't the fact that morality is universally used as a tool to control the great unwashed masses and take their wealth prove that morality does not exist in the world? That everyone just seeks their own pleasure and convenience. There is no moral law, only the law of the jungle, therefore there is no moral lawgiver. Thus proving that Christian god can not possible exist?





Names of God and Canaanite Myth

The names for God in the Bible come from older myths.

The Jews worshipped the entire Canaanite Pantheon before Abraham. After Abraham the Jews continued to return to worshipping the entire Pantheon.

This is why the Jews were ordered to destroy all of the Asherah Poles. Asherah was the "Queen of Heaven" and wife of El in the Bible.

See Deuteronomy 32 to see that the Most High El gave the nation of Israel to his Son Yahweh, when he divided the nations amongs his children. Note in the Canaanite Pantheon, Yah or Yaweh is the war god.

I will tell theists to look in peer reviewed papers, that I am not lying.

Note the Canaanite myths were the inspiration for the Greek myths.

So YHWH = Ares!

Why do atheist not challenge theists more often on their linguistic/comparative mythology? Why not challenge them more often on their mistaken cosmology?]They killed Copernicus because he told them God was a liar.

llamaFaceKillah's picture

Site that claims "Science can be used to proove the claims of religion"

One of my co-workers is a young earth creationist. He sent me this link . I found it funny that he sent me a link trying to use the scientific method to prove Christianity, when he himself denies most of the facts the site is using.

Anyway the point of me posting this is to see if anyone has the time or is willing to not only examine the facts that I found to be mostly correct. But to see how/if they have been manipulated to fit the Christian belief.


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