Atheist vs. Theist

Christian Gospel=Extortion

I had a discussion with an evangelical Christian yesterday.  I asked him if, according to the Bible, the act of extortion is wrong.  He said emphatically "YES!".  I asked him if ANY act of extortion is wrong, to which he again answered "YES!". 

I then compared what the Mafia does when it offers you an offer you cannot refuse.  If you accept the offer, you live a comfortable life and have money, and if you reject it, you find yourself in the bottome of the river with concrete shoes. 

I then said..."What is the difference of the Mafia offering you a deal you cannot refuse and the Bible saying, "Accept Jesus...or you go to hell?"

The Christian gave me a 'Deer caught in the headlights look'.  He said..."it is not the same"...I answered..."How is it not?...For that matter, how is any religion not?"

He tried to dance around the white elephant in the middle of the room that he did not want to talk about that I just pointed out.  I suspect he will run to his minister...ROFLMAO!!!...I am truly EVIL.....

Inver Stone's picture

I want to punch Todd Friel in the face.

I just watched a debate between Eddie Tabash and god soaked idiot evolution denier Todd Friel.  Yes my post title is tongue-in-cheek, but really...does anyone take Friel seriously.  Of course they do.  Millions of North Americans believe EXACTLY what he believes.  It's very very discouraging.


Maybe this debate and others like it are old news here, but it was the first time that I saw it -


Didn't Brian Sapient debate this moron also?  Does anyone have a link to that debate?


Thanks for listening to my mini rant.


Inver (relatively new atheist still discovering religious hypocrisy and bullshit) Stone

Christians are a JOKE

Christians just piss me off.  They come off as all good, the when it comes down to behaving even human they fall short.

Example:  My step-daughter was diagnosed with leukemia and has 2 children that depend on her.  The pastor for the 7th day Adventist church was coming by almost weekly and told my wife of a couple that really wanted children.  Worst mistake we ever made.  Hooking her up with these fake christians.

They invited her and her children to move in with them.  Then the wife thought that her husband was looking at, and having sexual thoughts about my step-daughter.  So end result they got kicked out.  The kids are crushed, best home they had ever had.  I loath the day a good news christian ever came to my door.  Christians have been causing pain for centuries.  They never stop.

If their is a hell I hope they all burn it.

Christians causing all the pain:

Mod edit:  Name and phone number removed.  Was that really appropriate?


Adventfred's picture

The N word Oh sh*t!

well i was reading the Bad words Oh sh*t! thread when someone mentioned that the N word could be its own thread Smiling so since im a N ( j/k) i decided to start the thread

Now for one i hate the word Nigger or nigga ( whats the difference anyway)

i even hate it more to hear my fellow blacks calling themselves it i mean what the fuck would you wanna call yourself it for

but i guess a lack of education is to blame 

 i remember when i was a kid we used to sing a song that goes like this 

eni mini myni moe catch a nigger by the toes when you ready let him go eni mini myni moe

Now of course this has passed down because of slavery in my country 

but i detest the word its very demeaning at best 



robj101's picture

New Bible

When are we going to get one? The current bible is dated and does not fit in society. People are having to reinterpret it in countless ways to make it seem "ok". You have to study the bible, and be a scholar nowdays to "understand" it. The common person can not be expect to understand it and must be told what it all means by a "scholar".

Do they not see it is failing and will continue to fail as long as society continues to "evolve" out of this stone age carp?

Do they really not understand that in the future people like Pat Robertson, Jerry Fallwell etc. will be looked upon as folks who wanted to keep us in the stone age?

Mysticism and spirituality are doomed to fall away to reason in the not so distant future, imo.

Just Ask Grandpa - A Christian answers tough questions and debunks common myths

Way too many "delusional myths", and unanswered questions on this site. One cannot rationally disbelieve something unless they have a clear picture of what it is that they do not believe. Since I do not see these myths and false perceptions answered properly in terms of simple reasoning I shall attempt to do it myself.

Myth #1. God will burn "sinners" in "HELL" throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity. This is not supported in the bible. It is merely a false doctrine that entered the church during the dark ages. It has it's roots in paganism. Unfortunately most Christians still believe this myth. Ultimately those who choose to accept Gods gift of eternal life will go on to live forever in a world without all the suffering and horrors of this world. Those who do not accept His gift will cease to exist and have nothing to do with God as they have chosen and wished for. Sounds pretty fair to me!

If God were indeed to burn anybody throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity (including the devil) He would be the most terrible monster one could imagine. I myself would join the movement in defying and blasting God. Fortunately we have a loving creator God that will not and would not do that.

Rather than writing a 20 page study on the topic of death and hell, I will just give a website that those interested can visit that will clearly and definitively clear this myth up. It is hell


skeptiform5's picture

A religious child?

 Hi guys. I have been reading and watching different things involving Richard Dawkins, and one of the things that repeatedly comes up is the 'religious child' argument which basically states that a child cannot have in formed religious beliefs, just like they cannot have  in formed political beliefs yet the son or daughter of a Christian is a Christian child the same if a son or daughter of a Jewish or Muslim  origin is automatically  a Jew or a Muslim. I know that many atheists, including me, have grown up with religious parents but have changed. I also know that if I have kids, I will not bring them up as an atheist but give them, get this, a choice.

       So, does anyone disagree with me in anyway? Maybe you think there's nothing wrong with that? 

Let the debate BEGIN! 



robj101's picture

Bad Words! Oh sh*t!

I had this little chat with my dad a long time ago. I discovered he, as a hardcore christian, he likes cuss words. I asked him what would happen if we as a society just decided to make them regular words. Common expletives and colorful adjectives. Yea your kid could say the F word with no reprecussions. I explained to him, (lol) that we as a society have decided these words are bad. But they are just words. If we could somehow push that they are not really bad and they became everyday common words (as if they aren't already) what would be the big deal. He didn't want to discuss it, he acts like he personally needs words that should not be spoken. Makes a lot of sense!

Anyway he is a big christian and does not agree with me on this at all and did not even want to talk about it. Why not?

robj101's picture

If god said so

If you are a theist, and a voice in your head, which you believed was indeed your god, told you that you must kill a stranger and a loved one, would you do it.

A brief explanation of your answer would be appreciated, thanks.

robj101's picture

Paul Bunyan vs Jesus

Paul Bunyan and Babe The Blue Ox

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