Atheist vs. Theist

what is reasonable

When discussing the big "why are we here"? question. Is it reasonable to begin with the premise/question:  We are either here as the result of completely natural processes, OR we are the result of intentional creation? Then from there, lay out evidence to support one position or another. So once again, just as a starting point for the discussion, would you say it is a reasonable place to start? If not, what is the best starting question? 

A Letter To My Dear Atheist

To My Dear Atheist, God is all of our Father, whether we are angry at him for unexplained tragedies in our life or not... The world is as it is, (when you all question if there is a God why the Holocaust, why the brutal American Slavery system, etc.) all of these horrors are explained by sin... We are born into sin, so we wil do what our father the evil one dictates until we come to a cross point in life that leads us back too God! People cry out to God not when they are rich and everything is going their way, no on the contrary like, spoil little children we go to our Earthly Father's or Mother's when we need them, and half the time we neglect them until we do need them; This is the same premise with our Heavenly Father, he just wants all to come too him! Because eternity is a long time to be wrong and to pay for your intellectual choice in utter displacement from your Creator! Intelligence is a gift from a loving Creator that is being used in this supposedly enlightened age to exclude the one who Gave us life and this intelligence!

I'm making my stand...

Okay I know this is gonna start a riot but I don't care...first of all...I'm a Christian. I've accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I've been looking thru some of the topics You guys posted on here and its really pissing me off. You guys have NO RIGHTS to be talking crap about our God. You're always talking about it, Christianity is a joke, the pastors really gets on my nerves, theres no proof that God exists! etc. we never ever talk crap about Your thoughts. Yes we talk about You but its out of pain and sorrow. You people may "Think" God doesn't exist but WE THINK OTHERWISE. Because we know the truth. We know whats best for our lives. Face the facts, You and I both know the things told about Christianity makes sense. Your hearts are just so hardened that You don't want to believe it. Think about it just for a minute. Look outside of Your tiny little box, You'll see. Just as Ray Comfort said, EVERYTHING has a creator. Things just can't form on its own. How in the world can 1 big bang create something like us humans? We have so much detail. Thats almost impossible and barely makes any sense. Right? Now I don't have any scriptures for You guys but I'm just telling You. You evolutionists say we don't have proof. Really?...REALLY?! We have SO MUCH proof. Its all around us. Do some research. There stuff in Jerusalem, Israel and other locations thats in the Bible. The Tomb itself where Jesus rose from the dead is STILL THERE on this very day. And You guys say we don't have proof?!

Hard Atheism vs. Soft Atheism

So I have recently read a book called "God is not one" by Stephen Prothero, in it he argues, against quite a few contemporary theologians, the religions of the world are vastly different entities and are not going towards the same goal. He gives a brief description over the top eight religions of the world (in regards to influence/population). His final chapter gives a brief Coda on Atheism. He classifies atheism into two distinct classes strong atheism (which I will refer to as Hard atheism) and weak/friendly atheism (soft atheism). He argues that hard atheism is the sort of fervent, evangelical atheism we see with books such as The God Delusion and others, willing to chastise religion for the sake of their own atheism. In this regard, atheism is no different than other religions which the emphasis is upon the missionary work (e.g. Christianity, Mormonism, Islam) of believers. He classified soft atheism by rather than actively trying to convert they took a more wait and see approach attempting to show through their actions that there is another way than belief in a higher power.


So my question is which is better to actively try and preach atheism or to allow your own actions and let others see what you have done while being atheist?




Eloise and Bob Spence

Could they ever fall in love?

Could you imagine Bob Spence having sex with Eloise?  Like, imagine Bob thrusting his hairy penis into Eloise's unkempt vulva, while Bob's hairy scrotum flops back and forth.

Would everyone on this website purchase the video?


I was watching some Way of the Master clips and Ray Comfort often brings up that people die because we are sinners. Now this may seem silly, but why do animals have to die? On the subject of animals, I know some bring up that some animals were put here to eat .but why couldn't God just make food like he mde fruit and not make some animals and give them life and some animals even have personalities of their own and animals have to suffer and die at human hands. Why do that to them? I think animals have needs and clearly most have a will to life same as humans.


Just seems cruel to me.

Avatar, the movie

Hello everyone. Smiling


I recently saw Avatar, the movie.


What do the atheists and other forum users here think about the idea of a deity as presented in the movie, Avatar?


Does that idea of a deity come from James Lovelock’s Gaia theory?


Is the idea of a deity presented in the movie Avatar, rational or irrational?


If you haven’t seen Avatar yet, you can watch it on iTunes.'s picture

Hitler's Belt Buckle

God is with us

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