It works for me!

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It works for me!


Faith in Jesus works for me - it's exciting.  I love the Bible and believe all of it - though there is mystery.  There is mystery everywhere though, right?  I am a incredibly happy believer in Jesus.  I'm not a theologian, I just believe in Jesus.

I understand you can't make anybody believe in Jesus and the Bible, and I don't personally try to do that.  But I highly recommend it from my experience with it.  I can't get enough of the Bible or Jesus.  I can't imagine trying to navigate through life without it at this point in my life. 

I don't think Jesus or God is a thing you can prove to somebody.  I heard about it a large percentage of my life and it didn't mean anything to me until a certain point - then that all changed. 

So do you guys think that I'm fooling myself, not really happy, you don't believe me, or do you really think I can't be as happy or enlightened as you - are you evangelistic in that sense or what?  What is the purpose of this site?   Do you have something better to offer?  If so, what is your gospel? 


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Christ...Lamb of god...Word of god...Light...Substance...Bread of Life...water and Spirit...Water of the Word...Eternal Reality...Living

Did I mention Bread?


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Fonzie wrote:The nation of

Fonzie wrote:
The nation of Israel started with the faith of Abraham:


Fonzie wrote:
"Abraham believed God and He reckoned it to him as righteousness."  The NT says real Jews are those who have the faith of Abraham.  Those without faith (in God) slid into faith in other things (like more and more laws or their Abrahamic bloodline, or how religious they were - NOT).  


Fonzie wrote:
Christianity is NOT a religion unless you get off course and trust in something besides (or along with) Jesus and His substitutionary Sacrifice - being born again of the water and the Spirit - washed clean by the Water of The Word.    It is the Gift of God - The Righteousness of God in Christ to be received through faith and trust in God's Righteousness in Christ Who Comes and Lives in the Christian.  

In order to believe any of that you have to first accept the teachings of the christian religion, therefore it is literally impossible to be a non-religious christian.

Fonzie wrote:
It does get misrepresented (as we are warned in the Word of God) but since eternal life is "knowing Christ" - eternal life has started for us already - getting to know Jesus.  We are occupied with joy which makes for fast days.     


Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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...the sane feeding & mindless posturing continued...

Not according to the bible, which is inspired by the Spirit of god, a.k.a Water.

Not according to jesus, who is the Son of god, a.k.a. Lamb.

In order to believe any of that you have to first accept the teachings of the christian religion, therefore it is literally impossible to be a non-religious christian.
You only have to accept christ.  The Living Water of the Word is pure and clean; no need to add the artifical kool-aid of religion.

Not if you know christ.  We who know christ have put atheism back in the fiction section, and rejoice in the coming kingdom of Truth.

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And we're back!

And we're back!

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Vastet wrote:
Fonzie wrote:
The nation of Israel started with the faith of Abraham:
Fonzie wrote:
"Abraham believed God and He reckoned it to him as righteousness."  The NT says real Jews are those who have the faith of Abraham.  Those without faith (in God) slid into faith in other things (like more and more laws or their Abrahamic bloodline, or how religious they were - NOT).  
Fonzie wrote:
Christianity is NOT a religion unless you get off course and trust in something besides (or along with) Jesus and His substitutionary Sacrifice - being born again of the water and the Spirit - washed clean by the Water of The Word.    It is the Gift of God - The Righteousness of God in Christ to be received through faith and trust in God's Righteousness in Christ Who Comes and Lives in the Christian.  
In order to believe any of that you have to first accept the teachings of the christian religion, therefore it is literally impossible to be a non-religious christian.
Fonzie wrote:
It does get misrepresented (as we are warned in the Word of God) but since eternal life is "knowing Christ" - eternal life has started for us already - getting to know Jesus.  We are occupied with joy which makes for fast days.     




Yes, the Word of the Cross is folly to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it is the Power of God.  For it is written, "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the cleverness of the clever I will thward."  Where is the wise man?  Where is the scribe?  Where is the debater of this age?  Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?  For since, in the wisdom of God the world did not know God through wisdom it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe.  

So you DID make the book Vas - and you could still change.  Look at your phoned in answers, your halucinated proofs.  The only difference in your position  and a bag of mirage is the bag.  




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Fonzie wrote:Yes, the Word

Fonzie wrote:
Yes, the Word of the Cross is folly to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it is the Power of God.

The same can be said of any faith, real or imagined. That doesn't make it objective truth. Merely subjective. Some of us aren't satisfied with that. The irony is that true theists are far more arrogant and self believing than people like me. They think they're so special that they can see a god noone else can. I might call myself the closest thing there is to a god as far as myself is concerned, but theists take that to a whole new level. The refusal to even consider the possibility they are wrong proves they are far beyond me in how they look at themselves.

Fonzie wrote:
For it is written, "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the cleverness of the clever I will thward."  

Funny how that hasn't happened. Funny how it is in fact the opposite which is coming to be.

Fonzie wrote:
Where is the wise man?  Where is the scribe?  Where is the debater of this age?

In me, and every scientist and other person who truly seeks the truth.

Fonzie wrote:
Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?

No. Instead, wisdom has made belief in god foolish.

Fonzie wrote:
 For since, in the wisdom of God the world did not know God through wisdom it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe.  

That doesn't make any sense.

Fonzie wrote:
So you DID make the book Vas - and you could still change.

I didn't make any books. Not yet anyway.
Yes, I could change. But only if god proved itself to me. Which clearly isn't going to happen.

Fonzie wrote:
Look at your phoned in answers, your halucinated proofs.

A perfect description of yourself.

Fonzie wrote:
The only difference in your position  and a bag of mirage is the bag.  

Another perfect description of yourself.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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 The mindless posturing continued...

The same can be said of any faith, real or imagined. That doesn't make it objective truth.
Only faith in the Cross is real, which is the Objective Truth (and Water).  Any faith without christ is imagined.


The irony is that true theists are far more arrogant and self believing than people like me. They think they're so special that they can see a god noone else can.
Faith is the Substance of what is hoped for, the proof of things unseen.  Everyone can see god through the eyes of faith.


I might call myself the closest thing there is to a god as far as myself is concerned, but theists take that to a whole new level.
It is arrogant to replace god with yourself.  I choose to humble myself before the lord (who is also Bread).


Funny how that hasn't happened. Funny how it is in fact the opposite which is coming to be.
It won't seem so funny on Judgement Day.  Just as the mighty will be brought low, the clever will be made to look foolish.


For since, in the wisdom of God the world did not know God through wisdom it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe.
That doesn't make any sense.
It makes perfect sense if you know christ (the Lamb who is the Word, washed in the Water of the Spirit).

...and the Feeding would soon commence, accomplishing Nothing...

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Vastet wrote:
Fonzie wrote:
Yes, the Word of the Cross is folly to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it is the Power of God.
The same can be said of any faith, real or imagined. That doesn't make it objective truth. Merely subjective. Some of us aren't satisfied with that. The irony is that true theists are far more arrogant and self believing than people like me. They think they're so special that they can see a god noone else can. I might call myself the closest thing there is to a god as far as myself is concerned, but theists take that to a whole new level. The refusal to even consider the possibility they are wrong proves they are far beyond me in how they look at themselves.





True you can say anything and it can be empty words but it's not empty words with me - I know the Gospel is True and Jesus is Alive and Living in those who believe in Him.  

I'm totally confident it's true - I have no doubt it's all true.   I guess that could appear to be arrogance but I'm being 100% honest about it.  

Your assessment that I'm arrogant can't be proveable fact can it?  You make a subjective judgment - and that's fine.  You have faith in that judgment you make though you can't prove it scientifically.  I've been contending that you have to have faith to function and here you are just exercising it (your faith in your judgment) on me.  I would guess you're totally confident I'm arrogant and have no doubt whatsoever you might be wrong.  

So you can understand how I have absolutely no doubt about Scripture, the Gospel, the Presence of God, etc.  It's just a different faith than yours.   I'm totally fulfilled with the Gospel and the Gift of the Holy Spirit, the Light of the Word of God, etc. (It has proved Itself to me) - and I guess you are totally fulfilled, satisfied as you see it with your faith.  Are you arrogant?  Beats me.  But your faith is not in the God of The Bible and The Word of God.  It's in something else that you have never described in great living detail - how it works if it works.  You've always just made oblique statements like, "you think people can't be happy without faith in your God," or whatever else you think I think.  You have been supplying what I think at every turn - all unproven unscientific stuff I might add.  All while you claim you test everything in the fact lab - it's not faith with Vas, it's physics, chemistry and hard answer math.  And you're confident you're not one of the faithful atheists - not arrogant by any means.  not at all 








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"For jesus is the Truth and the Word inspired by the Spirit and the Light and a little Lamb..."

(add "Bread" and "Water" as necessary)

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Fonzie wrote:True you can

Fonzie wrote:
True you can say anything and it can be empty words but it's not empty words with me

Yes, it is empty words with you. You aren't even a real theist. You just do a much better job of pretending to be one than zara ever could.

Fonzie wrote:
I know the Gospel is True and Jesus is Alive and Living in those who believe in Him.  

This is me rolling my eyes.

Fonzie wrote:
I'm totally confident it's true - I have no doubt it's all true.   I guess that could appear to be arrogance but I'm being 100% honest about it.  

No you aren't. Neither is anyone else who claims this. The funny thing is that the most respectable theists who ever existed are self aware and honest enough to admit it. Just like the most respectable atheists who ever existed are self aware and honest enough to admit they occasionally wonder if maybe there is a god. Noone is free of doubt on a subject with no objective evidence. Anyone who claims otherwise is a liar.

I can dispute the christian god because the very material that supports the possibility of its existence is self-contradictory, ignorant, and fraudulent. The same goes for every other religion with which I am familiar. A good theist would point out that doesn't disprove any possible concept of god itself, and that theist would be right. But that theist has nothing else to bring to the table, and he or she knows it. So he or she can't fault my lack of belief anymore than I can fault their belief.

Of course, a good theist wouldn't waste their time trying to convince other people of their bullshit either. Which is why we've never had a good theist post here.


Fonzie wrote:
Your assessment that I'm arrogant can't be proveable fact can it?

Yes it can. All one has to do is look up the meaning of the word arrogant, and then read your posts. Two or three at random would be quite sufficient.

Fonzie wrote:
 You make a subjective judgment - and that's fine.

No I'm making an objective judgement. The only subjectivity possible is in the language. You could argue that language is subjective, and on a technicality you'd be partially correct. But the very fact that we use said language to facilitate all communication really calls any such argument into question.

Fonzie wrote:
 You have faith in that judgment you make though you can't prove it scientifically.

Unfortunately I can prove it scientifically. I can even make a scientific theory about it, complete with predictions and mathematic equations. A theory that could survive peer review. It could even become a scientific law, since it could be described in a fashion that covers all belief in unsubstantiated claims.

Fonzie wrote:
I've been contending that you have to have faith to function and here you are just exercising it (your faith in your judgment) on me.  I would guess you're totally confident I'm arrogant and have no doubt whatsoever you might be wrong.  

I don't need or use faith in order to see things the way I do. I use faith only when it comes to how I predict the actions and reactions of other life forms. And even then, I first use a baseline that is scientific and logical. I'm just aware that life doesn't always react in a way I can predict, so I have to use faith to fill in the blanks.

The universe is a different story.

Fonzie wrote:
So you can understand how I have absolutely no doubt about Scripture, the Gospel, the Presence of God, etc.  It's just a different faith than yours.

That only shows you refuse to accept the arguments being presented. It in no way proves you have no doubts. In fact, it proves the opposite. It proves you have doubts, and that you refuse to confront them by refusing to see reality for what it is.

Fonzie wrote:
I'm totally fulfilled with the Gospel and the Gift of the Holy Spirit, the Light of the Word of God, etc. (It has proved Itself to me)

You can say that until you die, but I know it isn't true. Deep down, so does every theist.

Fonzie wrote:
Are you arrogant?

Certainly I am. The difference between us is that my arrogance is rooted in reality, and justified.

Fonzie wrote:
But your faith is not in the God of The Bible and The Word of God.

I can't have faith in a lie that I know is a lie.

Fonzie wrote:
It's in something else that you have never described in great living detail - how it works if it works.

How it works can only be discovered when you first admit that it works. Theists can't study the how until they first accept the what.

Fonzie wrote:
You've always just made oblique statements like, "you think people can't be happy without faith in your God," or whatever else you think I think.

I only say such things in response to such claims. The response is completely dependant on the premise.

Fonzie wrote:
You have been supplying what I think at every turn - all unproven unscientific stuff I might add.

You keep proving you don't know anything about science.

Fonzie wrote:
All while you claim you test everything in the fact lab - it's not faith with Vas, it's physics, chemistry and hard answer math.

Exactly. It's not faith with me. Unless you want me to question my very perceptions. But seeing as how those perceptions are the only things keeping me alive, I have no reason to question them. You might make an argument that I have faith that I see the world as it is, but all my experience corroborates that I see things as they are. Every memory I have, every action I've ever made. It all corroborates my perceptions. Such is not the case with any god.

Fonzie wrote:
And you're confident you're not one of the faithful atheists - not arrogant by any means.  not at all 

Everything I just said shows you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

And now for the insane fool who doesn't even have as much of a clue as you do. Who's existence is only worth noting as an object of ridicule.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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And the pointless Feeding continued, for the Imaginary Audience...

Yes, it is empty words with you. You aren't even a real theist. You just do a much better job of pretending to be one than zara ever could.
We are all empty vessels, waiting to be filled by the Word of the Water.  You clearly a real atheist, who pretends to be rational, but requires faith to believe in Nothing.

I know the Gospel is True and Jesus is Alive and Living in those who believe in Him.
This is me rolling my eyes.
You can roll your eyes to avoid seeing the Living Truth, but the Truth still Lives.

I'm totally confident it's true - I have no doubt it's all true. I guess that could appear to be arrogance but I'm being 100% honest about it.
No you aren't.
Yes I am.

Unfortunately I can prove it scientifically. I can even make a scientific theory about it, complete with predictions and mathematic equations. A theory that could survive peer review. It could even become a scientific law, since it could be described in a fashion that covers all belief in unsubstantiated claims.
"This is me rolling my eyes"

I'm just aware that life doesn't always react in a way I can predict, so I have to use faith to fill in the blanks.
If you had the correct faith, you would see those blanks have already been filled in by christ (a.k.a. Lamb).

I'm totally fulfilled with the Gospel and the Gift of the Holy Spirit, the Light of the Word of God, etc. (It has proved Itself to me)
You can say that until you die, but I know it isn't true. Deep down, so does every theist.
With the Gift of the holy spirit (Bread), I won't actually die, but be fulfilled with Eternal Life.  You can deny the gospel until you die, then deep down you will know you chose wrong.

You might make an argument that I have faith that I see the world as it is, but all my experience corroborates that I see things as they are. Every memory I have, every action I've ever made. It all corroborates my perceptions. Such is not the case with any god.
And all my experience corroborates the gospel and the Spirit and the Lamb etc.  jesus works for me!

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Vastet wrote:
Fonzie wrote:
True you can say anything and it can be empty words but it's not empty words with me
Yes, it is empty words with you. You aren't even a real theist. You just do a much better job of pretending to be one than zara ever could.
Fonzie wrote:
I know the Gospel is True and Jesus is Alive and Living in those who believe in Him.  
This is me rolling my eyes.
Fonzie wrote:
I'm totally confident it's true - I have no doubt it's all true.   I guess that could appear to be arrogance but I'm being 100% honest about it.  
No you aren't. Neither is anyone else who claims this. The funny thing is that the most respectable theists who ever existed are self aware and honest enough to admit it. Just like the most respectable atheists who ever existed are self aware and honest enough to admit they occasionally wonder if maybe there is a god. Noone is free of doubt on a subject with no objective evidence. Anyone who claims otherwise is a liar. I can dispute the christian god because the very material that supports the possibility of its existence is self-contradictory, ignorant, and fraudulent. The same goes for every other religion with which I am familiar. A good theist would point out that doesn't disprove any possible concept of god itself, and that theist would be right. But that theist has nothing else to bring to the table, and he or she knows it. So he or she can't fault my lack of belief anymore than I can fault their belief. Of course, a good theist wouldn't waste their time trying to convince other people of their bullshit either. Which is why we've never had a good theist post here. Never.
Fonzie wrote:
Your assessment that I'm arrogant can't be proveable fact can it?
Yes it can. All one has to do is look up the meaning of the word arrogant, and then read your posts. Two or three at random would be quite sufficient.
Fonzie wrote:
 You make a subjective judgment - and that's fine.
No I'm making an objective judgement. The only subjectivity possible is in the language. You could argue that language is subjective, and on a technicality you'd be partially correct. But the very fact that we use said language to facilitate all communication really calls any such argument into question.
Fonzie wrote:
 You have faith in that judgment you make though you can't prove it scientifically.
Unfortunately I can prove it scientifically. I can even make a scientific theory about it, complete with predictions and mathematic equations. A theory that could survive peer review. It could even become a scientific law, since it could be described in a fashion that covers all belief in unsubstantiated claims.
Fonzie wrote:
I've been contending that you have to have faith to function and here you are just exercising it (your faith in your judgment) on me.  I would guess you're totally confident I'm arrogant and have no doubt whatsoever you might be wrong.  
I don't need or use faith in order to see things the way I do. I use faith only when it comes to how I predict the actions and reactions of other life forms. And even then, I first use a baseline that is scientific and logical. I'm just aware that life doesn't always react in a way I can predict, so I have to use faith to fill in the blanks. The universe is a different story.
Fonzie wrote:
So you can understand how I have absolutely no doubt about Scripture, the Gospel, the Presence of God, etc.  It's just a different faith than yours.
That only shows you refuse to accept the arguments being presented. It in no way proves you have no doubts. In fact, it proves the opposite. It proves you have doubts, and that you refuse to confront them by refusing to see reality for what it is.
Fonzie wrote:
I'm totally fulfilled with the Gospel and the Gift of the Holy Spirit, the Light of the Word of God, etc. (It has proved Itself to me)
You can say that until you die, but I know it isn't true. Deep down, so does every theist.
Fonzie wrote:
Are you arrogant?
Certainly I am. The difference between us is that my arrogance is rooted in reality, and justified.
Fonzie wrote:
But your faith is not in the God of The Bible and The Word of God.
I can't have faith in a lie that I know is a lie.
Fonzie wrote:
It's in something else that you have never described in great living detail - how it works if it works.
How it works can only be discovered when you first admit that it works. Theists can't study the how until they first accept the what.
Fonzie wrote:
You've always just made oblique statements like, "you think people can't be happy without faith in your God," or whatever else you think I think.
I only say such things in response to such claims. The response is completely dependant on the premise.
Fonzie wrote:
You have been supplying what I think at every turn - all unproven unscientific stuff I might add.
You keep proving you don't know anything about science.
Fonzie wrote:
All while you claim you test everything in the fact lab - it's not faith with Vas, it's physics, chemistry and hard answer math.
Exactly. It's not faith with me. Unless you want me to question my very perceptions. But seeing as how those perceptions are the only things keeping me alive, I have no reason to question them. You might make an argument that I have faith that I see the world as it is, but all my experience corroborates that I see things as they are. Every memory I have, every action I've ever made. It all corroborates my perceptions. Such is not the case with any god.
Fonzie wrote:
And you're confident you're not one of the faithful atheists - not arrogant by any means.  not at all 
Everything I just said shows you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. And now for the insane fool who doesn't even have as much of a clue as you do. Who's existence is only worth noting as an object of ridicule.




Well, your rant confirms my position that you are simply operating from faith.  There is no scientific proof in your answer.  I guess if there was really a "big bang" you would represent a "little bang" - still pretty noisy.  But it comes down to this:  do I believe Vas or do I believe The Bible - which question answers itself BTW but you are making that choice of God and the Word of God even clearer.  The fact that you rant and make noise and explore the corners of your faith in yourself - has no bearing on the Reality of God or my faith in The Living God and The Written Word and His Only Son.  You show what a joke your faith is.  You are caged in your box.  You have no hope now or beyond death to lift you in the days of darkness, vexation and affliction we all experience.  You have no concept of Justice beyond death outside of your box - and when your box gets old you and your ideas expire you will be boxed and buried along with your unfaith - faith.  Your faith goes no further and it's nothing new.  It just keeps you from finding the Real Thing so it serves the devil's purpose.  You probably couldn't break out even if you wanted to - in fact; the Bible says you can't break free on your own.  If you cry out to God He Will Help you however.  He Does That in Christ. 






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Fonzie wrote:Well, your rant

Fonzie wrote:
Well, your rant confirms my position that you are simply operating from faith.

Self delusional.

Fonzie wrote:
There is no scientific proof in your answer.

None is necessary.

Fonzie wrote:
 I guess if there was really a "big bang" you would represent a "little bang" - still pretty noisy.


Fonzie wrote:
But it comes down to this:  do I believe Vas or do I believe The Bible

Translation: Do I believe in proven science or a book of proven lies.

Fonzie wrote:
BTW but you are making that choice of God and the Word of God even clearer.

Yes I am. Only a fool would still choose god after reading this topic.

Fonzie wrote:
The fact that you rant and make noise and explore the corners of your faith in yourself - has no bearing on the Reality of God or my faith in The Living God and The Written Word and His Only Son.

Projection followed up with bullshit.

Fonzie wrote:
 You show what a joke your faith is.  You are caged in your box.  You have no hope now or beyond death to lift you in the days of darkness, vexation and affliction we all experience.  You have no concept of Justice beyond death outside of your box - and when your box gets old you and your ideas expire you will be boxed and buried along with your unfaith - faith.  Your faith goes no further and it's nothing new.  It just keeps you from finding the Real Thing so it serves the devil's purpose.  You probably couldn't break out even if you wanted to - in fact; the Bible says you can't break free on your own.  If you cry out to God He Will Help you however.  He Does That in Christ. 

Self descriptive.

And now for the insane fool, to be ignored yet again.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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And the pointless Troll-feeding continued...



Just as Light is nonsensical to the blind person, the Truth (christ) is nonsensical to the atheist who refuses the gift of the Gospel (Water).

Your one-word responses confirm my position that the atheist has no Substance, and operates on faith.  You have no scientific proof against christ (Truth), so can only respond with "Ridiculous" or "Nonsensical".    god provides True Substance through the Living Word (Lamb).

There are no theists on operating tables.


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Vastet wrote:
Fonzie wrote:
Well, your rant confirms my position that you are simply operating from faith.
Self delusional.
Fonzie wrote:
There is no scientific proof in your answer.
None is necessary.
Fonzie wrote:
 I guess if there was really a "big bang" you would represent a "little bang" - still pretty noisy.
Fonzie wrote:
But it comes down to this:  do I believe Vas or do I believe The Bible
Translation: Do I believe in proven science or a book of proven lies.
Fonzie wrote:
BTW but you are making that choice of God and the Word of God even clearer.
Yes I am. Only a fool would still choose god after reading this topic.
Fonzie wrote:
The fact that you rant and make noise and explore the corners of your faith in yourself - has no bearing on the Reality of God or my faith in The Living God and The Written Word and His Only Son.
Projection followed up with bullshit.
Fonzie wrote:
 You show what a joke your faith is.  You are caged in your box.  You have no hope now or beyond death to lift you in the days of darkness, vexation and affliction we all experience.  You have no concept of Justice beyond death outside of your box - and when your box gets old you and your ideas expire you will be boxed and buried along with your unfaith - faith.  Your faith goes no further and it's nothing new.  It just keeps you from finding the Real Thing so it serves the devil's purpose.  You probably couldn't break out even if you wanted to - in fact; the Bible says you can't break free on your own.  If you cry out to God He Will Help you however.  He Does That in Christ. 
Self descriptive. And now for the insane fool, to be ignored yet again.




Your 'scientific reasoning' appears to be:  'if Vas can't and doesn't believe in God and The Living Christ and The Word of God - that means nobody can and they would be lying to say they did'.  It serves you there in your box to think that there's nothing beyond what you see and think - but to those of us who are outside your box it looks pretty unscientific and confining if not funny and tragic and undeliverable.  

Your patent dismissal of God and the Word of God and Jesus and the Gospel lacks any power or punch, and try to understand that to just accept it because you say so would be to honor the folly of your position plus honoring the way you appear to have arrived at nowheresville.  You display that you not only don't believe in God but your answers show you also don't think rationally.  

Know Vas there is a whole world you have not explored that would make you count everything you have now as rubbish.  Like an eagle raised by chickens who thinks he's a chicken you have not realized your true spiritual nature because you have not met your maker - (rather your exploiter) and you are heading out of warranty (along with the Colonel).  




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Fonzie wrote:Your

Fonzie wrote:
Your 'scientific reasoning' appears to be:  'if Vas can't and doesn't believe in God and The Living Christ and The Word of God - that means nobody can and they would be lying to say they did'.

Strawman, proof of ignorance.

Fonzie wrote:
 It serves you there in your box to think that there's nothing beyond what you see and think - but to those of us who are outside your box it looks pretty unscientific and confining if not funny and tragic and undeliverable.


Fonzie wrote:
Your patent dismissal of God and the Word of God and Jesus and the Gospel lacks any power or punch, and try to understand that to just accept it because you say so would be to honor the folly of your position plus honoring the way you appear to have arrived at nowheresville.  You display that you not only don't believe in God but your answers show you also don't think rationally.

Projection & lies.

Fonzie wrote:
Know Vas there is a whole world you have not explored that would make you count everything you have now as rubbish.  

Self delusional projection.

Fonzie wrote:
Like an eagle raised by chickens who thinks he's a chicken you have not realized your true spiritual nature because you have not met your maker - (rather your exploiter) and you are heading out of warranty (along with the Colonel).  


And now for the insane fool to be ignored and delude himself.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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The Imaginary Audience was fully engaged by the Feeder's one-word responses, which clearly showed large amounts of rational effort...thought it was still quite easy...

Strawman, proof of ignorance.
You can remain inside your atheist box and call it Knowledge, but you are actually choosing to remain ignorant of the Spiritual World outside the box, where there is no strawman, but only the living christ (Word).


Projection & lies.
Gospel and Spirit.

Self delusional projection.
jesus, Lamb, Truth.



And now it was time for another highly productive exchange of "Ridiculous/Fiction/Projection/Strawman etc." vs. "jesus/Word/Gospel/Spirit etc."...

There are no theists on operating tables.


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And we're back!

And we're back!

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Vastet wrote:
Fonzie wrote:
Your 'scientific reasoning' appears to be:  'if Vas can't and doesn't believe in God and The Living Christ and The Word of God - that means nobody can and they would be lying to say they did'.
Strawman, proof of ignorance.
Fonzie wrote:
 It serves you there in your box to think that there's nothing beyond what you see and think - but to those of us who are outside your box it looks pretty unscientific and confining if not funny and tragic and undeliverable.
Fonzie wrote:
Your patent dismissal of God and the Word of God and Jesus and the Gospel lacks any power or punch, and try to understand that to just accept it because you say so would be to honor the folly of your position plus honoring the way you appear to have arrived at nowheresville.  You display that you not only don't believe in God but your answers show you also don't think rationally.
Projection & lies.
Fonzie wrote:
Know Vas there is a whole world you have not explored that would make you count everything you have now as rubbish.  
Self delusional projection.
Fonzie wrote:
Like an eagle raised by chickens who thinks he's a chicken you have not realized your true spiritual nature because you have not met your maker - (rather your exploiter) and you are heading out of warranty (along with the Colonel).  
Projection. And now for the insane fool to be ignored and delude himself.








I ask what you're sure of and when the smoke cleared it's actually...zilch  

I wondered if you realize you are putting all your faith in your "unsure" self - you dodge the question, but no

Your concept of justice and injustice has no wrap up beyond death - a very unjust view

You have no hope beyond your heart-ticking air-breathing self - operating under a death deadline

You seem to be an explorer of the wandering desire - all interesting things going nowhere

I challenge you to tell what is new about your empty approach to life - clue: nothing 

In Christ all things have been made new.  It's tragic you have great gifts (including a computer) but haven't found LIFE  

Any old fool can unscientifically dodge the questions - but you have to have found The Treasure (Christ) to have Real Answers







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Fonzie wrote:I ask what

Fonzie wrote:
I ask what you're sure of and when the smoke cleared it's actually...zilch  

Lies. I absolutely destroyed this pathetic attempt of an argument.

Fonzie wrote:
I wondered if you realize you are putting all your faith in your "unsure" self - you dodge the question, but no


Fonzie wrote:
Your concept of justice and injustice has no wrap up beyond death - a very unjust view

There is no 'after death'. Your inability to accept how the universe isn't fair is amusing.

Fonzie wrote:
You have no hope beyond your heart-ticking air-breathing self - operating under a death deadline

Better to live and die free than to exist as a robotic slave for all eternity. Pity how people are so caught up in the lies of an afterlife to read and comprehend the fine print. Even if the christian god did exist, my afterlife would be infinitely better than any devout christians'.
Fortunately for everyone, there is no afterlife. You get one shot. Those who choose faith waste the only life they will ever have on a lie. If they weren't such arrogant assholes I'd feel sorry for them.

Fonzie wrote:
You seem to be an explorer of the wandering desire - all interesting things going nowhere


Fonzie wrote:
I challenge you to tell what is new about your empty approach to life - clue: nothing 

I challenge you to learn how to comprehend English sufficiently to be able to understand that I've already answered this multiple times. Clue: It's not nothing. Nothing describes you, not me.

Fonzie wrote:
In Christ all things have been made new.  It's tragic you have great gifts (including a computer) but haven't found LIFE  

Lies. Only nonbelief allows you to truly live. Faith is only a path to failure in all things.

Fonzie wrote:
Any old fool can unscientifically dodge the questions

Obviously, that's why you're still here.

Fonzie wrote:
but you have to have found The Treasure (Christ) to have Real Answers

The real answers have nothing to do with the lies of theism.

And now the insane fool again fails to be even a slightly convincing poe. He should learn from Fonzie, someone who can actually pull it off.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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It was still quite easy...

Lies. I absolutely destroyed this pathetic attempt of an argument.
"Lies." "Ridiculous."

There is no 'after death'. Your inability to accept how the universe isn't fair is amusing.
Your inability to accept the gift of Eternal Life from jesus (Bread) is saddening.

Better to live and die free than to exist as a robotic slave for all eternity.
god (Light) did not want robots, which is why he gave us free will.  The atheist chooses to be a slave to sin, and only christ (Water) can set you free.

Truth (christ).

I challenge you to learn how to comprehend English sufficiently to be able to understand that I've already answered this multiple times. Clue: It's not nothing.
You've answered multiple times with the same thing:  Nothing.  I challenge you to learn how to comprehend the Word of god (Substance) to undersand the answer to Everything.  

Lies. Only nonbelief allows you to truly live. Faith is only a path to failure in all things.

Obviously, that's why you're still here.

The real answers have nothing to do with the lies of theism.
The false answers have everything to do with the lies of atheism (Evolution).

And now it was time for the Feeder to announce "we're back!", so the Troll could spout the same nonsense again, and the Feeder could spout the same replies...again.

There are no theists on operating tables.


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^ Still failing hard. Too

^ Still failing hard. Too easy to bother responding to. It's like reading a 10 year olds words. And we're back!

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Vastet wrote:
Fonzie wrote:
I ask what you're sure of and when the smoke cleared it's actually...zilch  
Lies. I absolutely destroyed this pathetic attempt of an argument.
Fonzie wrote:
I wondered if you realize you are putting all your faith in your "unsure" self - you dodge the question, but no
Fonzie wrote:
Your concept of justice and injustice has no wrap up beyond death - a very unjust view
There is no 'after death'. Your inability to accept how the universe isn't fair is amusing.
Fonzie wrote:
You have no hope beyond your heart-ticking air-breathing self - operating under a death deadline
Better to live and die free than to exist as a robotic slave for all eternity. Pity how people are so caught up in the lies of an afterlife to read and comprehend the fine print. Even if the christian god did exist, my afterlife would be infinitely better than any devout christians'. Fortunately for everyone, there is no afterlife. You get one shot. Those who choose faith waste the only life they will ever have on a lie. If they weren't such arrogant assholes I'd feel sorry for them.
Fonzie wrote:
You seem to be an explorer of the wandering desire - all interesting things going nowhere
Fonzie wrote:
I challenge you to tell what is new about your empty approach to life - clue: nothing 
I challenge you to learn how to comprehend English sufficiently to be able to understand that I've already answered this multiple times. Clue: It's not nothing. Nothing describes you, not me.
Fonzie wrote:
In Christ all things have been made new.  It's tragic you have great gifts (including a computer) but haven't found LIFE  
Lies. Only nonbelief allows you to truly live. Faith is only a path to failure in all things.
Fonzie wrote:
Any old fool can unscientifically dodge the questions
Obviously, that's why you're still here.
Fonzie wrote:
but you have to have found The Treasure (Christ) to have Real Answers
The real answers have nothing to do with the lies of theism. And now the insane fool again fails to be even a slightly convincing poe. He should learn from Fonzie, someone who can actually pull it off.



It must be a despairing thing to "arrive" at "emptiness".  To have things, all things under the sun - time, tools, energy, imagination, options, worldly wisdom - but not have the Gift to be able to enjoy them.  Why?  Because there is this deadline for one thing - death.  The end of all laughter is grief - because there is no Ultimate Hope, no Eternal Anchor in the storm of anxiety and glitches in the machinery of health, no real confidence in One Overwhelming the unknown and unrevealed and unanticipated.  No answer to honest sightings of injustice.  

Yet the ramp is down low...and the invitation is out for "searchers".  The Light of Promise is Lit and Burning Eternal... that God Wants us All to be saved proved by the fact that He Would Pay the Price of our Salvation Himself with the Death, Burial and Resurrection of God's Only Begotten Son.  The Answer is close and available.  The Light Shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome It. 

Those who don't believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ are like those who choke themselves on a foot-powered-lathe.  You can do it, but you have to work at it.



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Fonzie wrote:It must be a

Fonzie wrote:
It must be a despairing thing to "arrive" at "emptiness".

Only for a theist who is too broken and twisted to comprehend that only his faith is empty. Life is full, but only if you live it.

Fonzie wrote:
To have things, all things under the sun - time, tools, energy, imagination, options, worldly wisdom - but not have the Gift to be able to enjoy them.

Only a broken and twisted mind would believe you need a false god to enjoy life.

Fonzie wrote:
Because there is this deadline for one thing - death.

Much more of a problem for a theist than atheist. The only possible future in theism is absolute nothingness. Without that crippling belief, there is hope that we matter.

Fonzie wrote:
The end of all laughter is grief - because there is no Ultimate Hope, no Eternal Anchor in the storm of anxiety and glitches in the machinery of health, no real confidence in One Overwhelming the unknown and unrevealed and unanticipated.  No answer to honest sightings of injustice.  


Fonzie wrote:
Yet the ramp is down low...and the invitation is out for "searchers".

You can climb the ramp, but first you must drop the baggage of belief that holds you down.

Fonzie wrote:
The Light of Promise is Lit and Burning Eternal... that God Wants us All to be saved proved by the fact that He Would Pay the Price of our Salvation Himself with the Death, Burial and Resurrection of God's Only Begotten Son.  The Answer is close and available.  The Light Shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome It. 

Those who don't believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ are like those who choke themselves on a foot-powered-lathe.  You can do it, but you have to work at it.

These lies will prevent the theist from ever being anything more than a statistical joke in human history.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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The Imaginary Audience applauded to see that the thread had resurrected.  Yet to noone's surprise, it was still quite easy...

Only for a theist who is too broken and twisted to comprehend that only his faith is empty. Life is full, but only if you live it.
I was once a broken, empty vessels, but jesus sealed the cracks and filled me with the Water of the Spirit.  Life is only full if you live the Gospel.

The only possible future in theism is absolute nothingness. Without that crippling belief, there is hope that we matter.
the future in christ (Bread) is Eternal Life.  jesus heals the Cripple who believes, and offers the hope of salvation.


You can climb the ramp, but first you must drop the baggage of belief that holds you down.
There is no baggage to carry, because jesus (Lamb) has already carried the Cross for us.

These lies will prevent the theist from ever being anything more than a statistical joke in human history.
Enjoy your statistical jokes now.  When human history ends and Eternity begins, you will see that you're on the wrong side of the Punchline.



There are no theists on operating tables.


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And the insane fool

And the insane fool continued to fail in spectacularly unimpressive fashion. We're back!

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Vastet wrote:
Fonzie wrote:
It must be a despairing thing to "arrive" at "emptiness".
Only for a theist who is too broken and twisted to comprehend that only his faith is empty. Life is full, but only if you live it.
Fonzie wrote:
To have things, all things under the sun - time, tools, energy, imagination, options, worldly wisdom - but not have the Gift to be able to enjoy them.
Only a broken and twisted mind would believe you need a false god to enjoy life.
Fonzie wrote:
Because there is this deadline for one thing - death.
Much more of a problem for a theist than atheist. The only possible future in theism is absolute nothingness. Without that crippling belief, there is hope that we matter.
Fonzie wrote:
The end of all laughter is grief - because there is no Ultimate Hope, no Eternal Anchor in the storm of anxiety and glitches in the machinery of health, no real confidence in One Overwhelming the unknown and unrevealed and unanticipated.  No answer to honest sightings of injustice.  
Fonzie wrote:
Yet the ramp is down low...and the invitation is out for "searchers".
You can climb the ramp, but first you must drop the baggage of belief that holds you down.
Fonzie wrote:
The Light of Promise is Lit and Burning Eternal... that God Wants us All to be saved proved by the fact that He Would Pay the Price of our Salvation Himself with the Death, Burial and Resurrection of God's Only Begotten Son.  The Answer is close and available.  The Light Shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome It.  Those who don't believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ are like those who choke themselves on a foot-powered-lathe.  You can do it, but you have to work at it.
These lies will prevent the theist from ever being anything more than a statistical joke in human history.





We need to pause here because there has been quite a discovery - a double black hole around 600 million light years away named Markarian (MRK) 231 showing that quasars may commonly host a double black hole.!!!  You might also note that Steven Hawking claims escape from a black hole is possible (if you believe Hawking you have that hope against hope to hold on to). 

Can we not breathe a collective sigh of relief with this news.  It opens the possibility - the report goes on to say -  of finding even more such stellar objects.  Think ...sorry, emotion...what this scientific finding means to life on planet earth - nothing escapes this finding's influence plus even more there's  the extrapolated scientific faith that we might escape a black hole.  I don't know about you but to have a troubling question like that answered is indeed a joy fulfilled.  

Tomorrow I'm going to have more spring in my stride and confidence in general knowing  what's "out there" (if you get my drift) and...almost within eating distance, only 600 million light years - not sure my old chevy ha..well anyway.  Plus the added bonus chance we may find even MORE such stellar objects might cause sleep to flee.   Knowing I can possibly escape from one of these BH's will be a constant source of comfort and strength.  

I'm hoping Vas this word will get out (to you tweet BTW?) on this and fall like gentle rain on, say, the Middle East and Mount Hermon - but actually everywhere tensions are high might receive the good news, the big answer and the fervant hope about black holes, the discovery AND the thoughts of the scientific genius Hawking.  'There'll be trains of blossoms, trains of music, trains of trust, trains of golden dust - a picnic everywhere.'  Thank you NASA!   







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Fonzie wrote:We need to

Fonzie wrote:
We need to pause here because there has been quite a discovery

No and no.

Fonzie wrote:
a double black hole around 600 million light years away named Markarian (MRK) 231 showing that quasars may commonly host a double black hole.!!!

Ok. Do you even know what a quasar is? What does this have to do with the topic at hand? Oh wait, you're being sarcastic.

Fonzie wrote:
You might also note that Steven Hawking claims escape from a black hole is possible (if you believe Hawking you have that hope against hope to hold on to). 

Well guess what? The fact that we exist proves escape from a black hole is possible. If it weren't, the universe would just be one big black hole by now.

Fonzie wrote:
Can we not breathe a collective sigh of relief with this news.


Fonzie wrote:
It opens the possibility - the report goes on to say -  of finding even more such stellar objects.

So the last few decades of observations mean nothing, this is the top of the mountain? Seriously? Any high school graduate should be less than particularly amazed at seeing something that has been predicted longer than we've had any evidence for black holes existing. I'm far more interested in the rapidly accelerating discoveries of extra solar planets. Granted, that's been predicted too, but they are something we're likely to discover much about in my lifetime. Black holes not so much.

Fonzie wrote:
Think ...sorry, emotion...what this scientific finding means to life on planet earth - nothing escapes this finding's influence plus even more there's  the extrapolated scientific faith that we might escape a black hole.  I don't know about you but to have a troubling question like that answered is indeed a joy fulfilled.  

What? lol you don't have a clue what this discovery means. You don't even know what it is, or the why and how of it being a discovery in the first place; as demonstrated by your following paragraphs.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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And the useless Feeding continued...

 Do you even know what a quasar is? What does this have to do with the topic at hand?
Quasars, like all things, are part of god's creation, so to know god is to know quasars.

The fact that we exist proves escape from a black hole is possible. If it weren't, the universe would just be one big black hole by now.
It is possible to escape a black hole because god designed it that way.  The entire universe glorifies god, but atheists deny him through their pope Hawking.

lol you don't have a clue what this discovery means.
It means that just as god has allowed us to escape the black hole, just as he sent  christ (Bread) to allow us to escape the Black Hole of Sin.

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And the insane fool

And the insane fool continues to fail, in spectacularly hypocritical fashion. We're back!

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Vastet wrote:
Fonzie wrote:
We need to pause here because there has been quite a discovery
No and no.
Fonzie wrote:
a double black hole around 600 million light years away named Markarian (MRK) 231 showing that quasars may commonly host a double black hole.!!!
Ok. Do you even know what a quasar is? What does this have to do with the topic at hand? Oh wait, you're being sarcastic.
Fonzie wrote:
You might also note that Steven Hawking claims escape from a black hole is possible (if you believe Hawking you have that hope against hope to hold on to). 
Well guess what? The fact that we exist proves escape from a black hole is possible. If it weren't, the universe would just be one big black hole by now.
Fonzie wrote:
Can we not breathe a collective sigh of relief with this news.
Fonzie wrote:
It opens the possibility - the report goes on to say -  of finding even more such stellar objects.
So the last few decades of observations mean nothing, this is the top of the mountain? Seriously? Any high school graduate should be less than particularly amazed at seeing something that has been predicted longer than we've had any evidence for black holes existing. I'm far more interested in the rapidly accelerating discoveries of extra solar planets. Granted, that's been predicted too, but they are something we're likely to discover much about in my lifetime. Black holes not so much.
Fonzie wrote:
Think ...sorry, emotion...what this scientific finding means to life on planet earth - nothing escapes this finding's influence plus even more there's  the extrapolated scientific faith that we might escape a black hole.  I don't know about you but to have a troubling question like that answered is indeed a joy fulfilled.  
What? lol you don't have a clue what this discovery means. You don't even know what it is, or the why and how of it being a discovery in the first place; as demonstrated by your following paragraphs.




I don't know how you expect to run your life with proven scientific facts Vas and yet ---- without thinking, think you're going to downplay this factual discovery of the escapable double black hole.  Obviously you are in some sort of a religious rut here on auto pilot phoning it in with cruise set going to the rear end of the van to get a drink or something - I don't know what you're doing back there (and don't even want to).  Faithful wounds from a friend Vas - not profuse enemy atheist kisses.

A double black hole Vas - A DOUBLE BLACK HOLE!!!  There it is in the telescope - "proven evidence" and here we are --- black hole there ---  us here.  This is fact science Vas, this is what your life fabric is made of (some assembly required) ... and I'm going to have to say it very frankly ... you are getting old and lazy and set in your proven scientific ways.  It might be comparable to drowning in a 3 foot black hole not realizing you just STAND UP (as Hawking) and escape.   So take heart & get your butt out of this black hole and your van back down "by the river"!    

You have to incorporate new scientific facts into your world parameter and not let them pile up - a hole here, a hole there.  I know it's work... but time's awasting!   Before long....well, let's not go there.   I have better hopes for you.  Just know it's not all going to design itself sporty.  





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"DOUBLE BLACK HOLE all the way!!! So intense!  Oh my god (Bread)! Look at that! It’s starting to look like a triple black hole. What does it mean? (jesus, of course [Lamb])"

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Fonzie wrote:I don't know

Fonzie wrote:
I don't know how you expect to run your life with proven scientific facts Vas

Of course not. You refuse to acknowledge scientific facts, so you can't even begin to comprehend how one might live with proven scientific facts.

Fonzie wrote:
and yet ---- without thinking, think you're going to downplay this factual discovery of the escapable double black hole.

If you knew anything at all about the laws and theories in science, you would find the discovery of twin black holes as mediocre as I do. It should also be pointed out, again, that all black holes can be escaped. It is only when one crosses the event horizon that escape would become impossible, and such will be true of every pair of black holes just as it is with single black holes.

Fonzie wrote:
Obviously you are in some sort of a religious rut here on auto pilot phoning it in with cruise set going to the rear end of the van to get a drink or something - I don't know what you're doing back there (and don't even want to).

Obviously you're simply too ignorant to understand anything in any subject. Including religion.

Fonzie wrote:
Faithful wounds from a friend Vas - not profuse enemy atheist kisses.

You really should see a doctor.

Fonzie wrote:
A double black hole Vas - A DOUBLE BLACK HOLE!!! There it is in the telescope - "proven evidence" and here we are --- black hole there ---  us here.

So what? Seriously.

Fonzie wrote:
 This is fact science Vas, this is what your life fabric is made of (some assembly required) ... and I'm going to have to say it very frankly ... you are getting old and lazy and set in your proven scientific ways.

You're clearly dumber than I gave you credit for.

Fonzie wrote:
 It might be comparable to drowning in a 3 foot black hole not realizing you just STAND UP (as Hawking) and escape.   So take heart & get your butt out of this black hole and your van back down "by the river"!    

One cannot 'drown' in a black hole. And the act of standing up in range of a black hole would rip you apart even faster than doing nothing. Your ignorance of the most basic laws of physics is mind boggling. You probably think you can achieve light speed just by swinging a very long stick.

Fonzie wrote:
You have to incorporate new scientific facts into your world parameter and not let them pile up - a hole here, a hole there.

I do. Your assertion to the contrary is as laughable as you are.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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The perfectly sane Feeding continued...

You refuse to acknowledge scientific facts, so you can't even begin to comprehend how one might live with proven scientific facts.
The scientific fact is we have escaped the Double Black Hole, and you refuse to acknowledge the spiritual fact that god (Water) designed it that way.


If you knew anything at all about the laws and theories in science, you would find the discovery of twin black holes as mediocre as I do.
I know god (Spirit) is the Law-Giver, and while evolution is only a theory, christ (Lamb) is a Fact, and there's nothing mediocre about that.


You really should see a doctor.
I have seen Dr. god (Bread), he prescribed jesus (Word), and the Medicine works for me.


A DOUBLE BLACK HOLE!!! There it is in the telescope - "proven evidence" and here we are --- black hole there --- us here.
So what? Seriously.
jesus (Life) showed Thomas the holes in his hands so that he would believe.  Yet god (Light) has shown you the Black Holes and you still refuse to believe.


You probably think you can achieve light speed just by swinging a very long stick.
No, but I believe christ (Substance) achieved Light + Salvation by carrying a very heavy Cross.  Amen.


( "...And we're back!" ) 

There are no theists on operating tables.


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And the insane fool continued

And the insane fool continued to talk to himself.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Vastet wrote:
Fonzie wrote:
I don't know how you expect to run your life with proven scientific facts Vas
Of course not. You refuse to acknowledge scientific facts, so you can't even begin to comprehend how one might live with proven scientific facts.
Fonzie wrote:
and yet ---- without thinking, think you're going to downplay this factual discovery of the escapable double black hole.
If you knew anything at all about the laws and theories in science, you would find the discovery of twin black holes as mediocre as I do. It should also be pointed out, again, that all black holes can be escaped. It is only when one crosses the event horizon that escape would become impossible, and such will be true of every pair of black holes just as it is with single black holes.
Fonzie wrote:
Obviously you are in some sort of a religious rut here on auto pilot phoning it in with cruise set going to the rear end of the van to get a drink or something - I don't know what you're doing back there (and don't even want to).
Obviously you're simply too ignorant to understand anything in any subject. Including religion.
Fonzie wrote:
Faithful wounds from a friend Vas - not profuse enemy atheist kisses.
You really should see a doctor.
Fonzie wrote:
A double black hole Vas - A DOUBLE BLACK HOLE!!! There it is in the telescope - "proven evidence" and here we are --- black hole there ---  us here.
So what? Seriously.
Fonzie wrote:
 This is fact science Vas, this is what your life fabric is made of (some assembly required) ... and I'm going to have to say it very frankly ... you are getting old and lazy and set in your proven scientific ways.
You're clearly dumber than I gave you credit for.
Fonzie wrote:
 It might be comparable to drowning in a 3 foot black hole not realizing you just STAND UP (as Hawking) and escape.   So take heart & get your butt out of this black hole and your van back down "by the river"!    
One cannot 'drown' in a black hole. And the act of standing up in range of a black hole would rip you apart even faster than doing nothing. Your ignorance of the most basic laws of physics is mind boggling. You probably think you can achieve light speed just by swinging a very long stick.
Fonzie wrote:
You have to incorporate new scientific facts into your world parameter and not let them pile up - a hole here, a hole there.
I do. Your assertion to the contrary is as laughable as you are.





I see now what you mean - escape from the "black hole" is more advanced and could discourage.  I was thinking here about a SFDD - (Scientific Fact Daily Devotional) that maybe would give a daily lift to the mechanics of life and ignite the engine for a while (while still ignitable).  Maybe you could supply some verses, tomes, facts to temporarly live by - (I must say you know "black holes" in and out (ha - "out" - Hawking) as they say that would help the scientific lab scout to start seeing how great it is and gradually work up, up, and then "poof", gone, whatever, wherever, whenever.  

For example; "the scientific fact for today is GRAVITY.  Gravity allows us to all walk like we have developed over millions of years - at right angles to this earth we have discovered top or bottom - we stick, we stand, we have weight, and we can't jump (some of us).  All due to the little scientific gravity constant.  You notice gravity seems to want everything - some things more than others (stone more than wood, iron more than dirt).  It's not about magnitism (which we also discovered) however (that's for another day).  Gravity wants everything - including us!  Let's be friends with gravity!  Respect gravity!  Figure gravity into your day - and BTW, have a nice scientific day!  So what do you think Vas?  

I know you would have a scientific fact inspiration for every day (maybe I should say "moment) - I just have the basid idea here - you have the workings in that black hole if you can get them out and move this forward.  




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Fonzie wrote:I see now what

Fonzie wrote:
I see now what you mean

No, you really don't.

Fonzie wrote:
I was thinking here about a SFDD - (Scientific Fact Daily Devotional) that maybe would give a daily lift to the mechanics of life and ignite the engine for a while (while still ignitable).  Maybe you could supply some verses, tomes, facts to temporarly live by

Science doesn't tell you how to live your life. You have to make those decisions yourself. Science just shows us what the objective rules are.

Fonzie wrote:
For example; "the scientific fact for today is GRAVITY.  Gravity allows us to all walk like we have developed over millions of years - at right angles to this earth we have discovered top or bottom - we stick, we stand, we have weight, and we can't jump (some of us).  All due to the little scientific gravity constant.  You notice gravity seems to want everything - some things more than others (stone more than wood, iron more than dirt).  It's not about magnitism (which we also discovered) however (that's for another day).  Gravity wants everything - including us!  Let's be friends with gravity!  Respect gravity!  Figure gravity into your day - and BTW, have a nice scientific day!  So what do you think Vas?  

I think you could be a comedian if you worked at it a bit more.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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And they were back...the sane and intelligent Feeder recycling the same routine with the Troll for the benefit of the Imaginary Audience...

I see now what you mean
No, you really don't.
god (Light) sees what you mean, and knows that even though you can escape the Double Black Hole, you cannot escape the Truth.


Science doesn't tell you how to live your life. You have to make those decisions yourself. Science just shows us what the objective rules are.
The bible (Word) tells me how to live my life.  I have made the decision to devote my life to christ (Bread).  Science shows us the Wisdom of god's creation (Substance), but atheists make the decision to deny it.


I think you could be a comedian if you worked at it a bit more.
I cannot be a comedian, because god (Water) cannot be mocked [Galatians 6:7].  You could be a christian (Sheep) if you stopped working against the lord (Spirit).



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And the insane fool

And the insane fool continued talking to himself. We're back!

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Vastet wrote:
Fonzie wrote:
I see now what you mean
No, you really don't.
Fonzie wrote:
I was thinking here about a SFDD - (Scientific Fact Daily Devotional) that maybe would give a daily lift to the mechanics of life and ignite the engine for a while (while still ignitable).  Maybe you could supply some verses, tomes, facts to temporarly live by
Science doesn't tell you how to live your life. You have to make those decisions yourself. Science just shows us what the objective rules are.
Fonzie wrote:
For example; "the scientific fact for today is GRAVITY.  Gravity allows us to all walk like we have developed over millions of years - at right angles to this earth we have discovered top or bottom - we stick, we stand, we have weight, and we can't jump (some of us).  All due to the little scientific gravity constant.  You notice gravity seems to want everything - some things more than others (stone more than wood, iron more than dirt).  It's not about magnitism (which we also discovered) however (that's for another day).  Gravity wants everything - including us!  Let's be friends with gravity!  Respect gravity!  Figure gravity into your day - and BTW, have a nice scientific day!  So what do you think Vas?  
I think you could be a comedian if you worked at it a bit more.



Ah, Vas - 

You make those decisions for yourself (how to live)...huh?  How sweet! does nothing but "proven facts" come in with that?  Actually it seems (to the ordinary  crazy ridiculous projection guy) that your faith is --- IN FACT! (here's a fact) --- in ...yourself.   You are your own bored certified brain surgeon,  book in hand, having matriculated from your own school - old VU -   wrote the book yourself, taught the class  --- and maybe even wonder (hmmm) if you made the brain too (something looks familiar...)

But the point is this:  you are trusting in things you can't prove - and hey --- so am I (with one big difference - I admit it, you don't).  You might think you can put your hands on what you trust in as proveable fact but in reality you have no more proof for what you trust in - being yourself and your various selected ideas - than which proof you are demanding from me from trusting in the Word of God.  

My view of it is of course that what you're doing (trusting in yourself) is a lot less logical that what I'm doing - (trusting in the God of the Bible).  You might be hinting that you also think your position is shaky because you refuse to admit it straightforward openly and transparently - instead you straight arm and disseminate with firebrands like "ridiculous", "insanity", "projection", you break chalk suck air and roll eyes.  But hey - to  vigorously justify  your own position is nothing new under the sun and certainly understandable - even if it's wrong and fueled with arrogance and wind powered nuclear self-esteem generator.  

Know that I present my position exactly as it is: faith in God and Jesus' Substitutionary death willingly (the Mystery hidden for ages, the Plan of God) to pay the price for the sins of all who believe in Him for all time.  What He says is the way it is - regardless of how things look "under the sun" - or what guys like you say which is the opposite of the Word of God.  I must say is is great to walk by faith in The Living and Faithful God of all the earth - the Real God and Maker of us all.  Actually - it's a blast!  and it's a convoy!  Roll On!    









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Fonzie wrote:You make those

Fonzie wrote:
You make those decisions for yourself (how to live)...huh?  How sweet!

How desperate you are.

Fonzie wrote: does nothing but "proven facts" come in with that?

Even you use proven facts constantly without even thinking about it. Funny how if you actually thought about this question you might start finding the light.

Fonzie wrote:
Actually it seems (to the ordinary  crazy ridiculous projection guy) that your faith is --- IN FACT!

Only if you can show me a square circle.

Fonzie wrote:
You are your own bored certified brain surgeon,  book in hand, having matriculated from your own school - old VU -   wrote the book yourself, taught the class  --- and maybe even wonder (hmmm) if you made the brain too (something looks familiar...)

Maybe one day I'll have a kid, but not yet.

Fonzie wrote:
But the point is this:  you are trusting in things you can't prove -

No I'm not. That's only you.

Fonzie wrote:
 You might think you can put your hands on what you trust in as proveable fact but in reality you have no more proof for what you trust in - being yourself and your various selected ideas - than which proof you are demanding from me from trusting in the Word of God.  

False, as I explained pages ago. Reiterating defeated arguments will get you nowhere.

I'm bored. Enter the insane fool.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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The Old Troll continued to reiterate the same defeated arguments, and the (perfectly sane) Feeder continued to reiterate the same explanations...

How desperate you are.
jesus (Bread) rescued me in my hour of desperation.  Atheists are desperate for meaning in life, but rather than seeking god's help (Wisdom), they try to rescue themselves, and end up drowning in their own Pride.


Even you use proven facts constantly without even thinking about it. Funny how if you actually thought about this question you might start finding the light.
I have already found the Light (christ), or rather, christ (the Light) has found me.  god (Truth) is a Proven Fact, and without him, you will find nothing but Darkness.


Only if you can show me a square circle.
A square circle makes no sense, and if it makes no sense, it is contrary to god's Word (Water).  Atheists believe we evolved from gorillas, so it's not surprising they also believe circles can evolve from squares.


No I'm not. That's only you.


Reiterating defeated arguments will get you nowhere.
I am only reiterating the Eternal Truth of Scripture (Substance).  Denying it will get you nowhere except hell. 

I'm bored. Enter the insane fool.
Wthout christ (Lamb), Life is always boring.

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Vastet wrote:
Fonzie wrote:
You make those decisions for yourself (how to live)...huh?  How sweet!
How desperate you are.
Fonzie wrote: does nothing but "proven facts" come in with that?
Even you use proven facts constantly without even thinking about it. Funny how if you actually thought about this question you might start finding the light.
Fonzie wrote:
Actually it seems (to the ordinary  crazy ridiculous projection guy) that your faith is --- IN FACT!
Only if you can show me a square circle.
Fonzie wrote:
You are your own bored certified brain surgeon,  book in hand, having matriculated from your own school - old VU -   wrote the book yourself, taught the class  --- and maybe even wonder (hmmm) if you made the brain too (something looks familiar...)
Maybe one day I'll have a kid, but not yet.
Fonzie wrote:
But the point is this:  you are trusting in things you can't prove -
No I'm not. That's only you.
Fonzie wrote:
 You might think you can put your hands on what you trust in as proveable fact but in reality you have no more proof for what you trust in - being yourself and your various selected ideas - than which proof you are demanding from me from trusting in the Word of God.  
False, as I explained pages ago. Reiterating defeated arguments will get you nowhere. I'm bored. Enter the insane fool.






You have said "GET LOST" on your way to your science lab where you test things and prove them and come up with electrons anxious to go places other than where they are - which results in our computer for one - which you have brought up more than once to illustrate the achievement of the false god of science you have...sort of trotted out.  I say "sort of" because you have other false gods in your "my way mansion" collection that essentially orbit you and emanate from YOU YOU YOU.  But this god business you have taken up as a hobby requires more energy than you bring to the table - so you have come up with ways to cope; for example, you are really good at dismissing serious questions with non answers - non answers that neither answer nor show promise that you really HAVE any answers or good cards in your hand: "ridiculous", "insane", "fool", "projection", "you don't know", "you're ignorant" (in this water face is answering to face ...and possibly your mind giving you a reflection of yourself...)

Whether it's a dog or a lion if it's still alive there is hope - though I don't know if we're going to get a turtle interested in flying.  I don't think the turtle sees the value.  But what energy does it take to get out of this swamp we are surveying on the floating platform?  Is it physical energy? --  like the computer, or foot-pounds (as physics defines work)?  No, the energy missing is spiritual energy.  You don't get that from your science or your self or your bacon and eggs.  Well, where do you find the energy to do the right thing, hang on and hang on, resist the wrong thing - where do you get "lift" in life, the fire in the belly?  I have an aswer to that but I would rather you would tell me where YOU find that kind of energy - or not.  (You don't claim to find it anywhere I find it, so where ?)











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Fonzie wrote:You have said

Fonzie wrote:
You have said "GET LOST" on your way to your science lab where you test things and prove them and come up with electrons anxious to go places other than where they are - which results in our computer for one - which you have brought up more than once to illustrate the achievement of the false god of science you have...sort of trotted out.

You really need to go back to high school and take English again. Focus on making and sticking to points, context, paragraphs, and the basic logic of communication. You have maybe 7 talking points here, but they're all jumbled together and impossible to make sense of.

Fonzie wrote:
I say "sort of" because you have other false gods in your "my way mansion" collection that essentially orbit you and emanate from YOU YOU YOU.

There are no false gods here. I only hold to that which actually exists. In order to qualify any such as a god, you have to dumb down the definition of gods.

Fonzie wrote:
But this god business you have taken up as a hobby requires more energy than you bring to the table - so you have come up with ways to cope; for example, you are really good at dismissing serious questions with non answers - non answers that neither answer nor show promise that you really HAVE any answers or good cards in your hand: "ridiculous", "insane", "fool", "projection", "you don't know", "you're ignorant" (in this water face is answering to face ...and possibly your mind giving you a reflection of yourself...)

Like all theists, you're very good at projecting your flaws onto others.

Fonzie wrote:
Whether it's a dog or a lion if it's still alive there is hope - though I don't know if we're going to get a turtle interested in flying.  I don't think the turtle sees the value.

This is nonsensical.

Fonzie wrote:
But what energy does it take to get out of this swamp we are surveying on the floating platform?

Probably kinetic...

Fonzie wrote:
No, the energy missing is spiritual energy.

No such thing.

que the insane fool.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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The Feeder took longer and longer intervals between feeding sessions, but still dutifully showed up to throw the same morsels to the Troll, all for the sake of the Imaginary Audience which enjoyed viewing the same recycled dialogue, which was still quite easy to duplicate...

You really need to go back to high school and take English again. Focus on making and sticking to points, context, paragraphs, and the basic logic of communication. You have maybe 7 talking points here, but they're all jumbled together and impossible to make sense of.
The Word of god (Bread) is beyond any manmade grammar, and cannot be taught in any manmade school (besides church).  The Eternal Truth (Water) may seem jumbled to the atheist, but christ (Lamb) brings order to all things.


There are no false gods here. I only hold to that which actually exists. In order to qualify any such as a god, you have to dumb down the definition of gods.
There is only the one true god here (Substance), who actually exists by definition.


Like all theists, you're very good at projecting your flaws onto others.

This is nonsensical.
"...non answers that neither answer nor show promise that you really HAVE any answers or good cards in your hand: "ridiculous", "nonsensical", "projection", "you don't know", "you're ignorant"...


No, the energy missing is spiritual energy.
No such thing.
Just because your plug doesn't fit the spiritual Socket doesn't mean the energy isn't there.  You have to connect through the adapter (jesus [Light]).  

"I'm bored.  Que the Feeder and/or Troll..."





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Vastet wrote:
Fonzie wrote:
You have said "GET LOST" on your way to your science lab where you test things and prove them and come up with electrons anxious to go places other than where they are - which results in our computer for one - which you have brought up more than once to illustrate the achievement of the false god of science you have...sort of trotted out.
You really need to go back to high school and take English again. Focus on making and sticking to points, context, paragraphs, and the basic logic of communication. You have maybe 7 talking points here, but they're all jumbled together and impossible to make sense of.
Fonzie wrote:
I say "sort of" because you have other false gods in your "my way mansion" collection that essentially orbit you and emanate from YOU YOU YOU.
There are no false gods here. I only hold to that which actually exists. In order to qualify any such as a god, you have to dumb down the definition of gods.
Fonzie wrote:
But this god business you have taken up as a hobby requires more energy than you bring to the table - so you have come up with ways to cope; for example, you are really good at dismissing serious questions with non answers - non answers that neither answer nor show promise that you really HAVE any answers or good cards in your hand: "ridiculous", "insane", "fool", "projection", "you don't know", "you're ignorant" (in this water face is answering to face ...and possibly your mind giving you a reflection of yourself...)
Like all theists, you're very good at projecting your flaws onto others.
Fonzie wrote:
Whether it's a dog or a lion if it's still alive there is hope - though I don't know if we're going to get a turtle interested in flying.  I don't think the turtle sees the value.
This is nonsensical.
Fonzie wrote:
But what energy does it take to get out of this swamp we are surveying on the floating platform?
Probably kinetic...
Fonzie wrote:
No, the energy missing is spiritual energy.
No such thing. que the insane fool.





So, you're into handicapped living - trying to live without God.  Fatalism is one way you've coped (don't "go there", it's a fragile kind of courage) - don't think about the "deadline".  "if it happens, it happens."  "If it goes down, it goes down."  Fatalism:  Put on a bold face and keep truckin'.  Keep the lie alive.  Let a smile be your umbrella.  Go with the flow.    

You have to be creative and careful to come up with a way to explain how all the miracles around us happen and keep dig deep into that science book to find things that happened "long, long ago" in a place "far, far away" as told by "experts" who say what you want to hear  over 100 miles from home in technical words not totally understood even by them - falsely called knowledge.   You have to come up with this "wager" and that "straw whatever" and the dismissal of anything that challenges your handicap survival bubble.  "No, I don't have any faith in anything" - "I", "me", "I thought", "I smart, you ignorant", "I wise you fool".  

You left off the question about where you get your energy to propel through life - but, whatever.  I'm sure you have answered it many times long long ago.  In fact you probably answered it in your last post - I just missed it.  

Now, when you try to be "righteous" without God, that's when it really starts to get wierd.  You have to bring a pious view of life that sees others (sans Vas view) as "ignorant", "the fool", "the unschooled", "the hoi polloi", all because it brings a challenge to the Vas dream no-faith (but actually yes faith in self) bubble.   Vas the pious on the lofty perch of life with proven fact - no faith - just the solid rock of reason (as it appears to Vas).  

But there is this darned deadline...your science and your reason and your handicapped search haven't revealed what happens when the atheist dies.  It's a proven fact the atheist does die BTW. Do you have any "proven fact" answers to that question?  Do you have any non proven atheist speculation you have faith in concerning that deadline?  Is it a thing you can solve yourself?  Do you at least know where the book or scientist or man is with the answer?  Have you seen anybody you have faith HAS the answer?  Isn't this a fundamental question of life not answered by your scientific method?  Isn't it simple as ABC to ask - not even a high school level question yet you don't have the answer?  How is it that you're so "in the know"?  You have learned to speak and type but you don't even have the answer to this simple question:  What is beyond death?


que the all knowing righteous atheist on his lofty perch who cuts up and dices the post tenderizes and scoffs all general yet little by little with scoffing and  pretense claiming to answer claiming having answered and while of course leaving out questions....







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Fonzie wrote:So, you're into

Fonzie wrote:
So, you're into handicapped living - trying to live without God.

You couldn't have that any more backwards.

Fonzie wrote:
Fatalism is one way you've

I'm cutting you off because we've already established you're the fatalist here.

Fonzie wrote:
You have to be creative and careful to come up with a way to explain how all the miracles around us happen and keep happening...

Funny how you can't point to any miracles. Theists constantly claim miracles, but never prove they ever happened.

Fonzie wrote:
You left off the question about where you get your energy to propel through life - but, whatever.

Same way you do: food and oxygen.

Fonzie wrote:
But there is this darned deadline...

No there isn't.

Fonzie wrote:
your science and your reason and your handicapped search haven't revealed what happens when the atheist dies.

Same thing as anyone else. The body rots away. You make up a story about an afterlife, but it's just wishful (and irrational) thinking.

Fonzie wrote:
It's a proven fact the atheist does die BTW. Do you have any "proven fact" answers to that question?  Do you have any non proven atheist speculation you have faith in concerning that deadline?  Is it a thing you can solve yourself?  Do you at least know where the book or scientist or man is with the answer?  Have you seen anybody you have faith HAS the answer?  Isn't this a fundamental question of life not answered by your scientific method?  Isn't it simple as ABC to ask - not even a high school level question yet you don't have the answer?  How is it that you're so "in the know"?  You have learned to speak and type but you don't even have the answer to this simple question:  What is beyond death?

Nobody has a complete and absolute answer to this. Anyone who claims otherwise is a liar.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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The useless Feeding continued, though it was still quite easy...

You couldn't have that any more backwards.
It seems backwards to you, because you have turned your back on christ (Bread), who leads us straight forward to Eternal Life.


I'm cutting you off because we've already established you're the fatalist here.
You have cut yourself off from the grace of god (Light), so your atheistic fatalism ends in Nothing, but the christian fatalism is Reborn in Salvation.


Funny how you can't point to any miracles. Theists constantly claim miracles, but never prove they ever happened.
I can point to all the miracles in the scriptures (Word).  You may find that funny, but the consequences are serious.


But there is this darned deadline...
No there isn't.
Yes there is.


The body rots away. You make up a story about an afterlife, but it's just wishful (and irrational) thinking.
The wishful thinking belongs to the atheist who wants to live his life with no judgement to follow.  But when the flesh rots away and the soul stands before the Lord (Truth), the atheist will see how irrational his thinking was.

"I'm bored.  Que the Feeder and/or Troll..."

There are no theists on operating tables.


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The insane fool is ignored

The insane fool is ignored by all once again...

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 Once you die you stay

 Once you die you stay dead, life after you die will feel exactly the same as before you were born. Afterlife is your own wishfull thinking.

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