It works for me!
Faith in Jesus works for me - it's exciting. I love the Bible and believe all of it - though there is mystery. There is mystery everywhere though, right? I am a incredibly happy believer in Jesus. I'm not a theologian, I just believe in Jesus.
I understand you can't make anybody believe in Jesus and the Bible, and I don't personally try to do that. But I highly recommend it from my experience with it. I can't get enough of the Bible or Jesus. I can't imagine trying to navigate through life without it at this point in my life.
I don't think Jesus or God is a thing you can prove to somebody. I heard about it a large percentage of my life and it didn't mean anything to me until a certain point - then that all changed.
So do you guys think that I'm fooling myself, not really happy, you don't believe me, or do you really think I can't be as happy or enlightened as you - are you evangelistic in that sense or what? What is the purpose of this site? Do you have something better to offer? If so, what is your gospel?
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Where's your proof on all that line of thinking ??? Since you don't have any first hand experience being dead and now alive nor will you get any practice dying what is it or who is it (and why is it) giving you this confidence that this is true ? IOW, since it's not your phoney atheist "proven fact dream world" you have evidently turned aside to faith in something or someone that tells you what you want to hear - or you tell yourself... which is your own "wishful thinking" which you're sharing with the world.
I don't have scientific proof about life after death (that has not been my position though unlike Vas I see miracles everywhere - he wouldn't know a miracle if it was standing in the sidewalk with a lighted sandwichboard) - but my faith that there is eternal life after death - and... it has in fact already started (since eternal life is knowing Christ you can start knowing Him now) my faith at least (unlike you) is not in myself. My faith is in the Written Word of God and the Living Word of God (Jesus) Whom I experience. When I was "born anew" of the Water and The Spirit I was given (as promised in The Written Word of God) the Gift of The Holy Spirit as a Guarantee.
So I have the Written Word I have confidence in, It proves it is true to me in every detail and practice and every aspect of life. The Living Word of God (Jesus) I experience (He Lives in me - His sheep know His Voice) and the Guarantee I have also (a guarantee is no good if you can't know you have it - I do and I do). So YOU are the one with the wishful thinking in this case - and also you are the one with an un-named faith or even an unconscious faith you don't know you have or what it's in - I KNOW there is life after death through the eyes of faith as mentioned and I know Who my faith is in - the Son of God and The Father Who Sent HIm.
So my faith- is faith - and is in His Word and His Promises, which are called A ROCK for a reason you might guess. I have no doubts whatsoever that Jesus Is, Is Alive, Is Living in Me (as He does in all Christians), and Is Perfect, and Every Word He Says Will Come True. This is not an idea I have come up with - and neither is the idea that Jesus had to come to earth and become the Perfect Lamb of God Sacrificed for the sins of the world for everyone who believes. You are the one making the wish Brian and - if thinking - the wishful thinking.
Re:: 生 (/?) Grandpa used to have this joke about there will never be another ''ewe''
Utterly Misc. --
EXCLUSIVELY addressed to Omni/Other Off-Site ONLY -- For my two good buddies, and yes I am thinking about you (smile)! Image is an interesting one that happened , well worth talking over, just about this time around, huh ?!?
p.s. -- Hello! Your basic Omniversal thinking actually helps (biggest smile)!!
Re:: Puzzles are puzzling
Image view to be Uploaded! See Uploaded image [Below], the image(s) are the comment --
When the Sapient sock puppet can't answer - at least distract, pollute, deface... a lot easier than answers
...which it could be said (and defended) sums up the whole atheist approach to everything good...
Yeah about that ''Sapient sock puppet'' .. Things guilty parties are attributing them to others! Projection much ?!?
Nothing Says Lovin' Like Something from the Oven
Image not for Trolls that are religious and/or sanctimonious persons who indulges in hypocrisy, apparently (hint) SEE: Upload ::
p.p.s. - Oh, And Libby don't worry there is a method to the seeming madness . . really
Brimming with tears, "The access code is ... Alone''
Images is my shout out to long time member ''On-Site'' --
View / See Images Uploaded --
One thread is quite enough.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Your "handicapped living" (life without God) has an "appearance" that makes it look like real life (to the low information crowd) You have your crutches - "faith in faith" (fatalism) "roll with the punches" and "that's the way it goes" (dealing with dark days) "cast your bread on the waters" (invest in life's lottery for selfish reasons), pursue "natural science" (cabin down by the river)...and you are carried along with a sense of "scientific wonder" exploring the glory of God in His Creation...until it reaches its end - death - where the body goes back to dust and the spirit goes back to God Who Gave It...
At that point the magic show is over and the counterfeit is exposed - because the counterfeit may boogie through life "under the sun" in style - and give an appearance of the life of faith with Jesus Christ as the focus (Jesus is Alive and Living in those of us who believe in Him and have been born anew)
You have come face to face with that question you don't want to think about - but it's coming to a place near you. Sharpen your axe and think about which way you want this tree to fall. It's a lot easier to think about it BEFORE it's on its way down - before your cheese falls off the cracker...
Re:: Discretion is the better part of valour or how about a do over ?
Discretion is the better part of valour or how about a do-over ?
Https ://
Now with this Image, it is a reply only -- Informative as it is to some; it is only a reply ONLY ! IMAGE is comment . . .
This is your brain on religion. All projection, no substance. Empty darkness.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
One Troll-Feeding was quite enough, but what was a couple thousand more...
jesus (Lamb) is the Substance (Bread) that Fills the darkness with Light (Spirit).
There are no theists on operating tables.
The insane fool continued to fail on all counts...
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Besides taking the most ridiculous position in the world - not believing in God - you aren't listening...or giving real answers - just adapting commercials, phoning it in like Siri.
You use the term "religion". I have tried to tell you, spell it out clearly that Christianity is not a "religion" - it's a Person, Alive, Living in us, Working in us. It's very different than a "religion" - a very refreshing difference BTW. To have faith in supposed "religion", "religious activity", "religious ceremony" is to turn to a idol we have made ourselves for our own glory - and it doesn't work (just like atheism doesn't work). The only Righteousness that is acceptable to God is the Righteousness that comes through faith in Jesus, His Sacrifice, His Promises and faith in God. Christianity is a "new born" spiritual life that involves being changed through faith in the Living Christ - and that DOES Work I can tell you! We have the Living Word of God (Jesus) and the Written Word of God (Bible).
What you have is your your own false characterizations which you summarily reject, and project, then direct your eyes to the ends of the earth (that's beyond Canada BTW) to avoid giving a real answer first to yourself then here. You sail away in your thinking until first land is the north star. I suspect your honest answer doesn't look good even to you - that would be a comedown from a lofty perch supported by fresh air.
The christian is religious, period. There is no person, only belief in magic which has been completely refuted by observation and scientific study. You can try to redefine words until you're blue in the face, but you'll never succeed.
Oh the irony. I love it when theists scream against idol's as they hold their personally accepted idol up for all to see.
Atheism works perfectly. Kinda funny how the rejection of what you think is perfection actually is perfection.
There is no god.
There was never a jesus either.
Religion. It has never worked, and it never will.
All you have is the written word of ignorant savages. Nothing special.
Yet another stunningly accurate description of yourself.
And now we yawn at the insane fool once again, who challenges the possibility of free will by happily enslaving himself to accomplishing nothing infinitely, always with the hope that if he does the same thing enough times a different result might occur...
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Unfortunately, the Old Troll could not keep Its vow of silence. and the Feeder dutifully returned to provide another inspirational response...
"I'm bored. Que the Feeder and/or Troll..."
There are no theists on operating tables.
Predictable as always, the insane fool continues to prove me right. He is certainly as dumb as any typical theist.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Well Vas,
I'll have to say you gave what for you is an answer (after photo-shopping) - "the fact that atheism is the most ridiculous position there is" - you went on your 3 dimensional rant that you don't believe in God and you aren't going to (implied) (and can't - by yourself - which is the only Vas act playing) and so on and so on. You know, I suspected that. I think you let that slip out.
Here's a random - I did some demolition on the job today. It only takes 2 or 3 tools and about 12 brain cells... building back... that's a little more complicated.
Since you're on an answering roll - how about telling how atheism motivates you daily to "evolve" up like you think things have? What or who do you have faith in to build solid on and empower you to move forward? What or who are you sure of?
I am 100% sure of all of The Bible. It's True, it's Truth, it's The Word of God. I'm 100% sure all the Promises of God will be kept and are being kept - the fact that God Gave His Son to Save all those who believe in Him settled that. As I understand more of the Word of God it all makes more and more sense. As I apply what I understand in the Word of God It Proves Itself to me - and Confirms It is The Word of God, Perfect. Knowing Jesus through faith is a constant pull Upward and Forward. To experience the Presence of God is Sustaining - Bread that is Bread indeed! The Correction of the Water of The Word is Convicting and constantly Cleansing. The Spirit that is in the Christian is Stronger than the spirit that is in the world, the devil - so there is real Security in the living relationship through faith in God in Jesus. I am not burdened with coming up with Truth - I know Jesus is Truth (the Living Word) and the Bible is the Written Word also Truth.
It's refreshing to be free of the burden of trying to find Truth. I know Where Truth is, Vas. I don't think you want to know and you are successful in not knowing.
It's also refreshing to be free of trying to be your own god (a lousy one at that). You have quite a job facing you there Vas - trying to create your own way. Maybe some days you're not so creative. Maybe you'll get to where you think you want to go and it won't be where you want to be. Maybe you're touchy about the fact that the captain of your ship doesn't know where the ship is or where it's going. Maybe you're not on the floating platform rather in the swamp, never have been and don't know what it's like. Maybe death is not a thing you want to discuss because you have no hope in that area because your lousy god and your lousy path and your lost ship give you no hope. Maybe all you know is how to straight arm all perceived threats to your fragile and shaky empty position which you can't comprehend but can't escape. Maybe you know a few lines from a commercial or a philosophy book that sound clever to you that you use as a cardboard shield to incoming flaming arrows that might light up your straw pile.
I don't know what's there - but know this: you can claim I said something I didn't and say "fixed" - but you can't do that with the Word of God. The Word of God you reject will Judge you - not you It.
Blatant lies don't help your argument. I've gone on record multiple times saying that I'm willing to change my position on the non-existance of gods should I ever see sufficient evidence. It is theists who refuse to even consider the possibility they are wrong, not me.
Unfortunately for theists, there is no evidence at all for a god.
Which explains why you're in demolition instead of construction.
Proving you still don't know what atheism is. If you did, you would find this question as ridiculous as I do.
I don't need faith to move forward. In fact, it is only without blind faith that moving forward is even possible.
I'm 10000% sure that the bible is bullshit. I win.
Circular reasoning fallacy.
You keep describing yourself.
One doesn't need to try, one is whether they like it or not. Those who accept this truth are truly free. Those who don't are willing slaves who give up everything and receive nothing.
Better to make my own way than to let fear and ignorance compel me to follow the ridiculous beliefs of people who knew so little of everything that a grade 1 student from the worst school on the entire continent would crush them in nearly every possible category of knowledge.
Maybe I'm not trying to go anywhere.
Maybe you're jealous that this doesn't bother me, while it petrifies you.
Who cares? It doesn't matter. I am where I am, and I'm fine with that. I'm a lot better off than the average person, so I think I'm ok.
I have no problem discussing death. It doesn't scare me. Hasn't scared me for a long time.
You, on the other hand, are terrified of death; and you desperately cling to any false hope you come across in a vain attempt to deny the inevitable.
Yet another perfect description of yourself.
Wrong. Oh I can't change the word of your imaginary friend, no. After all, it's your imaginary friend, and I'm not you. But your imaginary friend doesn't exist, and can never judge me. On the flip side, I can judge it, and I do. It is guilty of being a lie. The sentence is non-existence.
And the insane fool again proves he's an insane fool. Coming soon!
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Quite unpredictably, the Troll and its Feeder recycled the same conversation yet again...and most unpredictably of all, it was still quite easy...
"I'm bored. Que the Feeder and/or Troll..."
There are no theists on operating tables.
I'm so awesome. Crushing a fake theist and a poor attempt at a poe for months and months, making them both my bitch.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Nothing has changed, we love Him because He first loved us - and that's a great way to start your day in fellowship with the Living Christ.
We don't have a righteousness of our own - no "appearance" (don't need one either). Jesus Christ is our Righteousness - our focus is on Him, our Life is in Him, our faith is in Him. This is Substance in a world of appearance - Bread that is Bread indeed, Life that is Life indeed, Real Knowledge (Knowing God and His Word), Real Wisdom (Christ is Wisdom), Understanding our sister.
As far as Who is running things - it's not man's ideas, polls, scientific experiment, politics, programs, policy. No wisdom, no counsel, no understanding can avail against The LORD. The horse is made ready for battle but the victory is wholly The LORD'S.
re :: “If we never experience the chill of a dark winter, would we ever cherish the warmth of a bright summer’s day ?''
“If we never experience the chill of a dark winter, would we will ever cherish the warmth of a bright summer’s day?''
Please Note:: The Uploaded image, the Image is addressed for only four parties Off-site (only); I tried to explain, recall ? --
No, it's a great way to be a fanboy for fiction. Theists are really no different than Trekkies. Except Trekkies are a fair bit more likely to debate rationally.
All lies.
Now for my other bitch to bend over.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
The Feeder contnued to pretend he was accomplishing great things by continuously responding the Troll, while it was still quite easy...
And now it was time for the Troll to regurgitate yet anothr jesus/Bread/Spirit/Water/Lamb post; and for the Feeder to pretend It was worth responding to.
There are no theists on operating tables.
Vastet: Jump!
zarathustra: Yes master!
Mua ha ha
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
What's your view of the you tube video : Rupert Sheldrake - The Science Delusion BANNED TED TALK
What's your view of the you tube video : Rupert Sheldrake - The Science Delusion BANNED TED TALK
Meph/Fonz: Feed me!
Vastet: Yes, my little Troll!
I'm not watching youtube videos made by idiots.
lol zara continues to fail to realise I'm not feeding trolls, I'm ensuring the theist pretenders never get the last word. If anything, you two morons are feeding me!
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
You should get out more. One line about evolution is: "give me one miracle and I can explain the rest" ... ha
You're not feeding me TFS - you stumbled onto a truth there: along with your taking no pleasure in understanding, only expressing your opinion.
You should get out more. One line about evolution is: "give me one miracle and I can explain the rest" ... ha
You're not feeding me TFS - you stumbled onto a truth there: along with your taking no pleasure in understanding, only expressing your opinion.
You should learn more. Evolution has nothing to do with miraculous events. I bet a theist made that line up. HA
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
The never-ending battle for the second-to-last word continued, though it was still quite easy...
There are no theists on operating tables.
The insane fool continues to feed me. CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Are there fake evolutionists and fake atheists? I know there are fake Christians (source: Bible) (there were fake Jews as well) - of course the fakes didn't make God unfaithful.
I'm not much of a gardener - one time I planted tomato seeds and ended up mulching a weed.
The thing that clears up the Real from the fake for me is The Word of God.
What do you use dr. Vas to determine a fake evolutionist (idiot as you say) that you don't/won't even listen to? Is it sort of like one miracle you give yourself ?
I'm quite certain there are. It would be difficult to prove however.
People are incapable of pretending to be something they aren't for extended periods of time. Because they don't actually believe what they pretend to believe, they don't invest sufficient effort and time into learning everything they would need to know in order to maintain the charade indefinitely. That results in them making mistakes. They'll say something that they would know was false if they actually believed what they said they did.
I could pretend to be a christian for brief periods, I've had the religion shoved down my throat most of my life and have acquired a significant amount of knowledge about it as a result. But if I tried to hang out with christians for awhile and pretend to be one myself, they would figure it out because I never actually attempted to learn the religion intentionally and intensely. I'd mess up on some verse or not know the answer to some random question or not laugh at a joke and I'd be outed as a fake.
No miracles necessary, just observation and intelligence applied correctly.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
The Feeder isanely thought he had the last word, but failed to predict that it was still quite easy...
There are no theists on operating tables.
Every time the insane fool zara says something stupid from this point forward I'm just going to say CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP, as he feeds me endlessly. He's motivating me to continue to respond even more than fonzie does.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
dr. Vas,
It's my opinion that those who try to shove "religion" don't have the real thing, "can't get no satisfaction" - and for sure "religion" is not the real thing.
The shoving is actually a part of the fake unsatisfied need to see oneself religious and share the misery - hold court live out a lie (bully for you - chili for me) and try out the "judges chair" on laws they think they're following and others aren't. It gets pretty distorting in fakeville. It's a portable hell BTW...
A new life in Christ through faith IS real and sustaining. I had to get navigated through the other to find the real. A miracle I didn't shipwreck it coming at me in that way.
Moment by moment I am in a conscious war - the devil trying to get me on the mat (like he used to) and Christ strengthening me, The Spirit coaching me - it's tiring but a good kind of tired.
Is atheism then a battle to keep from becoming a fake - or a downhill slide easy as tic tac toe?
Your opinion is irrelevant. Facts say otherwise.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
The Feeder was lackng motivation to continue responding, until...
And the Feeder (predictable as always) would shortly return to use the new word he had learned ( "CHOMP" )...
There are no theists on operating tables.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
re:: For our intrepid OBSTINATE explorers . . Note T0:: Off-Site - ONLY!
(Smile) And there she is . . . Image is the Comment (Addressed to OFF-Site/Omni-0FF-Site 0NLY) --
Trouble with making that all out, then try mouse-clicking this below or import to a paint program, before you ask me, K ?
Aways a mistake to address this to a sole individual or at the risk of sounding stupid . . So I hear in Islam wasn't Eve being blamed for tempting Adamah to eat the fruit?
P.S. -- (Smile) And there she is . . .
Does this represent one of your "answers"; as in,
"I've answered ALL that before" -
a post you can proudly refer back to
where you "covered that" -
and have you reached the point
where you actually really
believe it yourself if you say that
or does this just illustrate an escape
"jumping to Catalina"
while thinking you've pontificated from atheist mountain heights
or do you want to just phone in another
On-Topic /Comment to the OP Fonzie -- I believe, That is a regional expression, which most of the site wouldn't understand what is meant by "jumping to Catalina". So, No one jumped what again ?
Fact: I'm not religious. Fact: I get plenty of satisfaction, and unlike theists I believe only in what is testable and verifiable; ie: real.
Thusly you are demonstrably wrong, and your opinion is irrelevant.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
The Battle for the Last Word intensified...
"I'm bored. Que the Feeder and/or Troll..."
There are no theists on operating tables.
A game, jumping off pier at Santa Monica beach toward Catalina 22 miles away - some jump farther, none make it. Is there a difference in situations - yes - but nobody can make it on their own.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
your "facts" look pretty hard to prove - especially the type of "proof" you would demand from... say me
I don't think you operate on facts like you think or say - maybe convenient revelation
how do you learn so well and misunderstand so thoroughly...example:
I was saying: that somebody trying to shove faith in Jesus down others' throat hasn't found the Real Thing themselves
I wasn't talking about you being religious or trying to shove what you don't have or know where you don't shove
but I did ask if you have to work at it.. and fight for it (atheism) ...or just go with the current, the downhill slide, as if any old fool can fight uphill
you say I don't understand atheism - I'm not an atheist Vas (fact) - you are, it's your thing or your nothing... whatever
you haven't explained it - unless you say "fact - I did" and would refer to one of those "ridiculous" "projection" "idiot" "insane" "not a stamp collector" non- answers
why don't you give the length and breadth of it - i.e. atheism - for all to see
is she pretty - a gold ring in the nose? can she hunt? can she cook?
you don't seem like the bashful type - that can't be it
are you ashamed to climb out - and spell out - the black hole of atheism in all of its 2 dimensions?