Atheist vs. Theist

Vastet's picture

Ohio church's neighbours say it's disturbing the peace

MASSILLON, Ohio (AP) - Is it worship? Or disturbing the peace?

Neighbours of Worshippers of Christ the Warrior King Church have petitioned the city, saying screams and sounds of glory and praise coming from the building are a nuisance.

But church members contend they're being harassed because of how they worship.

"Sunday morning is God's day of worship," Rev. Troy Sowell said. "I'm not going to tell this congregation, 'You're being too loud."'

Sowell says he's open to finding a solution but is not going to forfeit his right to worship God.

Police responded to noise complaints three consecutive days during a revival last year, after the congregation moved in.

Dave_G's picture

True or False?

If we want to avoid Hell we should find the religion with the worst hell and convert to it.


As for myself if hell is real i would choose Islam...


When you're kids act up will you send them to the gas chamber? No? Then you are better than G-d.


If you could have 'e stopped 9-11 would you have done so? Yes? Then you are better than G-d.


Add me on FFT:

One of thoes

I title this "One of thoes" because the title of "My mom" requires infinatly more description.


My mom is one of thoes that say that animals have no soul..

 I specifically remember many things about my dog, that resembled emotion; Annoyance, pleasure, pain, sadness, happyness, and even depression.  I had a problem with my mom's explenation that animals have no emotion(or soul), even before I knew the meaning of the word "atheist".

 According to my mom(as I rememeber) and most theists, god allows bad things to happen to teach us how much god loves us.

BenfromCanada's picture

God DOES heal amputees! (right)

My reply:


1: In the book of Luke, a soldier's ear was "amputated" by a sword, and Jesus healed it. Now, if this was in the Bible, it's possible for people to be healed who have lost body parts.

2: Amputation is not always a treatment. There are a lot of accidents that sever limbs. This is an injury that, by definition, takes off a limb.

3: Amputation does save lives. Doctors, not god, takes off limbs. Why do you give the credit to god, not the people who did it?

Iruka Naminori's picture

New Rule: Guns don't kill people; crazy people kill people

Bushies and their imaginary friend, Jesus. Laughing


Dave_G's picture

Sex from the Koran

  1. Virgins await those who enter paradise. 2:25


  2. It's OK to have sex with your wives on the night of the fast. 2:187


  3. Don't have sex with menstruating women. 2:222


  4. Have sex with your women whenever, however, and as often as you like. 2:223
  5. 2:

  6. 2: -->


Sir Valiant for Truth's picture

A Critique of Miller-Urey and it's applications

Miller Urey, while appearing to support spontaneous biogenesis, in actuality indicates the reverse. The model of the atmosphere was incorrect, the Oceanic "primordial soup" has never been shown to exist, the experiment itself was rigged for the production of organic molecules, and the published results were skewed by omitting some of the results.

 The atmosphere of ancient Earth, according to Miller-Urey, was composed of Methane, Ammonia, and Water (with traces of Hydrogen.) This atmosphere is by no means the actual ancient Earth atmosphere: there are at least two other atmospheres that are considered, but are often discluded because of much lower yield of organic molecules. The atmosphere is also thought to have been Carbon Dioxide and Water, or Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen, both of which are far less reductive, hence were not put to the Miller-Urey experiment.

James Cizuz's picture

Why did Jesus not stay in hell?

When overlooking all these claims about Jesus "giving himself up for our sins" or "suffering for our sins" or even "god gave up his only son for us".


God wanted to forgive sin forever, instead of just forgiving us, he tries to impress us by sending his "only son" which is also himself. He then makes himself/his son go through a short torture session, then to hell for three days. It would of made a lot more sense for god to stay in hell as Jesus to forgive the sins of future, yet like a pussy leaves after three days onto complete happiness. How is that a sacrifice, or giving up his son at all? Is Jesus still existant in heaven? Then he did not give him up. Did he impress us? Well a lot of delusional people he did. Did he make a sacrifice of him? Well depending on how you take sacrifice, I would say no. A sacrifice would require either Jesus staying in hell, or vanishing.

Dave_G's picture

Hey atheist if you find a bible believing christian you can get rich!!!!!

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: "Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again." (Luke 6:30, repeated in Matthew 5:42) Try asking Christians for their houses and possessions, and see how faithful they are to the teachings of Jesus. Borrow a Christian's car and see if they ever ask for it back. Modern believers know that Jesus was wrong and the bible is not to be taken literally.


Lengthy discussion on answerbag

 Thought 'd post this here. It's a lengthy discussion on answerbag that I take part in as we speak. It's about the origin of life I guess, and evidence for God. It's the same of old I guess, but I decided to post it anyways. It's quite long ;P

 The discussion takes place in the comment-section of Xandermans answer. You guys jump on in there.

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