Atheist vs. Theist

Maragon's picture

Can someone help me out with this debate? I think my brain just ate itself. >_<

This is incredibly long-winded, so I apologize, and normally I do all of my own debating. But I've never seen some guy, I don't know....ignore my factual explaination of evolution.

If any of you have any ideas as to how I could reply to this, I'd appreciate it. I totally thought I had this one. Sad


Hi MaragonEvolved,

If you could be completely honest, you would have to admit that you believe what you believe only by faith. For instance, evolution has not been proven and the honest biologist will tell you that it is but a "working hypothesis."

You DISbelieve in any god by faith. You cannot refute it beyond doubt. The Christian believes in God by faith. His Presence cannot be proved beyond doubt.

Both the atheist and the theist have one very interesting thing in common - they both believe what they believe BY FAITH.

I have studied evolution for years. I have been a Christian for years. If you can prove BEYOND doubt that there is NO God and that evolution is 100% fact, I will leave Christianity behind. I'm not at all worried though.

GlamourKat's picture

Is homosexuality a choice? [split off from "Why is Homosexuality , still wrong?"]

After the "Is Homosexuality still wrong?" thread went explody in Kill em with kindness, I decided to put my unanswered questions up in Atheist vs. Theist.

So, to anyone, atheist/theist, straight/bi/gay, lemme' know what you think.

Most theists who insist gayness is a choice didn't choose to be straight themselves as far as I can tell. If god supposedly didn't make gay people, then WHY would a person have to smother same sex attraction and choose heterosexuality?

I've never met anyone who was bisexual but chose to "act straight". It makes it sound like gay men are either bisexual but choose to have sex with men exclusively, or straight men who for some reason, choose to have sex with men even though they are not attracted to them at all......

I just want to know HOW sexuality is a choice, if you in fact did not choose. What would one base this idea off of? What possible reason would people who "were created by god to be straight" have, to choose to be gay?

Okay, so hypothetically, god doesn't create gay people, right? They are not born that way, correct? God only makes straight people. So what POSSIBLE reason would a gay person have to be gay? Obviously they aren't attracted to men, since god doesn't MAKE men who are attracted to men. So why would they make this choice? Who chooses to be gay? Noone I know.

Debate Assistance

I've recently engaged in a rigorous debate with some of my fellow students regarding their Theistic beliefs, specifically the core tedants of Christianity. I am in need of assitance in refuting these points:

 1. Belief in a God makes me feel good, therefore it is acceptable. (Just because something makes you feel good doesn't make it true, for one)

2. Christianity "makes the most sense" in his mind after comparing it to the other major religions of the world. (Well I'm sure it would considernig he was indoctrinated)

3.We can not comprehend God and therefore the leap of faith is required, along with constant doubt. This leap of faith is virtous. (Untested belief is something that we should be striving for?)

Win $1,000! Prove Rational Atheism


if you,as a non-theist,  can expalin inductive science without invoking
God, we will give you $1,000.

The philosophy department at Stanford University will be the disinterested
third party judge to see if you can.

Good luck


2000 points--as good of time as any.

Yup, with this post I have reached 2000 points and, as such, time to bring about my permanent RRS forum retirement.

So.. if ever I post again-- shoo me away and remind me that I likely have other things to do.

So, here it goes-- a mental summation preclude to parting:

I know little and believe a lot.

When time brings my end, I will only have myself to credit with the life I have chosen to lead.

If God exists, so be it--things will be as they will be. If God does not exist, so be it-- things will be as they will be.

So, I say in closing, no matter-the-fact in the here-after or the here-not-after, I will try to live my life in accordance what I believe to be the fullest.

If this leads to me atheism, so be it, I cannot fight my own mind. If this leads to theism, so be it, I cannot fight my own mind. Therefore, let me not judge anothers, only act in good contrary to bad acts.

What would convince you of a God(s)'s existance

You keep asking for proof of a God, what type of proof would be required?


Notice how I said 'a God(s)'s' not neccesarly the Christian God.

Topher's picture

Revelation 3:16

Revelation 3:16

“So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”

At face value, it can been seen as suggesting you should either believe or don't believe, but don’t part believe i.e. don’t be a moderate.

But what do scholars consider the meaning of this passage is?

Questions for Atheist visitors

Okay, first off, i am not a Christian, and i don't believe in Religions... but i am not oppossed to them either. So there are two main things i was wondering about upon discovering the RRS. First: why are you trying to convert other people to atheism? Second: why do you call yourself "rational" and declare theists as irrational? I mean on what scientific basis do you declare yourself "rational". My understanding was allways that there was no scientific evidence based on experiments that could objectively disproof the existence of any Gods and any higher beings. Only if you have such proof, could you call your disbelief in Gods  "rational". Otherwise your disbelive is merely a "believe".

doctoro's picture

The Problem of Suicide

When approaching existentialism and atheism, theists often contend that these are depressing ideas that will lead one to suicide.

BUT, I think it is logically proveable that all children should kill themslves and/or we should kill all children if we take Christianity to be true.

P1. Heaven is a great place.

P2. Hell is a terrible place.

P3. All kids go to heaven.

P4. Once reaching a certain, ambiguous age, children are accountable for their actions and may be sent to hell for being bad or disbelieving in God.

Conclusion: Since children have the possibility of going to hell after a certain age, we should either kill all children or tell them to commit suicide in order to ensure passage into heaven.

Dave_G's picture

What about all the good things people have done because they were religious?

What do you think of them?

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