Atheist vs. Theist

Thoughts on the state of "atheist vs. theist"

This is troubling me, and I think it is why I keep coming back here.  I am a Christian, therefore, my arguments come from that Christian worldview.  Oftentimes I have simply reiterated a Christian point, and then, to my surprise several people attack what I have said, called me a liar, arrogant, rude, prideful, etc.  And I’m left wondering, what on earth did I say that incited so much anger?  Truth is, I am a caring person who wants to improve and make a positive impact on the world.  I love animals, I respect the earth, I think we need to take better care of it.  If I’ve harmed someone, I want to make amends, etc.  So, I honestly do not understand where your anger comes from.  Is it simply because I don't agree with you?

mindspread's picture

Dinesh D'Souza, Atheism, Virginia Tech

Atheist VT professor responds to anti-atheist rant after shootings:



Original Sin was caused by faith ?

According to the 'logic' of Genesis, Adam and Eve's gullibility was responsible for The Fall since they were born innocent, unable to distinguish between the validity of God's instructions and those of God's indirect creation The Devil (in the form of a snake), therefore they just believed whatever they were told and here we are, sinners all.


Hiya. This is my first post here & I thought I'd share them here and get your opinions on what has been said.

Note: I will not post his name or where he teaches (I have not told him I was going to post this). But, he has taught Bible & theology for many years and has a Ph.D from the University of Manchester (UK). Here are the emails (starting in order).

My first email:
"I have a question that I thought you may be able to help me with (hope this is no bother to you).

I have a question about the justness of hell (if it is just to be punished "infinitely for a finite crime.&quotEye-wink I am wondering what your opinion on that is. How is it just to be punished for infinity for a crime (i.e . not taking Christ as savior) that may last onlyl 30-50 years. Thanks."

phooney's picture

MisterDax Chemistry Tutorial

This is a post aimed at MisterDax, who posted in another one of my threads, helping out with some chemistry.  However, anybody who is also well versed in the field, I would certainly appreciate the help/opinions.

In my other thread "intelligent design debate I'm having at the moment", I said I was presented with an argument based on a chemical equation of G=H-TS, saying that for the reaction of life to occur, certain values that supposedly can't logically happen must happen.

dark_stumpy's picture

proof of god's existence

Proof of god’s existence. 

            Ok, it’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally here. This is three, powerful arguments, combined to make the strongest proof (I think) you’ll ever get. Short of dieing. So if this turns out not to be enough, do I have any volunteers to go die? Oh well, this’ll have to do. And so you know, I understand how futile quoting the bible is to atheists, so no quotes here!

phooney's picture


My debate continues of course, and now somebody has brought up entropy: 


OLD) Posted By: Brink on Thu Apr 19 19:19:26 CEST 2007
phooney i posted tons early on only to stop when u didnt disprove but is the evidence now disprove....

the world is constantly moving closer and closer to total than if something is constantly moving towards a chaotic state can it be originally organized if organization is the antithesis of nature's natural state as it requires much more energy to sustain than chaos?

Second, if energy can neither be created nor does it exist....
both of these are laws LIKE either you go get a chem/physic major and meet up with issac...or you wow me with some damn good math.

In Summary

Religion as projection.

“I know I'm worshipping correctly, rather than cherry-picking and exercising personal moral preferences and obeying social norms, because... whoa, hey, American Idol's on!”


Religion as passive-aggression.

Question about existence.

A quick question that has always been fun for me to think about whenever I happen to be stuck in traffic. Smiling

What evidence do you have that everything you see exists as external entities?

[edit for clarification] This is the old what evidence do you have that this is not all a dream, all a hallucination, or.. like internal creation, type question.


Since  no theists cna post in freethinking annonymous I think it is only fair that theists. This post should be a gathering of theists on the website Hopefully we can work together to stregnthed our agruments and spread the truth

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