Atheist vs. Theist

We're All Jewish!!!!!!!

Never thought of this one before, but this pretty much nullifies the entire NT.

If Noah was jewish and his family after they found land multiplied the Earth, how can there be Gentiles? According to the Bible, we are all from the Lineage of we're All Jewish. ??????

A xian's perspective most appreciated here. 

What would it take?

This is a question for theists - what would it take for you to STOP believing in God? Obviously, it's impossible to prove something doesn't exist, so don't even try going there. If nothing would get you to do this, doesn't that make you something other than open minded?

What is the Role of the Crucifixion in Christianity?

what about the crucifixion is meaningful to christians? is it that jesus died on the cross? is it that he was resurrected after three days instead of one day or one minute or four weeks?

as i understand it, the logistics of jesus' story seem to be what impresses most christians, but to me, they seem to be unnecessary, if not distracting. employing the dramatic manner of your exit from earth as a means to communicate a divine message seems a bit juvenile to me.

is the manner of jesus' death important? what if jesus had died of food poisoning or a heart attack? or, if he tripped and fell on the way to the crucifixion. would his story be less meaningful to christians? would jesus still be jesus?


i was just thinking the other day, what if jesus(pretending for a minute he was real) was the son of satan. to me, it would actually make more sense.

for one thing, jesus did show off. walking on water is not needed. if he was really who he said he was he would be more humble.

jesus died on the cross for our sins. wtf? hes dead... we're free? that doesnt make sense. god says we'll all be free if his son dies, like theres something higher than him that he has no control over. hes god, its like saying "im going to kill my son so i can go and buy some pop tarts".

From the YouTube (soildmoe5)

I made a video on YouTube a long time ago and got a few comments. "Debates" suck on the comment on there so I'm linking the guy here.

The video >>> (not really important tho)

YouTube wrote:

Do you not want to believe. Allah is the All Knower. Corruption had happened and Allah fixed it by bringing the Quran. Will you not then believe when it's signs explain science and the future, which need technology of today. What else do u need. Just b/c u were brought up to see God as having humanly features, doesn't mean u have to believe it and give up finding ur true creator, Allah.

No toys for Christmas....shudder.

As usual I apologize if this has already been posted (is there a search function I don't know of?).


I found the following video quite shocking, and sadly it was quite quickly removed from youtube by the user who posted it. But luckily we have undeletetube.


So go to the following link:

I wonder if this is real.Embarassed

edit: quicklink added

What moves atheists to tears?

Well, I had an interesting experience on Sunday. I was singing on the vocal team at my church for the Easter service. I get teary sometimes, because of the words and power of the music along with it, sometimes it becomes overwhelming, in a good, but also very humbling way. On Sunday, I made it thru all the songs, but the last one was a traditional spiritual. A very simple song, simple melody, but quite beautiful melody, at that...with some interesting minor/jazz chords thrown in.

The second verse..."Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree"...then the third verse..."Were you there when they laid him in the tomb," and I felt it coming...not just tears, front of 250 or so people. This is not how I wanted it to happen, I don't relish allowing 250 people to see my weakness, but the truth of those lyrics, so simple, so incredibly profound. I couldn't sing anymore, I just looked down...and...bawled. But you know what? The fact that I was in front of all those people, it doesn't really matter. I knew they would not judge me.

Unlucky13's picture

I will be interviewing a church leader... Help Wanted.

Sometime within the next 9 weeks, I will be interviewing a church leader as a project that I am doing in a World Religions class. For the first half of this interview, I will ask basic questions about Christianity (What is it, how did it start, etc) and then I will make the second half a critical interview on it. I will inform him before the interview that I am an Atheist, and that I wish do to an interview that is critical of Christianity. Hopefully I'll find one that is up to the challenge.

Now I need help in both areas. I would like to ask the priest/reverend/child rapist/pastor/etc questions during the first half that are basic, yet rare. One's that would be original but not patronizing or condescending. Just neutral and interesting questions.

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