Atheist vs. Theist

laguna117's picture

Just for fun... Fake Ray Comfort Interview about Zeus

I don't know if there is someone here who doesn't find ray comfort sophism and harrasment laughable. Like all sophism, you can change one word and a couple of expression and the effet is the same. Anyone who saw the annoying way of the master videos on youtube will know what i'm talking about (if not, check one out) Let's imagine Ray is harrassing me with his routine, and i then ask:

Laguna: When you hear a gunshot, do you know it comes from a gun?

Ray: Yes sure

Laguna: And that gun is held by someone firing?

Ray: Yes

Laguna: And when you hear a loud shout, do you think it comes from someone shouting?

todangst's picture

Common christian myths

Yes, I know that christianity itself is a myth, but my intention here is to get a good list of common myths christians hold to, concerning their myth, christianity.

What I mean is this, how often do you see the following claims/behaviors by theists on our boards?

1) "I was an atheist until age... 20,21,22, etc."


"I examined all the possible religions/worldviews and came to the conclusion that christianity made the most sense"

How is it that EVERY theist who manages to find his or her way to our boards wasn't raised a christian, but instead came to christianity through a long, arduent study of the world? How is it that we are so fortunate to be graced by such scholarly folk?

My standpoint (quite a rant really)

I don't believe in God. Really. I acctually used to believe in God, but it was more in the invisible friend way. In fact, it was excactly like in the invisible friend way.

 I was lonely as a child. I didn't feel lonely and it didn't matter much to me, but I was lonely. So, after hearing about God in class (religion class) I thought he would made a great invisible friend. So, for a couple of weeks I played LEGO with him, I also made up a friend for him (no, it wasn't Jesus). Then we came to the ten commandments and it clearly stated that you shouldn't have any other Gods before him (or something like that), and I was acctually terrified. I had, unknowingly, sinned against God. I gave him up soon after that. I was around 10 at the time.

Blasphemy Challenge is wrong

I know that this is a sponsor site for the Blasphemy challenge so I thought it was a good place to post this.

The interpretation of the verses in either Mathew or Mark about blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is wrong. The only unforgivable sin is never accepting forgiveness from God. You can be forgiven for blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Now if you blaspheme the Holy Spirit in the presence of overwhelming evidence of Gods existence, then you would lose any chance at salvation. Since as a Christian I dont believe (and I know none of you do) that we live in a time of obvious evidence or presence of God, then your denial does not ruin your chance for salvation.

Understanding an argument i was presented with by a theist.

I wish to understand this argument for the mind being an immaterial thing.

It goes like this.
1. We have universals
Universals are, from what I understand, like axioms. The number 2 was presented as a example of a universal.
2. Universals by definition have to be immaterial
3. we know universals
4. therefore there must be something immaterial

I'll try to explain better any part that someone doesn't understand. I still have the original conversation i had and if i can't make it clearer i may just post the conversation I'll see.

Thanks for the help.

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I only heard this fairly recently and never realized it before. Wonder how many Christians know it. You know how they say "Amen" a lot? You know what it means? "Amen" is one of the names of the Egyptian Sun God! Another way Christianity ripped off (or "cuntpasted" using modern internet slang) from other religions!

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The Christian War on Science

Often when we see the argument on why we should just leave believers alone or that religion doesn't hurt us, I use this as one reason to be against it. Why has Christianity always fought science? Can go back to when they argued against the Heliocentric explanation of the solar system, against germ theory of disease, etc. Modern day they argue against evolution mainly, and global warming (though some accept this), the age of Earth, etc. And notice how little most of them understand what they argue against? Just thought this is a good place to discuss it.

Absolute proof that God exists

First, there was nothing....

Then... there was Calvin.



 God exists for one reason only. Man made him up so that he could explain things that were unexplainable. Man made him up because he was lonely.

If the universe just suddenly blipped into existence from nothing, and that included mankind, then who created God? Simple: Man.

 If man did not exist, then neither would God. If the world was nothing but little fluffy bunnies and pygmy elephants, God would not exist, because animals don't need God because they don't have to worry about anything but eating, sleeping shitting, and running from predators.

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