Atheist vs. Theist

I'm a pastafarian, believer in the flying spaghetti monster expalin why I am wrong

Please could you pasta deprived ones explain why I am wrong.


The FSM created the world in 4 days (a day = whatever the FSM considers it to be)


Before using your evil heretical  argumements like science or logic



a) The FSM can falsify any scientific knowledge or observation using his noodly appendages

b) The FSM exists outside logic, time , space or any of that atheistic stuff

c) The FSM loves you FACT

d) Anything written in the gospel is FACT (if it appears to be a total contradition it includes get out clauses for that)

Symok's picture

Question for Xians: Conversion by Scripture?

You would not be convinced to convert to Islam by someone randomly quoting the Koran at you. Why do you think you could convince an atheist that the Bible is true by quoting it at them?

Atheism is not logical

Atheism is a philosophically absurd theory. The philosophers below have refuted all the best atheists in debate. Read everything you can by

William Lane Criag

J.P. Moreland

Norman Geisler

Greg Bahnsen (listen to his debates with Tabash and Stein)

Cornilius VanTill

Dabura13's picture

"Proof that god exists" by a Christian over MySpace...

Someone, Jesus Freak, posted a bulletin on how you can "get proof that god exists". I personally think it's bull. Opinions?

Her post:


There is one way to know for YOURSELF that God exists and that Christ is God. Suspend disbelief for a few moments, and take a leap of faith and have the courage to SINCERELY pray the following prayer. Now you suspend disbelief for hours at a time to watch a movie, or read a book, you can surely do it for sixty seconds to perform an important experiment!

Leaps of faith are necessary in everything, even science. We wouldn't' have made it to the Moon if Humanity hadn't taken a leap of faith that the technology to make it possible would be inventible and put in the effort to invent it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

If Christ is not real, you will be no worse off than you were before. If Christ is real you will have gained eternal life and found a new best friend.

A few words of warning; you must be willing to commit to allowing this Presence to change you into the Being He wants you to be. If you perform it half heartedly, or with no real intention of changing, you will get nowhere. Not everyone is up to performing this experiment, Are you?

"Dear Lord Jesus, I have trouble believing in you. Please help my unbelief. If you are real, please forgive me my faults and help me to forgive others. Thank you for taking responsibility for my faults yourself by dying on the cross for me, and help me to overcome my faults. Please come to live inside of me. Be my Lord and Savior. Help me to live for you, and help me to help others find you. Amen."

If you pray that prayer, soon you will know for yourself that God is real, but if you don't pray that prayer you may or not believe in Him, but you won't have Him living inside of you, loving you from the inside out, from the deepest marrow of your being outward. It is not enough just to believe. Even demons believe.

No one learns anything without performing experiments. If you don't try to find God, you never will, because He only goes where He is invited."

ATOMIC SKUNK's picture

The Terrible Trio

"And he smote of the men of Beth-shemesh, because they had looked into the ark of Jehovah, he smote of the people seventy men, `and' fifty thousand men; and the people mourned, because Jehovah had smitten the people with a great slaughter. And the men of Beth-shemesh said, Who is able to stand before Jehovah, this holy God? and to whom shall he go up from us?" 1Samuel 6:19-20

"When they came to the threshing floor of Nodan, Uzzah reached out his hand to the ark of God to steady it, for the oxen were making it tip. But the Lord was angry with Uzzah; God struck him on that spot, and he died there before God." 2 Samuel 6:3-7

Logical Challenge for an Atheist

Here's a logical challenge:

 First, an introduction: From the perspective of logic and philosophy, the only position that can be taken without evidence is agnosticism. That is to say, agnosticism with an open mind is the only default position.

 The atheists on this site essentially are arguing from this form categorical proposition: God is one who does not exist.

 What proofs can you offer for this proposition?

(Remember, that in logic, an argument against a position is never an argument for a position)

(Also remember, that in logic, a syllogism is only true if its constituent parts are true - and provable through inductive reasoning)

Dabura13's picture

My friend wants to leave Christianity but is scared...

I have a friend who is Christian only out of the fear that they put through the minds of children. He is 16, my age, and I think he deserves better. I've recommended him to this site and he is creating an account as I speak. I think that the more we can help and encourage people to leave that fear of Christianity, the more often we can help people out in this case. Care to leave input?

Vanguard's picture

Sam Harris vs. Reza Aslan debate on Book TV

I was a bit disapointed with Harris in this one, it just seemed he didn't present some of the more effective evidence and points that he did in his books. I found Aslan to be minorly impressive.

Here's the video on youtube:

Rigor_OMortis's picture

A challenge for true faith

Ladies and gentlemen, and when I say this I'm addressing it towards theists,


Recently, when paying a visit to the local courthouse, I've come across a little boy selling newspapers. I found out about his story by accident, just seeing him and asking what he was doing there.

The fact is that he has just about enough money to survive. Not much more. The local community has offered him a home and a job, some clothes, and food, occasionally.

If theists were to follow the words of Jesus Christ, then a most sensitive thing to do would be to give all their riches to the poor.

Deleted for redundancy


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