Atheist vs. Theist

Hambydammit's picture

Comparative Religion 101 Final Exam

Posted on the Sam Harris Reader Forum by:
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Posted: 1329 3 Mar 07
Post subject:
Religion 101 Final Examination


This is the final examination for the course. Anything below 60% will be treated as an F. The essay at the end is optional. Writing it will add an automatic 10% to you total grade based on the mutiple choice questions. Good Luck!

Funny Stuff

Although I'm a theist / Catholic, I've NEVER been angered by anything I've read on this site. In fact, it's usually just the opposite - much of the time, I'll have a good chuckle re many of the posts - i.e. belief in God is a form of mental illness (if only mankind could be as "mentally ill" as Mother Theresa) or disappointment in a political candidate i.e. Barrack Obama because he expresses a deep belief / faith in God / Christ and therefore you're not going to vote for him - pretty naive stuff in my opinion.

Deleted for redundancy


Hambydammit's picture

And You Don't Think This is a Myth?

I wrote this for a separate topic, but it's so wonderfully concise, I have to repost it for further comment.

This, guys and gals, is what Christians believe. This is the story of the bible in an extremely condensed version.

All I want to know is, why wouldn't I believe this is a myth?


Without further ado, the Hambydammit Condensed Version (HCV) of the bible:

Once upon a time, an invisible being named God, who can do anything he wants, and who knows absolutely everything there is to know, including everything that will ever happen anywhere in the universe, decided to make the universe.

Rigor_OMortis's picture

The Gods that have suddenly become silent

(note: this is a short essay I wrote last year; formatting has been partly removed to be compatible with the forum; the essay was part of a bigger project for a University topic roughly translated into English as "law logic and argumentation", so also please note that this is a translation, do not burn me if my English isn't perfect at times)

We are currently witnessing what no animal kingdom would have ever thought would be possible: the days wehn nobody is a stranger. The days where everyone can learn about anything anywhere. The days when ignorance is simply not excusable anymore. It is simply not possible that something really big happens in one part of the world, and the rest of the world doesn't find out about it. Hurricanes, storms, earthquakes, pollitical turmoil, everything that one can imagine possible is publicised all over the world, if it happens.

Views from a life long Atheist

As the title says i have been an atheist for my whole life.


To get a few things out of the way, reasons i don't post is that im not very intelligent biblical wise. So i read things and get lost. I don't care for the bible because my arguments and reasons for not beleiving in god is reality. 


I ask  the real simple questions and common sense things. The simplicity of my arguments may seem elementary to some of you. If god is real, and i never seen, heard, tasted (YUCK), felt, smelled(YUCKx2) him why would i beleive something i have never come in contact with? If he is everywhere why can't i see him, how can he been invisable? How does he live in the clouds, i was looking all day and didn't see anything. *sigh*. If god is all loving why does he choose to kill millions. I could go on about jsut simple realistic things i see everyday against the mythological fairytales that is described as 'God'. 

doctoro's picture

Fantastic Existence, Caner, and Apologists (Christians Who Claim to be Rational)

I was thinking of a new argument for atheism that I will dub the: "FANTASTIC EXISTENCE ARGUMENT". Theism is an extremely desirable belief. Human Souls. Everlasting Life. Angels. Easy answers to the toughest questions of life. All of us WANT a fantastic existence, but it is merely FANTASY. A fantastic existence is something everyone wants, but atheists want the truth. (Consider that by fantastic existence, I am implying fantasy, not a synonym for “great” or “exceptional”.)

crushingstep7's picture

Aruguing w/ Myself Again

 Me arguing myself:


1. God is all powerful and loving.

2.Evil exsists.

3.God wouldn't be all powerful if evil exsisted, unless he purposely allowed it to exsist in which case would show God to be unloving.


Firstly, there would have to be an absolute idea of good and evil. This does not exsist, as good and evil are perspectives. Certain things may be accepted as good or evil by a majority, but none the less it is impossible to come up with a standard for what good and evil are.

The Watchmaker

Hey, you Christian dumbasses like to use the "watchmaker" argument to prove your dumbass god - guess what - 99% of species that ever existed are extinct! What do you think would happen to a watchmaker who 99% of his prducts failed? - he'd fly out on his ass with a footprint on one of his asscheeks! So is your God lazy, stupid or cruel? Or non-existant! Face it - your God either doesn't exist or he is either a bad god or a stupid one.

Blasphemy Challenge Dissent (all threads combined)

A second attempt to get the Blasphemy Challenge dissent working...


edit: It didn't work. Oh well, sucks that all the dissenters couldn't figure out how to follow the board rules and post their concerns in a thread that was already started. The excessive merged topics, broke the thread.

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