Atheist vs. Theist

Yellow_Number_Five's picture

Gud the Better God.

This made me laugh my ass off, do check it out:

Jesus, Satan, or both?

The following will no doubt upset many naive Christians, but if anyone wishes to indulge in Christian lore, the image of Jesus and God has an amazing twist that few Christians realize or want to think about. It begins from two incredible verses from the Old Testament :

AND Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.

-I Chronicles 21:1

Proof that Jesus Christ never existed!!! Christians read!

It has just been revealed to me that Jesus Christ never existed. I can't imagine living without this knowledge now that I have it. I feel so complete, and it feels so good to finally know the truth that Jesus Christ in fact NEVER existed.

I hope you too are able to find this truth.

Archangel__7's picture

How can the human race survive the next 100 years?

Happy to have made the 1000th post on this particular board. Eye-wink
(EDIT: ...rats. missed it. Puzzled)

Some of you may have heard about Stephen Hawking's question submitted on Yahoo! Answers (a sort of Q&A forum) for the public to respond to:

Hawking wrote:

In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?

Below I supply my initial reply to the question; but while it's far too easy to simply turn any issue into material that can be used as rhetorical ammo against an opposing worldview, I'll note that this is honestly the only means I know of bringing together a people willingly to unite under a common cause on a global scale and on an enduring basis.

What if humans never formed relgions.

I can think of wars would have never happened if their was no relgion. Crusades and Inqusion how many more would have never happened?

Deconvert me.

I challenge you, good luck.

Rational Atheism

Hey, Im 18 years old and have just completed a small side project I had going. Its basically a research paper/essay that I wrote on religion. I call it Rational Atheism. I know, its a funny title. I have a link to the PDF

Let me know what you think. If you find something wrong, or something I should add. Thanks.

Id say its about a 10-15 minute read, maybe less.

SAVAGE's picture


This is in refernce to the raping of the virgins in numbers:


You are drawing incorrect conclusions. You cannot assume the Jews were rapists simply because they kept the virgins for themselves. Remember the Lord God that delivered the enemies of Israel into their hands? They didn't. They had laws to live by. They risked loosing their lives as well as the lives of their family if they were to rape a young girl. I would imagine that a woman would want to prove her importance to her new husband by producing children for him. The ability to bare children was a status symbol of sorts back then.

Are you a true Christian?

I made this test on OKCupid a while back. See what you really know about the Bible!


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