Atheist vs. Theist

Arguments from theists most of us have heard


"How to Irritate an atheist"

Some foolproof methods to irritate your favorite atheist. Just be careful how you use them, or you may start wondering why the atheist is strangling you.

1) Ask them why they are bitter against God.

2) Tell them that if there's no God, they might as well go out and kill people.

3) Ask them to pray with you.

4) Invite their children to go to church with you.

5) Insist that there is a God, and show them where in the Bible it says so.

6) Hide Chick tracts in clever places around their office.

The brain: An emotional engine

The mind. Its an emotional thing. Reason is not its natural environment. Emotions are its stock and trade. Reason and rational thought are latter day adaptions we have struggled and learned to appreciate.

The things we believe and accept are predicated on our emotional experience regarding them. Fire hot burn ow! We learned something and now have come to believe something about fire. Because it has an emotional impact our brain associates that emotion with the ideas. When we think of fire that emotion is right there with our memory of it.

But its not just fire and things that our mind catalogs emotionally. Ideas and more complex issues carry emotional relevance with them as well. Religious beliefs are based in such a method. For many religious ideas are initiated at an early stage by parents. Emotional significance is gained by repeated exposure to the ideas. Each iteration builds up the neural network connecting things to the ideas contained within the religous rhetoric. And to the mind that build up of connectivity is emotions.

The GDON is irrationally fighting Flemming thread! ALL HERE!

First off, I love the movie and support the 'cause' so please don't think I'm trying to discredit what he has done, but I just have some questions/concerns.

I'm starting a club at my school which would be for Atheists & Freethinking people. We were going to cover mythology and I wanted to go over the mythological figures mentioned in The God Who Wasn't There.

So as I looked up each figure and found the according sites or information of them, through Wikipedia and other sources, I noticed that Beddru wasn't around.

I searched through Google and I found pages criticizing Flemming as a hypocrite for using this figure in his movie because it was the "real" God Who Wasn't There because it never existed and was made up in The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors.

cbenard's picture

Talking to a Christian

When talking to Christians, they try to use this "proof".

1) Do you agree we exist?
I say "Yes".

2) How did we begin to exist?
Evolution/big bang/etc.

3) What started that.
Not being a scientist, I'm perfectly ok with saying "I don't know".

They turn not knowing into "evidence" for a god. I can see this is a total logical fallacy, but they cannot. How can I explain this in a quick manner so that even the most unintelligent christian can understand.

Thanks in advance, all you more skilled atheist debaters.

6 reasons for us heathens to believe in God

the 6 reasons

"Look throughout the major world religions and you'll find that Buddha, Muhammad, Confucius and Moses all identified themselves as teachers or prophets. None of them ever claimed to be equal to God. Surprisingly, Jesus did. That is what sets Jesus apart from all the others."


staks's picture

Who's hotter?

Dangerous Talk will be having a competition to see whether the hottest women are Theists or Non-Theists. All hot women who wish to prove that their side is hotter can enter the competition by e-mailing me a picture of themselves holding the Dangerous Talk logo. Include your name, location, and whether you are Theist or Non-Theist. Pictures may be posted on Pass the word your your hot friends.

Cretinism so stupid...

That I just had to reproduce it in full:

It's been a week since the scientific world went gaga over a fish called "Tiktaalik," which is being billed as the missing link between water and land animals.

Stop right there. cHRIST, one sentence and he's already making errors! Tiktaalik is NOT "the missing link"; in actuality the process was much more complex. Tiktaalik is believed to have been capable of foraying onto the land- given the level of pectoral development I think that's probably a given- but it was still very much an aquatic creature. So it is A LINK, yes, but I would hardly say "the missing link" in so momentous a transition.

I pissed off a Theist

This started with me poster the war on easter kid's flyer.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Nik
Date: Apr 14, 2006 1:09 AM

Hey man,

I understand what you're getting at, but I believe it is innacurate to say the bible is a complete fairytale. Some of it is, while other parts are apocryphal. And a great deal of it has proven to be historical (cross referenced with other historical texts).

I also don't mind if you want to tear down Easter, but be better grounded in your "facts" before spouting off, otherwise you will look the fool.

Is Atheism a religion?


If not believing in a god is a religion (or a belief) then let's look at all the things people DON'T believe in.

I don't believe in purple cupcake monsters. Does that make me in the religion of not-believing in purple cup cake monsters?


It is not a belief I was born not believing in purple cup cake monsters and I was born not believeing is Athena or Allah oe Yahweh or any of the other gods.

EDITED IN BY SAPIENT: Last night Rook and I recorded a segment about atheism and how it isn't a belief, there is also a few minutes about the war on Easter.


I was an athiest for 33 years. Now, I know you'll all come out of the woodwork and blast me... and that's cool. But, A TRUE athiest wouldn't care about the silly "war" against Easter, Christianity, etc. He/she would shrug his/her shoulders... chuckle it off and get back to his/her day. You people must just be a bunch of liberal antagonists with a chip on your shoulder. What? not popular enough in high school so now you gotta show everyone how brillient you are by starting a conflict against what are generally a tolorant, loving group of people? When I was an athiest.... I had no problem with Christianity.

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